Warhammer: My Story part 2 Giant Aztec Dinosaurs

Giant Aztec Dinosaurs!!!!

Ok so when I did the last blog Ive missed out nearly 3 months of work! from happy to sad, tears to joy, this is the next blog post concerning Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and my Seraphon army!!

Building the Seraphon Kingdom

Finally after getting all my tools I finally finally..... fin...al...ly started building my army!!

 I started building the saurus warriors, so in the Start Collecting box I had 12 Saurus warriors, 1 being a wardrummer and 1 being a standard bearer (these allow extra perks when battling). All the models came with shields, I also gave 6x spears and 6x with celestite blades (which look amazing!!). Then using some armour gave 2 of my models armored shoulder pads as one of these would be my champion (champion gets an additional attack).

Moving onto building the Saurus Knights riding Cold Ones again came with a champion, a standard bearer and a wardrummer armed with spears or Lances (sound much cooler!!!!!!!!!!)(these came with their own extra perks and a charging perk)!! These were a little bit different to assemble still not complicated and thoroughly enjoyed making them as I added additional parts!!

 Then moving on to the Big Aztec Dinosaur!! My hero and my general - A walking destroyer that can shoot!! This originally took me an hour to do, assembling and letting it dry but its completetly worth it!! When painting in future take your time and do everything individually as its easier for you.

Creating my new army was a lot of fun, Ive never fully attempted to finish boxes of models before but I told myself I wanted to finish them, to enjoy doing it and also to grow the army.

I base painted the entire army with chaos black spray paint! Highly recommend as its much quicker just make sure the paint is levelled also ensure the model isnt overloaded with too much paint (I found out the hard way)

I picked the main colours for the Saurus Warriors and the Saurus Knights and Carnosaur - the main flesh would be Sotek Green, the additional scales would be Caledor Blue, the weapons would be painted in Auric gold and the shields would be painted Khorne red!!

The cold ones and Carnosaur I painted Khorne Red!! with black and silver highlights on scales!!

I need to at some point  finish the finer details such as the eyese, claws and teeth - I am at some point once Ive got everything done I will do them all at the same time.

I now know a lot more after painting and basing my army - Take your time dont rush it and enjoy it - these models are expensive and you ruin it if you rush - thankfully so far no issues!!

The start of War

At this point I'd started painting my army, they weren't near enough table ready (term within Warhammer-Basically means not finished.) but I was encouraged by my group of friends to journey to Gamers Emporium in Swansea to bring my army along to have a laugh and get the basics of the battle.

Carrying in the box, I brought my Seraphon tome and a copy of white dwarf!! We set up a few tables grabbed a few bits of terrain and started arranging our armies.

Thankfully my friends loved the colour schemes and thought the models looked awesome!! The colour scheme was simple but looked bright which worked!! At this point the saurus warriors, Saurus Knight riders and Carnosaur had been painted - little things such as cold ones, teeth, eyes and claws were unpainted and left black.

First taste of Blood 

We all set up our armies and I got ready for my first game, I was playing against my friend Tom who brought his Chaos Army, The followers of Khorne the Blood god, Blood for the blood god!! Tom knows a lot more about Warhammer than me so its always been interesting to talk to him about Warhammer and getting his opinions. We agreed to have fun, he alos agreed to take it easy and help me aswell so that I could get use to the basics.

So back to the battle at hand:

"Blood for the blood god!!"

2 x units of Blood letter Demons, a Khorne Chaos Demon  and a unit of Khorne Bloodcrushers!!

Tom set his army around the 500 point mark and we decided to have a small skirmish 500 point game, 1 vs 1 with no battleshock (affects bravery), His army were painted blood red, to symbolise the blood god's personal choice of blood splattered armor.

When starting, my friends all recommended downloading the Age Of Sigmar app on my phone, also advised I can create an army list through a website called Warscroll Builder which allows you to create and save the list so that you can change it when you need to. It also calculates how many points certain units or items are. For example my Oldblood on Carnosaur, Saurus Warriors and Saurus Knights were 500 points altogether! - I found this useful and hope you find it too -

I am a complete newbie so I had no idea what I was doing, thankfully Tom and the guys know their stuff and talked me through the process. During a battle there are 5 phases:

  1. Hero Phase/Magic Phase: where you use your heroes ability and or if you have a Magic character you can attempt to cast spells agaisnt your opponent or to help you army.
  2. Shooting Phase: where your units that can use ranged attacks can attack enemies depending on distance.
  3. Movement: You can move the set amount of your character
  4. Charge: You can roll additional dice to move further than your set distance and can move further if you roll higher than your set movement.
  5. Combat: When your models bases are touching you start combat phase and can retaliate in combat instead of waiting for your turn.
You roll initiative at the start of every turn and at the end of the 5 phases - initiative means each player rolls a dice and the one with the highest number can choose to start first or hand the start to the opponent. You have the chance to have double or even triple starts that may work in your favour or be your downfall!!

