Warhammer: My Story

The world of Warhammer, where great armored guardians battle against the forces of chaos and darkness. Where Elves and Dwarves battle against green monsters called Orruks, where the dead return to the mortal realm to kill the living. This world is one of fantastic imagination which has continued throughout the years by Games Workshop, its legions of players and fans.

Long may it continue.

The world of Warhammer is an interesting, dark yet beautiful world.

The Story of me and Warhammer

I've always found a fascination for the world of Warhammer including the 40k version. I remember always being amazed to enter the shops to see the amazing products and models to buy. I think initially I fell in love with the Artwork - being a lover of anything futuristic I was immediately drawn to Games Workshops future series Warhammer 40,000 or 40K.

"The Space Marines, huge heavily armoured warrior monks, Humans enhanced to super human levels and encased in concrete-titanium armour and firing weapons filled with ammunition the size of your fist!!"

I had brief encounters when I was younger visiting the GamesWorkshop shops in Swansea and Cardiff  with family, nagging my parents and family to get me a Space Marine battle box, I remember getting it one christmas! I was so excited however when it came to paint, it was talked about but left on top of my wardrobe to gather dust. Then when I was in comprehensive, I got interested again and with a small group of school friends we started to collect Warhammer and Warhammer40k, I started painting and collecting High Elves and Tau and actually started to enjoy it but I stopped collecting and left it again.

My imagination always went wild always thinking of these giant armoured holy warriors battling the horrors of the galaxy, the giant anime styled robots from the Tau waging war against their enemies. I also remember being genuinely interested in Warhammer Fantasy, the stories of the High Elves and a mysterious but amazing looking race known as The Lizardmen!!

Looking back when I first was introduced to the hobby I was the only one interested in it, that's why it dwindled, secondly I didnt have the money to keep the hobby going, the only way I could get units were if I nagged my parents, did chores and saved pocketmoney or waited for christmas!!
The second time I started collecting with friends which was better however being 13/14 we were always introduced to new and exciting!! We all started new things (Think xbox was released then) every other week and it was put to the side.

Never forgotten!

I was young, stubborn, head full of dreams, no patience...list goes on. I was constantly moving from one fad to another, I was always influenced by something else and the next cool thing to come out was what I was interested in. I could never save money (nothings changed)!!! I could have been swept up in the Pokemon phenomenon at that age to then discovering Video gaming, playing the PlayStation which has been a constant love affair with me and life!!

The thing is the artwork and the information from the stories never left me as I always wanted to venture back into the world of Warhammer. I always would go into the shops and look at the new models and how detailed they got.

Starting The Hobby

 In November - December 2016, I found out that a few of my friends I regularly played online games with were avid tabletop gamers, some of them had been collecting and painting for years!! (They genuinely kept this quiet when we were gaming on line and meeting up!!)

A few members of the group were in the situation like me that they had been interested in the hobby but had not pursued it further. After finding this out we started excitedly talking about creating armies, having battles, going to tournaments, going to Warhammer world!!! Fun!!

We started going to Gamers Emporium in Swansea with a few of my friends, a small independent store who sold Models for many different games, board games and trading cards. We were able to hire tables upstairs so that we could play Warhammer for a few hours.
In there I was able to watch a real warhammer game, learn the tactics,  see the models and experience Warhammer: Age Of Sigmar!!

The question was when I was going to start. I had the money, did I have the patience or the time to devote towards my new hobby??

 I started checking out websites on how to start the hobby and what army to pick - . All of the armies in Warhammer have different strengths and weaknesses, it is a matter of what you like and how you play that defines you. Definitely check all the armies out as it is worth seeing them all as they all come in different shapes and sizes. Some are brilliant at melee combat while others are better at artillery, some are brave and continue fighting while some run as soon as the battle begins.

The best thing I can recommend is go for an army you genuinely think is cool!! An Army your genuinely going to be interested in and want to  collect. There are armies that can be better than others but if your not genuinely interested in an army you will loose interest quickly!! So go for something you genuinely think is cool!!!

 Raising an army 

"Go for something you genuinely think is cool!!!"

