Warhammer: My Story Part 4 Chaos vs Seraphon


Fast forward to March 14/03/2017 - Ive been reading loads of blogs and watchings loads of battles on YouTube!! Id like to think Ive got a bit more experience now and I'm literally waiting to have another tabletop game. This Sunday cannot wait!!!

Looking over the last 3 months Ive spent around £150 on Models, paints, brushes, book and equipment such as my toolbox to hold everything. Warhammer is a hobby which I am enjoying, this game is interesting, different and fun -It's a tactical battle, its also a bit of luck with the dice rolls but its also building an army with great synergy that will help you!!

Everyone in this hobby wants to spend spend spend and get more units!!! get bigger get stronger!!! Being a responsible adult...(BIG KID) I cant spend needlessly, Id love to but cant. So I follow my own way of doing it - finish what you got THEN add units!!

Finish what you got!!! Have fun and finish them!

Ive recently bought a Saurus Guard unit and an Eternity warden to beef up my army. Maybe try and get another 2 units of Saurus Gaurd to try and do the BEST defensive scroll known as the Eternal Starhost Warscroll!!! But again this is possible next purchases or I go for a Stegadon with the engine of the gods...STEGATRON!!! There are a lot of possibilities.

Might save and buy a carry case from Gamers would be beneficial in the long run!!

Bit Of News!

 Me and my group of friends have decided to do a youtube and blog channel and the group are now thinking of starting our own gaming channel in regards to Warhammer - We're going to cover rulebook battles - introductions to different armies and we are going to run a full blown narrative made especially for Age of Sigmar!! Will keep this blog posted..

Last thing people want to see is my ugly mug on youtube XD and my cheery voice.

 We are currently working on the narrative but as it seems we will be playing slightly different to warhammer and will be doing a warhammer meets dungeons and dragons!!

Seraphon vs Chaos!!


Finally had a game on Saturday 18/03/2017!! met up with friends and had a game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!!

Over a month!!

What a game it was!!!

Met up with Barry, Jarvis and Phil on the Sunday at Gamers Emporium, we went upstairs to set up while waiting for Niki, Abi and Nova.
Barry and Niki set up on the other side of the table - Flesh Eater Counts Vs Sylvaneth!!

I got to play agaisnt my friend Jarvis!! Not his first name lol!!

We set up our armies on either end of the table, Jarvis bringing his Chaos Demon army and me bringing my Seraphon!!!

Giant dinosaurs! Aztec Giant Dinosaurs!!!! Raaaaaaargh!!!

Let me say it was a very fun battle and we both had fun! We were rusty! We both had not played in a month and messed up our turns going from hero to movement back to magic to shooting but we had a laugh and worked with each other through it. Unfortunately for Jarvis, some of my Seraphon units have a stat boost when playing against Chaos.

We started off slowly, it took about 2-3 turns before we got to close combat and by then my Oldblood on a Carnosaur was mortally wounded due to constant long range bombardment from Jarvis's pink/purple horrors and his Ogroid Thaumaturge (Tzeentch chaos beast) but the Carnosaur survived and managed to get into close combat and destroyed a unit of chaos demons before finally dying in a fire blast!!

Getting into combat I had my saurus warriors flank the Ogroid Thaumaturge and had my knights flank his other war beast !!
Luckily for me my Bastilladon, oldblood and Slann managed to take out his other chaos beast early into the game.
First real time facing chaos demons and they hurt in close combat!!! Jarvis's units more or less killed my units of Saurus warriors and Saurus Knights!!
Jarvis offered his hand for the defeat and we shook as friends who had just enjoyed a few hours of war gaming, learning and having a laugh!! Sorry Jarvis my friend, we will battle again soon!!

"The great chaos beast of Tzeentch, Ogroid Thaumaturge, snorted as he crossed the battleline of his Chaos Demon Army. They had been summoned by their god Tzeentch to stop an army of order daemons, as the portals ripped through the air and the daemons stepped from the brimming energy gates they were greeted by an eerie silence.

A large croak erupted behind the Chaos demon. The demon lord turned, as an immense sense of magic erupted as if his mere presence had angered a god! On the opposite side was a large toad-like creature sat on a stone throne hovering over the battlefield! Ogroid was a being of Tzeentch, the chaos god of change and magic but he had never felt this kind magical pressure before!!

The Slann, raising its hands, uttered a guttural croak and a beacon of light fell down upon the battlefield. Starlight glittered as if  the stars themselves fell from the sky covering the battlefield in a magical glow. As each star sparkle fell to the ground a demon emerged, a lizard like demon, rearing up on to its legs and stretching its muscled scaly body, celestial blade and shield at the ready, blood lust raging...An army of Chaos stood ahead of the Seraphons and an age old battle of good vs evil was about to begin!

Magic raged across the battlefield as Ogroid tried to fend off the attack of the Seraphon, the leader of the Seraphon a warrior on the back of the giant carnosaur roared and charged into the fray to get into combat as soon as possible!! The mighty Bastilladon roared and fired its Searing energy beam into the chaos demons destroying their very essence one squad at a time.

A great winged demon of chaos, fell to the ground with a earthshattering crack as it burnt from the magic bolts and beam weapons of the Seraphon!

Continuuing the attack, the Slann using its powers over magic cast spells of defence and mystical damage attacking the demons and their magical leader. Ogroid being knocked back was attacked by Saurus warriors as they tried to flank him and finish the demon!!

The warrior leader of the Seraphon riding his giant carnosaur thrashed and ripped the unit of larger chaos demons apart but alas was the main target of the leader of the Chaos army and all of their enchanted fire. Sadly the great warrior and his beast fell under the onslaught of magic fire burning constantly until their forms drifted back to the stars!!! Sensing victory Chaos pushed back the encroaching Seraphon!! 

The greater demon, snarled as he regaining his composure, stopping the advancing Saurus and using his axe and magical fire he decimated most of the flanking Saurus warrior, snorting as they dispersed in to bright lights!!! A greater demon spawn on the other flank appeared and using its massive tenctacles it strangled and managed to kill all but one of the Saurus Knights that had tried to flank it!!

Combining the magic of the Slann and the devastating energy weapon of the Bastilladon, Ogroid was knocked back once again crumpled, defeated and his body dissapeared from whence it came, sensing the defeat of its leader the tentacled demon bared its teeth, hissed and vanished with a wave of his claws!!

The Seraphon roared triumphantly. A hard fought battle against the demons of Chaos!! The stars called for their followers and the Lizards started to float and dissapear....all that was left was the Slann Starmaster who dissapeared in a flash with a wave of his webbed hand!! 


20/03/2017: Starting back this week I am going to be painting my army and try to finish off my models for the next few months - All Ive got to do with my models from the starter box is finish the fangs, eyes and clean up any issues I may find. Need to finish and clean up the Oldblood, Carnosaur and the Saurus Knights.
Also need to finish bases!!!
Ive got to finish my skinks by repairing the damaged ones, painting the good ones and glueing them so I can use them soon in combat.
Got to finish my Slann Starmaster!
On my Saurus Guard and the Eternity Warden they sit, still in the packaging ready and awaiting when I finish my models!

So far Im thinking of keeping on the sprues and painting them bit by bit as they have too much armour etc so I need to spend more time on them.

Also on another project, I might be starting an ultramarines army purely for display - Think I may have found the old Space Marines Battlebox at my parents - I will update this!!!

 Latest Release News!

Recently GamesWorkshop have also shown the future of Age Of Sigmar - Kharadron Overlords!! Flying Dwarves that look like the mighty human god Sigmar has bequeathed them the magic Stormcast armour with the technological ability of Grugni the Dwarven god!! With giant aircrafts that can float with a magic gas!! Guns, metal, hammers and AIRSHIPS!!!!!!

It looks SO steampunk, I love the armor, weapons etc!! It looks really cool BUT we have to wait till April to find out stats, rules etc. See how the battlefield changes -Also the internet is now currently full of rumours of a Tomb Kings re-release, a new book update for Khorne (Khorne DO NOT NEED more models) and the updates for Sylvaneth (Changes)!!

Im still here waiting for an update to my beloved Seraphon!!

New Lizards please!! More dinosaurs!! new rules I want my Lizards hard to beat and able to do more damage!! More artillery options too PLEASE, Please PLEASE!!

I like the Dwarven models or Duardin models - see what happens later this year whether I want to start a new Army...tempted by the new Kharadron Overlords!!!

Podcasts, youtube and their Influences

Since starting Warhammer: Age Of Sigmar I have been checking out blogs, websites, youtube and podcasts to get used to the gameplay, the styles what to do etc.

Youtube has been brilliant as ive seen Mini war gaming, Miniature Models, The Long War etc. all fun filled and exactly what you need to watch to learn.

The podcasts have been brilliant and really influential in helping me find my way in the Warhammer world. I downloaded a few podcasts recommended on Itunes just when going to Birmingham for a long weekend with my girlfriend and a few friends and now I find I'm looking to check when the next episodes are up for a handful I listen to purely about Warhammer Age of Sigmar!!

I started listening to Slann Slave Rat Radio, HeelanHammer, Bad Dice and GarageHammer!! - If you are a Seraphon player like me I'd recommend adding Slann Slave Rat Radio to your podcasts as they try to talk about Seraphon where they can. My favourite is GarageHammer!! hosted by Chris and Alex in Chicago, USA its funny to listen to their enthusiastic take on the hobby which they love to talk about, joke about and discuss and they keep all the fluff (extra information) in all of their conversations with guests coming in now and again and talking about releases and books.

Highly recommend Garage Hammer it rocks!!

SO FAR: 5 games: 3 losses and 2 straight wins for the Seraphon!!

Please keep reading and enjoy my Blogs - Any questions email me directly!!