Swords out! Claws Out!

Tom started the battle winning the initiative and talked me through the phases, being a total newbie to the world of tabletop gaming my instant thought was to go on the defensive, I knew I had a somewhat powerful unit in my carnosaur but I was not sure how to utilise him.

The match lasted roughly 30 - 40 minutes, I lost narrowly but we both laughed and enjoyed the match it was only meant to be a quick game but my Seraphon were able to put up a good fight, slow the advance of the Chaos army and defeat a greater Chaos demon.

Tom said he really enjoyed as it was a good game, he also felt bad as it was my first battle. I said dont be!? It was my first proper battle in Warhammer and it taught me the basics and I got to have a laugh with my friends as we talked about tactics during the game.

Being new to this enviroment I completely overlooked all my personal rules for my Seraphon (The only one I did remember was the burning lances option for the knights...which helped!), which I still am learning from and will eventually understand more I play and use this army.

For New starters to Warhammer!! We have all been in your position, have a game with friends have a laugh you will get better and learn more!

A small Narrative:

"The sound of rain enveloped the valley of the chaos tainted lands, 2 armies gathered around a skull altar and as the battle began drums, cries and roars enveloped the valley in the bloodshed that was to come!
An army of Khorne marched towards the lizard like daemons, blood letters chittering and the chaos god snorted, unfurling its wings and brandishing its axe! The Seraphon warriors uttered their war cries and the giant carnosaur uttered its guttural roar as it smelt the dried blood that coated the chaos army!!
In an instance the battle started, both armies ran to the Skull altar, it would be a strategic point to the battle and the prize for the victor!! Blood letters tried to go it alone and rounded the altar to be met by a line of saurus warriors! The Carnosaur roared as it went on the defensive and cut into the first line of blood letters to attack him mercilessly cutting them down one by one! and the saurus knights rounded to attack the on coming horde!
The Chaos demon unfurling its wings leapt on to the skull altar and roared its beastial cry as its hooves hit the floor, the Saurus Knights crashed up to the altar, as Cold Ones bellowed and charged into the giant Chaos Demon, The Oldblood riding the Carnosaur seeing the greater demon fired his Sunbolt gauntlet into the Demon, a giant glowing ball of sunlight knocking the demon backwards, burnt and stunned the Saurus Knights peirced him and speared him onto the altar, the followers of Khorne looked on in horror, but the blood god knows no limits and his army continued.

 As the rain continued, the Blood Letter demons finding new vigour in the wake of the bloodshed contined to attack the saurus and the carnosaur, The warriors succumbed to their wounds and fell and dissapeared in a blaze of light!! 
No blood for the Blood God cried the Chaos fiends roared as they ran angrily at the remaining Saurus!!  The Saurus Knights turned round to run down the steps of the altar to meet the oncoming horde and charge! The carnosaur ripped demons to shreds and the Oldblood fired his Sunbolt weapon into the clamouring horde but alas the blood god was strong today, his army was angry and strong, the death of a greater chaos demon had brough blood lust againt the Seraphon!!

As the saurus were enveloped by the oncoming horde their bodies were enveloped in the same bright shining light seen earlier and the mere presence of the Seraphon was gone all but for the pierced dead hulk of the chaos demon pierced on the altar and the dead and wounded members of Chaos!

The chaos lord of the army riding his Bloodcrusher approached the dead demon pierced on the altar, its demonic blood running down the altar. Taking off his helmet and running his hand over his blood soaked head, knocking his head back he smiled showing his sharp teeth and bellowed praise to his god, Blood for the blood God!! The rain continued but the clouds now were bleeding with blood!"

A battle in Warhammer is good fun, from this battle I got a real taste of what my army could do and it's limitations, you learn new things about your army and you start to lean how to better your tactics....Pleasantly surprised I managed to take down the Chaos Demon, think I shocked Tom!!

I will say this however my group of friends have been brilliant and accomodating and answering questions from me all the time! At this point I wouldnt be here without them and thankful that Ive got some good friends!

Please read and enjoy my blog - email me any questions


