Attack On Titan: Wings Of Freedom PS4

On a recommendation I picked up this anime orientated game and was genuninely surprised by how good it was!!!

Think Dynasty Warriors + Spiderman gameplay + Giant scary skinless man eating titans!!

Now generally anime games havent got the best reputation when coming over to british or american markets this game however I would highly recommend!!

I may be a bit biased as being a Geek/nerd/Japan enthusiast I have seen the anime and up to date with the most recent chapter of the manga, the premise is an amazing story where humankind has reverted to living behind these giant walls while titans, huge skinless humanoids roaming the earth eating humankind. To combat these towering behemoths they create special equipment that allows them increased speed just like spiderman and his web slinging which helps them to kill these giant creatures - Theres a mystery and intrigue to the story and all the characters are brilliant reads as theres more than meets the eye.

The gameplay is similar to dynasty where you play a special character with abilities and backstory and allows you to fight multiple characters and defeat them in specific ways.

Just think your on a detailed map of a town behind huge walls, your the size of a mere human and youve got 40-50 of these towering titans of varying sizes and shapes lumbering around causing mayhem and you have to be the saviour and kill them by targeting their limbs or cutting through the nape of the kneck to end them!!
You are also joined by a small team to assist with attacks and these are givn rankings as to their effectiveness - S being being the best!

Thoroughly enjoying the gameplay and find it challenging at times when on harder missions which is good and it becomes fun when you become a whirling storm of blades cutting the titans down,

Highly recommended give it a try!!

Please keep reading my blog, any recommendations please email me.

