Warhammer: My Story Part 5 Lack of Warhammer

 Lack of Warhammer

Its April and so far no Warhammer Games!! All my time has been taken up by playing Destiny (PS4 game), being sociable (christening/parties/Birthdays/friends) and then also working non stop and helping around my house and working up my parent's.

I have been thinking of adding new models to kick start me back into doing my Seraphon and it came!! While in Cardiff for the weekend with my girlfriend for her birthday I treated myself to Terradons!! Pterodactyl like monsters who have Skinks riding them....they can drop D3 damage bombs!!! 

.........I bought myself something on my girlfriends birthday.....sounds bad!!

Then after a successful afternoon on the grand national - I won £25!!!!! So spent that on a Stegatron (Stegadon) and Im going to build it into an Engine Of The Gods!! A very powerful magic weapon used by the Seraphon, that can summon units, buff units AND destroy units!

I now have not painted for nearly 2 months! As mentioned I've been busy with work and other things so I'm hoping that over the Easter Bank Holidays I can get some work done! Peace and quiet aswell while the Girlfriend is away seeing family in Tywyn!! ;-) Did I just say that.....lol!

Now I have my current projects and the new models, heres my list of stuff to do:
  • Finish starter boxset - tidy up models and finish little details from eyes, fangs, claws and bases.
  • Finish and repair skinks - basepaint and paint.
  • Finish painting the Bastilladon and solar cannon with skink models.
  • Assemble  Saurus Guard, basepaint then paint.
  • Assemble Terradons, basepaint then paint.
  • Assemble Stegadon with Engine Of The Gods, basepaint then paint.
  • Try texture paint Lustrian Undergrowth on tester model
As it happened I spent the weekend being unwell, run-down and generally did not do much - I played my Playstation, watched Netflix and started building my Saurus Guard and one of my Terradon's!! Which look amazing!! Need to now paint them!!

Plan is to get all of the models completed this being the rest of the Terradons and their riders AND the Stegatron Engine!! Then to get them base painted black then to start working on them bit by bit.

Podcast Shmodcast!
I have become a total podcast whore recently, listening when I paint, listening to Podcasts instead of the radio and now Im hoarding podcasts for this weekend trip to Birmingham! I've found myself listenting to them when driving recently.
Current favourite are: 
  • GarageHammer: Hosted by Dave and Alex in Chicago, USA. Garagehammer brings a feel good attitude where you can laugh and hear of their adventures in the warhammer world, getting ready for cons, getting models ready and geeking out about the new releases and going through releases.Talk about releases for Age Of Sigmar and 40k
  • HeelanHammer: Based in Portsmouth Dan and Wayne, talk about their cons, news and releases and about models and the ever growing scene! Talk about releases for Age Of Sigmar and 40k.
  • The Long War: Started watching them on YouTube, based in the USA, brings laughs and funny commentary and talk about the new releases. Talk about releases for Age Of Sigmar and 40k.
With Podcasts, they have been an eye opening experience to the world of Warhammer, painting and the hobby of tabel top gaming. I highy recommend listening to them, their free and you can enjoy it. You can sign up for premium services but as I have been only doing this hobby for a few months even though I enjoy the services Im not going to jump straight in.

Search. Download. Listen. Enjoy!

New Releases!
With the latest release we have the Kharadron Overlords!! I did a very brief look in the last blog but more has been released since. The steam punk dwarf feel looks incredible. Fully suited armoured Dwarven with guns and hooks and engines!!!
Also we have a new release for Khorne!! Blood for the blood god!!

Kharadron Overlords: Sky faring armored steam punk sky pirates!! I had laughed to friends that as Dwarven God Grugni had helped Human God Sigmar craft the Stormcast Eternals magical armour, that Games Workshop would Sigmar the Dwarves next....I was almost right!!!
The Kharadron Overlords are a race of sky faring Dwarves who mine Aether gas from the clouds!! Living in huge sky ports these new Dwarven venture for aether gas among the clouds and hunt flying creatures! During the last war against Chaos it seems this new dwarven escaped the ground after discovering aether gas and escaped to the skies!! We wait to see if they are powerful and how the armies work.

Khorne: Blood for the Blood God! Ok I've got that out of my system!! Chaos & Khorne dont need any more new models!! It is a new book encompassing all the details about Khorne but created a new blood points systems.

Khorne does not care where the blood comes from - let it bleed!!

A new little system that adds a more unique feel with the recent release of Tzeentch. Blood points are collected from ALL of the dead on the battlefield to use to power up Khorne!!!!!(not just your own troops but your opponents aswell!!)

Warhammer 40k just got Age Of Sigmar'd!!

So we all thought it may happen and it has, with the continued success of Age Of Sigmar and the simplification of the rules that has brought new and old players to the game, Warhammer 40k with its complicated mess of rules has been Sigmar'd!!

They've even removed Codexes!! The Codexes were the books filled with history rules, regulations etc

From what I've heard Warhammer 40k has got too fiddly too technical and has far too many rules, some warhammer 40k players have been moving over to Age Of Sigmar purely for this reason and the fact AOS is simpler easier and faster to play!! Long may it continue!

More to come on this as it develops so far movement has been simplified to AOS levels!!

Battles In Space: X-Wing
So I have been introduced to a new miniature tabletop game called X-wing Miniatures!! You can re-enact famous Star Wars space ship battles and or create new ones with friends! X-wing started back in 2012 and has grown into a very successful gaming system! You get finely detailed painted models, which look amazing, and a movement dial! A few of my friends are playing but I may try a game or two soon!
I love the models, Im tempted purely to just buy the models for display!!!

Check it out!! I have been watching YouTube games so far but will tell you more next blog!!

Dreadnought Beta!
Dreadnought is a new 5 v 5 Spaceship battle game - You control a customizable ship and face off against other ships. Im playing this on the Playstation 4. Its not a bad game, if there were more customizable options in regards to the ships - Building your own ships would be amazing!!
Possibly get this if it was a free download - a small campaign may work aswell
3/5 for the Beta enjoyed the space combat but most of the game was locked - check it out when its launched full game!! 

April Oh April!

Throughout April I have been SUPER SUPER busy dealing with work, projects in work, NVQ's, family friends, social events.It's a shame I haven't been able to play some Warhammer! I have started on my newest models! I am doing well with Destiny - Look likes May will be the next time I will get to do any war gaming or playing tabletop warfare. First weekend in May which I cannot wait for!!!

So this weekend at the end of April Im going to see Ed Sheeran in Birmingham!! A guilty pleasure musically wise! So we're away in Birmingham and Cardiff Friday 28/04 - 30/04/2017 so I've stacked some Podcasts to listen to on the journey up and back!! 

A very quiet few months with a few new releases for Age Of Sigmar, a new tabletop game Im looking in to and some big changes for warhammer 40k!! please keep reading my Blog.

