Cyberpunk 2077 4th update

Cyberpunk 2077 4th update

So to get ready for Cyberpunk I've started to touch back into the media I have, which made me fall in love with the Cyberpunk theme and lore. With all the negativity surrounding its release just wanted to try to have some fun and enjoy it again, less chore more fun. With recent updates I'm looking even more forwards to the game was going to wait for PS5 but depending on cost and availability may even get one before Christmas and get to see Cyberpunk on a PS5 instead of PS4. Still got my PS4 preorder since 2018 so won't be changing to a PS5 version.

 To get ready for Cyberpunk

So prior to launch I am trying to revisit some parts of cyberpunk history in gaming, movies, books, and TV series:

  • Currently reading Neuromancer by William Gibson. "Highly recommend this such a good book and I'm looking forward to reading more books like this".
  • Downloaded Deus EX Mankind Divided and to play and review - "loved the last version of the game on my PS3 just haven't got around to playing the sequel".
  • Need to rewatch and review Bladerunner and Bladerunner 2049.
  • Rewatch and review Dredd (2012). "Such a good movie sadly did not get the recognition it deserved, that deserves a sequel or TV series ...still rumored".
  • Maybe rewatch the anime movies Akira and Ghost in the Shell if I can.
  • Been recommended to watch and or read Johnny Mnemonic
  • Might watch the Ghost in the Shell live movie - "even though reviews have been mixed on it lots of people have said visually it's stunning".
  • Need to finish the Altered Carbon TV series.
  • Maybe rewatch some Ready Player One, loved this movie and loved the book - next book due to drop soon, Ready Player Two - paperback out next year.
  • Might even watch the Mad Max movies -  "My first character and playthrough will be a Nomad - I'm thinking a female techie/mechanic who can beast mode solo missions if she wanted to, as I think of the V from the original gameplay from 2 years ago at E3 2018".
  • Also need to stock up on snacks for the day - so far I'm thinking of grabbing a pack of Desperados (Beer with a shot of Tequila) which is somewhat similar to that "Johnny Silverhand cocktail" (I am determined to make it at a party sometime, as I have some proper Mexican Tequila..from Mexico AND Fiancee got me a cocktail making set!)  some Peanut M&MS, sweets, and thinking some Pizza or a takeaway for the evening!
  • I've booked a long weekend off and cannot wait to chill out, relax and play this game - I've been working so hard lately, not taking time off so it will be nice to chill out for a long weekend get some gaming done and catch up with stuff.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire Special - Look at Xbox One X & Xbox Series X Gameplay

So 17/11/2020 we got a special quick look at comparisons from gameplay on the last-generation console Xbox One X and the new generation consoles the Xbox Series X - see below for details and a play by play by a Youtube I've followed all the way since I preordered back in 2018. Check out TheNeonArcade he's been awesome to follow with the updates, opinions, reviews, and his take on the lore:

The gameplay looks incredible and I've discussed with a few friends the Xbox One X gameplay looks good but it's lacking compared to Series X gameplay - which gives me more reason to upgrade to PS5 for launch. One of my friends reckons there was a bit of lag in the gameplay for Xbox One X compared to Series X too.