I asked my friends what they all collected and wanting to stand out I wanted to start an Army no one else had as there are apparently 15 or so armies you can collect within the Warhammer:Age of Sigmar world!! I wanted an army that had vivid colour and was imaginative and had great stories, something I'd always been interested in. I realised no one had the Lizardmen!!

"Before Elves, before Dwarfs, before Men, the Old Ones arrived upon this world. Then came Chaos and the Great Plan of the Old Ones was unmade. We are the last of their servants, and only by our hand shall the Great Plan be restored, with the total defeat of the usurping younger races." — Inscription upon the eastern boundary stone of the temple-city of Hexoatl

A race of Lizardmen that were created by the Old Ones to manage and defend the world created by their masters!! Saurian warriors, Giant Tyrannosaurus like monsters, Pterodactyl like creatures!!!

Oh and magical giant toads!!

Giant Aztec Dinosaurs!!!

Always loved Lizards!! The models always looked amazing and were creative!! Plus the thoughts of heavily armoured lizards with weapons!!!.

With the Warhammer Lizardmen they've recently had a change in their story.Just to recap Games Workshop released their narrative Age of Sigmar in 2015 which made changes to armies and characters which could be used along the narrative. The war with Chaos had literally destroyed races and destroyed the world but with destruction came life.
The Lizardmen have now been renamed Seraphon their story has been changed. (PUTTING IT BRIEFLY) that only the Slann (Magic toads) survived the onslaught of Chaos when the Age of Sigmar narrative began (See above^^) and now when in battle using Star Magic the Slann merely think of the Saurus warriors from the past and the Saurus are recreated using shining Star magic and brought back to life!!
OK....we can work with this!!

So still questioning whether I go full in or not, my friend surprisingly gave me £50 vouchers for Games Workshop for Christmas and my Birthday (December boy). Me and my girlfriend went straight to Games Workshop in Swansea to purchase a Start Collecting Seraphon box, paints and brushes!!

Building the Seraphon

Since the release of the new narrative Age Of Sigmar, Games Workshop have released boxes known as the Start Collecting boxes which are an amazing and easier way to get into the hobby. For £50 you are getting an amazing deal where you would get a General or a Hero model, with 2 basic squads of units to paint, display and of battle with.

 Just quickly talking about the Start Collecting Seraphon box deal 1x carnosaur by itself is £50!! Then a full unit of Saurus Warriors is £30 and Saurus Knights is £35!! When starting an Army definitely go for the starter box as it gives you options and gives you a small 500 point army for £50 which is an amazing deal for newbies and veterans!!!!!

 So I purchased the Start Collecting Seraphon box!! I was sooo excited I think I bored my girlfriend talking about them so much without opening the box!! So in the box I had 12 Saurus Warriors, 8 Saurus Knights and a Carnosaur/Trogladon hero!!

FIRST THINGS FIRST!!! (Don't do what I did!) I bought the starter pack, a few paints and brushes..... I DID NOT BUY glue or cutters - I just assumed that all models would be fit and snap models like the free stormcast models they give you in store...how wrong was I!!

So I ordered some glue and cutters, don't bother buying the expensive citadel brand cutters. I found a set for £4 and bought citadel plastic glue for £3 on line. Had to wait a week before I coud even start the models!!!!

When they finally came I eagerly started building the models, I went with what I found the coolest looking figures and built my army. Then I bought the Seraphon tome book which highlighted attacks, range etc and realised the abilities of my fledgling force.

Higly recommend buying an Army book!! It furthers the stories and allows you to look at models, paint schemes, battle set-up's etc.

I would say the best things to do if you are a new starter in Warhammer is to get the Start Collecting Box, paint brushes, a few paints if you know what colour scheme your doing, an army book, model cutters and plastic glue and maybe a base spray paint!!

Try the games, go into Games Workshop its fun and geeky but great. Also social media wise there are great groups you can join, youtube channels to watch and podcasts

Please continue to read my blog, I am happy to answer questions - Next Blog will be me building and using my Seraphon...

Below are Links I found interesting and helpful:


