Warhammer: My story Part 3 Growing Pains

Growing Pains!!

Since my last post I've tasted defeat twice as I've continued to develop my style and learn the way of battle with Warhammer and the last time I played over a month ago I tasted the sweet taste of victory!! Check the end of the blog for an update - Updated on the 20/03/2017

The reason for the month long hiatus is simple! Every weekend Ive had adult stuff to do, an engagement party in Cardiff (which turned from a few hours to a full blown night out in town) then away for a few days to see the girlfriends family.

Now its the 14/03/2017 still havent had a game!! Everytime I plan to go to play warhammer at the moment things come up!! 
Moving on, let me update you what happened before my month long absence from any tabletop battles!!

Squeaky, scurrying death!!!

After playing against Tom and his followers of Khorne, I set up against my friend William and his Skaven Rats of Clan Pestilens!! (He's been playing for years!!) 
I was starting to get the rules a little bit better and wanted to try and use more of the special rules that came with my army book and using the app!!

We set up a small 500 point battle and we played for over 40 minutes and had a laugh!! Will's army defeated mine narrowly!! I was able to use my Oldblood on Carnosaur to kill so many of his rats, we also had a laugh seeing a sole Saurus warrior take on his cursed bell!!

No narrative as it happend back in January!! Narrative will be added in future battles!!

Just for your information Clan Pestilens is one of the many clans of the Skaven Rats of Chaos but the rats of Clan Pestilens pray to the god of decay, Nurgle - Since Age of Sigmar Skaven can now be used as part of a Chaos army....If I'd known that when battling him I would have had extra attacks!!

Read your Army books and make sure you're aware of all the special rules within your armies!!  The book is there to help and to allow you to find and adapt your armies strengths and weaknesses. Plus the books are there for lots more information.

Table top battle warfare!!

Coming into February I started to look at my army. 2 losses and I wanted to win!! I started looking into what my strengths and weaknesses were with my army and started looking at where I could add to my growing army.

In the meantime continuing my painting to complete my fledgling force, one weekend I had a battle with Niki and his Sylvaneth (tree elementals, twigs). These have been one of the latest new armies to be created in Age of Sigmar and due to they're rules they are currently overpowered which apparently from rumours on the internet are going to be reviewed. Multiple attacks and teleportation techniques giving them the power to attack in one turn then potentially traverse the battlefield to escape certain death!!

Needless to say every army Niki has faced so far he has beaten. So this didnt bode well for me but our game was very good, My army was affected by his long artillery fire but I managed to do quite a lot of damage to his other units and at the last point where his hero (we affectionately called treebeard) was close to death facing off with my Carnosaur....he teleported!!! Significantly winning the battle by killing my units with long range attacks and keeping my units constantly chasing them!!

Apparently at that time I was one of the only people to inflict so much damage to his units. My Oldblood on carnosaur singlehandedly destroyed his entire unit of dryads (Twig branch people) and then still hungry proceeded to advance on his treebeard!!

I decided now I needed to add to my army, I found the lack of artillery was affecting me and I needed to add units to strengthen my now growing but adapting style. At this time the only artillery option I had was my Oldblood on Carnosaur who had one shooting attack!

I started reading my Army book more to find out what I could add to my unit, and I highlighted a unit of Skinks would help. A unit of skinks cost 80 points, so 10 models plus they had shooting abilities!! I also highlighted a need for a heavier hitting artillery unit, aswell as a magic user as I had been told Seraphon had some of the strongest mages.

The last battle of the day was a king of the hill objective battle - A castle was put in the middle of the table, this was the objective and we needed to hold it!! Vampire Flesh Counts (Chris) vs Sylvaneth (Niki) vs Seraphon (Me!)
Taking a defensive stance I slowly made my way towards the castle and was glad to see the Vampires were spreading their attacks a Necroghast lord (Giant Zombie Dragon) flew into Niki's forces keeping him occupied and he sent skeletons to go against me....Alas this game was cut short until next time!!!!

Over the next few weeks I highlighted where I needed to strengthen and how my style was to adapt!! I purchased a Slann Starmaster and ordered a Bastilladon!! So I finally got my magic toad!! Bulbasaur I choose you!!!

The Slann gave me 3 magic techniques to cast in game AND 3 to dispel in my enemies phase, a very powerful unit if used in the right way and if you get the rolls to cast works - a unit that can cast offensive and defensive magic!!!

The bastilladon is a walking tank which is lethal in close combat, but its most powerful technique is the searing solar beam!!! ( bulbasaurs solar beam from pokemon!!) he also shrugs off most wounds!!!

I had bought an army of 24 Skinks during January - February, however an issue arose when I added to much paint basecoating the things.....basically I rushed them to get them ready for a Gamers Sunday and royally messed them up!! I tried removing it with whitewash etc Never happening again! Im going to take my time and never try to rush a project again - Im still repairing them!!

Ogors, ogors and damn Ogors + Victory!!!

So I basepainted the Bastilladon affectionately nicknamed Bulbasaur (due to the similarities) and I had painted parts of my Slann Starmaster..Magic Toad!! I took it down on the weekend to try in combat.

First game was against William !! He was pretty pleased as he had been given his Ogor army recently and from the rules they were abtly part of the destruction forces - they have destructive abilities which I wasnt aware of.

Lets just say first game I had with him, my army was wiped out and only managed to kill 1 model!!
I laughed William had told me at the start of the game his army had no artillery!! 2 of his main models known as War tusks could inflict on a 2+ role 6 mortal wounds within 30 inches!! 
Within 2 turns I'd lost my Saurus warriors and Knights!
My Slann and Bastilladon couldnt cast spells or hit successfully!
A mix of bad rolls, bad luck and an army I had no clue about!!

Learning how to utilise my new units we started another game, Will changed one of the Wartusks for a unit of Ogor knights!! Thats when I pounced using my Saurus Knights to attack the Wartusk and my Carnosaur to attack the Knights with the warriors, I got a double turn and managed to inflict more wounds on his wartusk lowering its shooting ability - by the end of the game will had a seriously injured wartusk (8 wounds) and 1 knight left- I had my Slann andmy Bastilladon with no wounds!!

The Bastilladons long range rolls got better in the second game and I actually managed to cast some magic!!

Will graciously admitted defeat - First victory for the Saurians!!!!!!

Bulba and magic toad showed me there is a way to combat different units, to change and adpat my style and now I can add different tactis to my growing army!!

Please continue to read my blog, more blogs will appear not all Warhammer!!!