  • Gameplay for the Xbox One X and Xbox Series X looks incredible
  • Some people have mentioned there's more lag on the Xbox One X than the Xbox Series X
  • The New generation console gameplay looks incredible, with enhanced lighting and graphics, makes the game more like a movie.
  • Lots and lots of interaction points and activities in-game.
  • After the surprise gameplay dropped - some people tweeted CDPR to ask if we would see Playstation gameplay as well, to which Marcin Momot advised via Twitter "Rest assured. It's coming :)"
  • When you enter a new section or district, the game will tell you, as said when entering the Chinese District in the gameplay.
  • There are Icons all over the screens to signify threats, special events, missions, etc - as we see V drive to park near the entrance to the Mega building H8 there's a car packed and an icon like a box with ammo in it - does that mean they're armed or drawn weapons? or are they ammo supply?
  • There is seen a blue/purple icon which could signify a data terminal for the mega building/hotel which could allow V access to hack or use the computer, however, sadly this is not visited. It could also be a way to store your purchased or owned vehicles?
  • When you walk into the Clouds bar, there are multiple icons everywhere to signify sitting down and pick up wine, conversations, and ordering drinks.
  • Johnny silver hand mentions the term "Sex Zombie" in the gameplay and a character seems dazed and confused on a bed - with the game being rated Mature - CDPR isn't pulling punches and could touch upon a sort of sex trafficking in missions, fixing and resolving those situations possibly.
  • When wielding a sword/katana - you can dodge, fast attack / (hold) strong attack with RT and block by holding LT - "the katana is called BLACK cool"!
  • It looks like the Chinese District or we'll call it the Red Light district, will allow you additional options, missions, and equipment. Possibly even buy prostitutes.
  • In that scene walking through the district, you can see the difference between the Xbox One X and the Series X with the lights, graphics - Xbox one has a lot fewer reflections compared to the Series X.
  • In gameplay, some people had said the initial gameplay there didn't seem to be lots of NPCs in the area but as we are walking through the district it starts to get busier. Remember the gameplay from 2 years ago and the very busy central part when V walked across the city and lots of people walking around you, there's probably going to be areas like that maybe the Chinese district is a little more open perhaps?
  • It could be when your in vehicles it seems more sparse but when your in bars, shops they may increase the NPCs so V can interact with them? This may be easier for the cyberpunk game to do rather than create all the NPC protocols at all times even when your V is on the road or on foot perhaps?
  • With the shotgun, you can hold and do a charged shot and also do a melee attack with it.
  • We get to see another Braindance scene and do a CSI-style scene investigation to breakdown the situation.
  • We see another mention about going to space or traveling out of Night City with a company Orbital Air - who knows maybe in this iteration of the game or a DLC we may get to venture into space or other parts of the world?
  • Some people have asked whether there's an Underworld underneath Night City - I wouldn't be surprised but it's most probably the underworld characters are already on the surface. There could be an old Night City depending on the Cyberpunk 2020 lore.

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2 Blu-Ray DVDs at launch for Cyberpunk 2077

So from online, I've heard you will get 2 Blu-Ray discs at launch to use when installing the Cyberpunk software - similar to the recent Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us 2 apparently (I got RDR2, not TLOU2) - this has been seen from a Reddit user who has seen the physical box case of a Playstation 4 case, the PS4 storage requirement is a 70GB download.


NOMAD - A techie/mechanic rock-loving, hard-drinking, tattoo loving, fast car heavy throttle, the hard fighting solo chick who can race, gun, and punch anyone and everything. This build might rock the enhanced strength augments called Gorilla Arms. Thinks V from the original gameplay, or Major Kusanagi (Ghost in the shell) or LEXecutioner (Armada)

STREET KID - A jack of all trades/runner/gunner/net runner / little techie, the chilled street kid who can do a mix of things and is quite brash, flashy, and a BIG talker - good in close combat fights and gunning or net running whichever is the easiest way to get the money and complete the mission. Unsure of Augments yet. Think of StarLord (GOTG)

CORPO - net runner/techie mechanic - more of a negotiator and mostly silent assassin than a talker, happier to kill you from a terminal than close up BUT a cold-blooded assassin when he needs to be - may look like Adam Jensen from Deus Ex - Might even rock a mask/helmet and or glasses if he can and I'm thinking this build might rock the Mantis Blades. I saw in recent gameplay a Maelstrom gang member fully augmented with huge mantis blade arms - who knows my Corpo might go the Karl Ruprecht Kroenen style (if you don't know what I mean watch the movie Hellboy (2004) and be masked and fully augmented?

Had a good few years to think about the builds, with this game I'm hoping it can be immersive and it will allow me to have a lot of fun and laugh in-game and be able to approach situations in my usual way in games or be able to take a different way acting as my choices Nomad, Streetkid & Corpo.

Personally, I'm the type to jump into a fight, support/back up friends, and punch the biggest baddest enemies. the best way to say I sometimes always play a tank-style character - I've done this in videogames and in DnD. Especially in Destiny, I'm the one who jumps in for a fight, otherwise known as a Titan class. I am however open to trying different ways in games depending on situations. So I think gameplay wise the 3 choices and ideas can touch upon my playstyle but they may approach situations a little different, such as the Corpo, may investigate more before jumping in and will attempt to get more info on enemies and plan his route - where the Nomad, may think to jump in and start taking on enemies and where the Street kid may think of a somewhat safer route around the fighting.

As said my first run-through will be the Nomad, so I'm interested to see how these starting classes will impact the stories and development. You start in the badlands and apparently work your way to Night City and will be awesome to play this badass style character in a kind of Mad Max-style, cannot wait. 

The idea to play female is just me playing off the V from the first gameplay, thought she was pretty cool and I wanted to create someone a bit like that and a bit like Lexecutioner (Alexis Larkin) from the Armada book from Ernest Cline and Art3mis from his other book Ready Player One, maybe even someone like Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, someone a little alternative (shaved hair, tattoos, combat boots), who might do well and look awesome in a Mad Max Style Cyberpunk video game adventure. 

"I think my ideas for all 3 characters have a little something from my personality about each of them, from the speed-loving, rock-loving, swearing nomad, the loud talking, multiskilled, brash street kid, to the silent, calculating, and deadly Corpo. I genuinely cannot wait to jump into Cyberpunk 2077 and breathe life into these characters".

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So with potentially a new console I may also upgrade my Television to a new 4k UHD TV and sell my old one - think my current one is 32 inches and I may get a bumped up 43 inch 4k UHD TV as a 50 inch would be far too big for my games room and unit 

The Plan is when I eventually get the new PS5 is to run and sync the PS5 with my PS4 - THEN move my PS4 to my lounge, as it's currently in my games room, and I may box up the old PS3 for retro reasons or depending on sell value (on this I checked and would get maybe £20-50, so no deal).

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So its finally here and what a Night City Wire it was, sadly no Playstation comparisons between the PS4 and PS5 we reckon that will come prior to launch - but story CGI, the actual gameplay, and footage shown were brilliant, we got a lot more gameplay, lot more interactions - motion cap behind the scenes footage and Keanu Reeves interview. I think we will get more adverts and possibly little special announcements but let's dive right into it my Choombas:


  • The facial animation system looks next generation and incredible - utilizing a system called JALI tech, which allows Cyberpunk 2077 to be used in 10 languages - it takes lip-sync and facial keys and helps the character to actually follow the script regardless of language differences - unlike previous games where characters/animation in past the lip-sync does not match.
  • Misty the character we see in Cyberpunk 2077 is the same girl we see in the gameplay from 2018, who advises Victor the Ripper Doc will see V - In this trailer, we got a better look and she is more or less a copy or nod to the character from BladeRunner Pris, the escaped replicant.
  • We see a sex addled street in the Chinese District, apparently called "Jig Jig Street" with sex workers on corners, posters, sex-themed shops and is very much rated 18+.
  • You can throat punch other NPCs but not recognized characters.
  • V seems to be reliving some of Johnny Silverhand's memories due to this fusion with the special chip V has stolen from Arasaka, it also seems Johnny may have some sort of control over V at points in-game.
  • Johnny Silverhand has his own agenda on how to dismantle the big corporation Arasaka, this has straight ties to the Cyberpunk 2020 lore, where the Japanese corporation kidnapped Johnny's girlfriend Alt Cunningham, who was forced to develop a program called the Soul Killer - We think we see Alt Cunningham in the memories.

  • We get a behind the scenes with Keanu Reeves AKA Johnny Silverhand - and we see his motion capture stunts and see him recording his voice-over work in the studio and how much he has enjoyed working on this game. It is noted Johnny Silverhand has the most lines throughout the game.
  • We hear from Boris Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz, who is one of the lead writers at CDPR and English Adaption Director, makes an appearance and also helps do motion capture with Keanu Reeves - you'll notice he's the voice over from the Deep Dive and the 48min gameplay shown 2 years ago. 
  • He talks about how much fun he had with the ultimate professional Keanu Reeves and how much fun and deep developing the story has been. They discussed how they were going to develop the game, enlisting actors and rockstars to voice their digital music and scenes, and even talked about reviving and animating a recently deceased singer to act as  Johnny Silverhand. 
  • It's mentioned that Pondsmith himself always imagined Silverhand as looking more like David Bowie, but apparently, Pondsmith and his wife were bowled over by how passionate and brilliant Keanu Reeves was enthusiastic at the premise and acting this character.
  • Boris talks about the role of Johnny Silverhand and advised he is more of a co-protagonist than a sidekick in Cyberpunk 2077 and both he and V have their own agendas to pursue, but they have to work together at points of the game, that helps to bond the player with both characters.
  • So it is confirmed we will get to play his memories and or maybe play as Johnny Silverhand in what is probably the main quests
  • We see Johnny as the rockstar, how he handles everything, his military past and how he survives in Night City.
  • As mentioned in my previous update there is a "Breathtaking" Trophy in-game which asks the player to collect all of Johnny Silverhand's belongings - it is rumored the items may include his glasses, the custom Porsche and a rumored overpowered custom revolver.
  • We have already heard a few songs provided by bands for the soundtrack and game of Cyberpunk 2077 - but we hear more about the original score for the game and how the focused on taking the music of the '80s with a 90's twist of  EDM, rave, and industrial music to help the narrative and stuck to analog music. The team has crafted custom music for specific quests and ended up with over 7 hours worth of music - for the internal radio shows in-game they have brought in other singers and bands to perform and apparently have over 150 tracks to listen to in-game.
  • A 6 track EP was released worldwide on most streaming services shortly after the Night City live finished
  • An image of tracks to appear in the game appeared after the episode - which didn't list 150 songs but more or less 20 songs - which didn't include the band SAMURAI or A$AP Rocky.
  • The NeonArcade tweeted if A$AP Rocky was still involved in writing music for the game and CDPR tweeted back that he is & you'll find his track in the game ;)
  • Music star Nina Kraviz makes an appearance in-game as a ripper doctor and is producing a song /songs for the game.
  • They mentioned at the end of the Night City wire that there will be a mode where you can turn off the registered music in-game, which helps streamers and content providers with not being sued for having copyright music in their stream.
  • There will be digital and In-game rewards for Cyberpunk 2077 - each copy of the game comes with digital merchandise, including an art book, a digital soundtrack, as well as a digital comic.
  • There will be a photo/camera mode so we can all take amazing pictures of our V, cars, etc.
  • There are also gameplay items you can acquire by linking your account to GOG, you can earn items that way if you have played CDPR games such as The Witcher 3 - it shows off several cool Witcher merchandise in-game - this will extend to all platforms and will be more items in the future - more to follow regarding this.

  • In an interview with Pawel Sasko, he mentions the prologue is a brilliant starter but after the prologue that's where the more meaty stories and missions start appearing 
  • It is questioned whether your class - Nomad, Corpo, street kid and or gender and choices can affect your relationship with Johnny to which he advised yes it can 
  • There is a quick save option in-game
  • There will be safe zones as seen in the game
  • The combat sequences in Cyberpunk gameplay look incredibly fun.
  • We get to see V move into their own apartment - we see this in the gameplay as if you have moved in without the posters and extras added. "Is it sad I am hoping we can customize the apartment to make it more personal?"
  • The Quadra V wee see in the comparison video between Xbox One X and Xbox Series X, I didn't notice initially, its a variant of the Quadra V inspired by the General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard (please see below)

  • Found out the car above is actually not a Quadra V its a Quadra 99 model
  • Throughout the story, the choices you make will cause ripple effects for your character however you may not realize it until later on in the game
  • Pawel also mentions they created a log of things that influenced Cyberpunk 2077 so movies like Johnny Mnemonic, The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, and books like Hardwired, the Sprawl trilogy, and Cyberpunk 2020.
  • Not all of the cars in Cyberpunk have been revealed just yet, there are models we haven't seen in gameplay and various variants of the ones we have seen.
  • The lore with Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk 2077 go hand in hand, where there's lots of lore surrounding the RPG tabletop game, CDPR used it as a starting point for Cyberpunk 2077 - so in the world for example animals are rare - and most meat is now genetically grown by food companies.
  • We get gameplay of underwater footage of V and someone searching for something underwater.
  • Around the world you will see "Shards" icons that are small chips, that will uncover emails, books, etc - these will give you lore and information regarding the game and possibly cyberpunk 2020 (please see below)

  • Minigames include hacking terminals - which is apparently quite in-depth, a fist-fighting combat tournament, and deadly street racing with guns.
  • In the gameplay - we can see what looks like a Maelstrom gang member - fully augmented with huge Mantis Blades jump in front of V or Johnny - he looked awesome!
  • Also mentioned in the Night City wire big media have been given 16 hours to stream and play copies of Cyberpunk 2077 to review (Please see below - thankfully no spoilers to the main story but lots of gameplay information)
  • Below are the current updated System Requirements.

  • It is hinted we see the 3rd Corporate War from Johnny's point of view.
  • Also, we see Johnny knocked back in a fight with what may look like a human version of Adam Smasher???
  • We also see a Nuke in a bag - is this what kicks off Cyberpunk 2077 and or is this what kills Johnny Silverhand?
  • We won't just have augmented humans to deal with in-game there will be robots as we can see in gameplay.
  • Looks like there may be a tutorial mini-game where V wears a VR headset and shoots at digital targets. 

The Night City wire ends with a gameplay trailer which looks incredible (please see below)

  • Reviewers have said the Prologue entry into the game is a fun introduction to the larger game.
  • You get a short video intro that gives you the lay of the land and introduces you to the districts in Night City 
  • Reviews claim the quests were on par with The Witchers and were incredibly fun and different.
  • Between the prologue and the main story, there will be a cinematic showing of what you have done in night city between this.
  • Side missions are a lot of fun and all are different and unique.
  • One Quality Assurance playtester has been testing the game and announced he has completed OR played the game over 175 hours and still hasn't seen everything in-game - which is amazing replayability and that's just the main game without the added DLC's 
  • There are slight glitches and bugs, but CDPR has said these are all being addressed and should be fixed on release Day with the Day One patch download.
  • Character growth and development really hit home where you actually feel for the characters - CDPR has done their homework.
  • The general consensus issue for example was the Quest and mission lists are vast and messy, where it doesn't highlight what you may unlock and or the required level you need to be to undertake it. Gamers would like the opportunity for more structure with so much to do in the game and potentially an order to successfully do it.
  • The IGN reviewer loved driving around the city and described the city as being stunning - rich in detail and no other video game city like Night City
  • Cyberpunk is a game with lots to offer and a gorgeous world you can get lost in a dozen different ways, it has its rough edges but after 16 hours of gameplay, they felt like they hadn't experienced everything and it got better the deeper they go into the story.

  • Youtubers and games media have been streaming to review and no physical copies released
  • You will be alerted if there are in-game cyber psychos nearby - NPCs will clear an area running and screaming and or gangs / Police may retaliate.
  • Various media have tried the life paths - Street kid for example drops you in the middle of Night City and with how compelling the stories and quests were they want to try out the Corpo lifestyle and the Nomad lifestyle - Corpo for the corporate agent, in the thick of it with Arasaka kind of style and the Nomad Badlands kind of adventure is completely different to Corpo and Street kid and is appealing to other players, as you start outside of Night City.
  • Lots of other characters that can develop and become personal allies, which are part of the main quest then open up to other side quests and missions.
  • Seeing the comparison of the Xbox One and Series X - these YouTubers reviewed on PC - the game looks incredible streaming online to their PC - very much looks like a movie as if they were in Bladerunner - they did come across issues such as NPS acting a little weird and glitchy and one or 2 bugs were they jumped on a bike and the arms looked weird - there will always be little polishes.
  • There are sex scenes in Cyberpunk 2077 - which the YouTuber was talking with the CDPR developer watching the scene which is hilariously awkward - for those that have seen sex scenes in games it's similar to The Witcher 3 scenes, a little bit more involved - short screens, etc.
  • However, apparently, other reviewers have said, scenes are a bit more involved than the Witcher 3 and a bit more graphic than what Geralt gets up to. Numerous positions all played from the first perspective and a fair amount of full-frontal nudity, sounds, things cut away at key moments so it never gets full-on pornographic and all over in 30 seconds - There are a lot of boobs to see in Night City.
  • There are sex workers in the game, however, you can create meaningful relationships with other characters in-game which could change the stories.
  • These relationships can affect missions and in the game, how you treat your partner/ally - this sounds like this may affect main story characters as well as Johnny Silverhand - we see them in the gameplay bickering or arguing at points.
  • Taken from an interview: "The easiest way to create bow-chicka-wow-wow situations in Night City is to seek out sex workers, who hang around certain districts like Kabuki, and who are marked on your map by a slightly parted pair of lips. I found one such woman on an infamous sex-addled strip called Jih Jig Street, although you can pick up workers of other genders as well. Finding and hiring a sex worker goes about how you would expect, with a quick discussion, a small transaction of Night Citys currency "Eddies (Euro Dollars), to trigger a sexy cutscene".

  • "Besides sex workers, you'll meet there are many other people you'll spend time within Night City, and develop some pretty close relationships with them. Both the main story and side quests put you in contact with people you'll wind up hanging around with, like Judy, a Braindance Editor, Panam, a Nomad Mercenary, and River, an NCPD Detective. As you complete missions with these characters and choose different dialogue options they can seem to affect their personal view of you V the player. You will get opportunities to have conversations and exchange texts with them and this can create more opportunities for side quests. Many of those characters have expansive story arcs that you'll work through on those side quests but whether they are deep and connect to the main story we have to wait and see".
  • Apparently, if you don't get back to characters via messages or contacts, they might get upset with you and affect behaviors - like real relationships. We can see at various gameplay screens on the HUD various messages or texts on V's phone.
  • The friendship and relationships parts can be down to the relationship building as in the Open World Games review (please see above) they mention on the way to complete a mission with the Nomad mercenary Panam, they stopped at a small motel - at the bar and Panam books 2 rooms, V suggests they share a room, which she agrees as it saves money and separate beds - V pushes her again suggesting one bed and celebrate the previous job and Panam laughs him off.
  • Everything you do may change the story for you and it all follows different paths and different twists but so many of these choices add up to create your own Night City legend.
  • In a Game Informer review - Some reviewers played the game earlier this year as a part of external testing and they thought the game was ready from their initial 4-hour gameplay - this version they've now recently played is awesome and the gameplay, gun fighting, and driving is good - the driving maybe needs a little more development. The person who reviewed it is a big FPS player and really enjoyed the FPS of Cyberpunk 2077
  • The reviewer also said the cyberpunk soundtrack sounds incredible in-game and even commented that with including the Destiny soundtrack, Doom Soundtrack the Cyberpunk 2077 could be her favorite soundtrack on a video game.

  • Don't expect to hit the ground and living the high life in Night City right away - you need to build your level, your Eddies, weapons, and skills.
  • Hope everyone ignores the reviews come launch day and just enjoy and play the game as it's intended. 


CYBERPUNK 2077 IS SET TO DROP 10/12/2020
