Warhammer My Story Part 6 The Five Warlords

Welcome to a new month!! Welcome to my new post!!!

Recently been to Birmingham to see the phenomenal One Man band Ed Sheeran!! Such an amazing singer and performer!! Brilliant evening topped by seeing the end of the Anthony Joshua Vs Wladimir Klitshcko boxing!!

Birmingham was brilliant and I highly recommend going even for a city break!! Stayed in a Nite Nite hotel, a sort of capsule Hotel!! (See Below**) £60 a night, the rooms are tiny but they have an amazing walk in shower and I'd say its perfect for a couple for a one night stay or even a single person staying for a day or 2.

Blitzed my podcasts like the podcast whore I am!! HeelanHammer, GarageHammer AND Bad dice devoured within the 2 hour journey!! GarageHammer reviewed the recent launch of new Stormcast Eternal stuff, which made me wonder whether I should collect them!! I also started recently listening to The Long War which was really funny!! Please check out these Podcasts!!

So Bank Holiday Monday I've started assembling some models while I'm off. Current plan this week is to meet up with some friends on Wednesday at Gamers Emporium for a game....apparently a 1500 points 2 vs 2!! Seraphon + High Elves vs Undead and Empire!!!
Then I'm meeting up with the Warhammer gang on the Sunday at Gamers again for some more Warhammer!!! Cannot Wait!!!

The Army Lists!

I thought I'd flesh this out a bit as I mentioned it in My Story Part 2 but, when you assemble an Army, you can use an awesome website called WarScroll Builder or use this link http://www.scrollbuilder.com/. It will show you how many points each unit you have and what you can do to build an army list. Some tournaments have restrictions for example they need 1 or 2 Baseline which is a basic unit but this website does show you which units are Baseline. Also the website is updated when new releases become available.
It even allows you to save Army Lists to use in future.
I started trying to build a new Army list for the Four Warlords game, which is 1500 points! I have 2 lists, that vary but I think I'll have a look on Wednesday when Im preparing for the game.
Ive now thought I may proxy a few units and use different units instead so there may be a few changes for the games might be using units I dont own!!!

So  for example if I was to run a 500 point army:
General:Oldblood on Carnosaur - 320 points
10x Skinks with boltspitters and shields - 80 points
10 x Saurus Warriors with clubs and shields - 100 points

Building + Proxy!

So I've started building the rest of my terradons and even started assembling my Terradon Champion rider!! Typical skinks they're tiny and a little bit harder to do details on!! Im going to try get them glued and assembled maybe also try and start building the Stegatron!! 
With the guys I play Warhammer with they dont mind gaming with unpainted models!! So im thinking I might be able to basepaint some of the models before Wednesday but Im not going to rush things. Probably will  take the terradons and the Stegatron just to use them and see what they're like in a game!!! Finally I go a month or so without a game then the month of May comes and I get 2 in the first week!! Boom!!!

My only thing is that I like the units to be painted and feel I've cheated myself!! I will be making an effort to complete all of my models before I buy anymore!! The only thing I want to buy towards my army is a carry case now and I will check funds at the end of the month as I've seen a brilliant deal on Amazon!!

Proxying a unit is a case of using a unit as a make shift option until you get the actual unit!! For example the Most powerful character in the Seraphon army is currently Lord Kroak!! Yes Kroak as in Frog!! He is the most powerful Seraphon Slann Starmaster available!!
He died facing off against 4 powerful great demons of Chaos, however his spirit survived and continues his battle against chaos!!

For example I have a Slann Starmaster and If I wanted to I could try Kroaks rules insted of my Slann, if my friends agree!! So will be possibly trying out Kroak's rules on Sunday!! He is £30 on Games Workshops online shop, exactly same price as the Slann Starmaster!! BUT where a slann is 320 points, Lord Kroak is 540 points but he is definetly the strongest wizard unit as he comes with the normal spell a hero ability, he is undead and potentially can survive attacks plus a very destructive spell!!

In extreme circumstances you could proxy an army like one of the 5 warlords did, he did an army of Fyreslayers with no actual Fyreslayers just bases and a very old magic wizard model!!

 The Four Warlords!

We're having a game of 1500 points on Wednesday 03/05/2017 and about 4 of us can make it so we thought we'd have a catch up and play a game in Gamers Emporium!!
So a 2 v 2 battle 1500 points armies, My Seraphon + High evles vs flesheater court and empire!!

Ok so the battle of the four warlords 2 vs 2!! It was not as amazing as I had hoped, a 6000 point battle which we lost! Too much distance between units and my lack of experience showed as I even forgot to move some of my seraphon models!!

It was a loss to us, for 2 hours I consistently had bad dice rolls and would forget to move or utilise models in certain situations. I was utilizing 3 new units, my saurus guard, my terradons and my Stegadon with Engine of the gods!!

Ok first time using the summon engine on engine of the gods, my first Saurus guard to enter the fray were killed by one shot of Rhys's Trebuchet!!! Could not believe my bad luck!!

**Note for Summonings, summoning even with the Engine of the Gods is not free of points, which I think is awful its a powerful tool in the Seraphon army you shouldn't be limited to points cost, but you could say that about every army!!!****

My terradons were effective in killing one Blood knight, who subsequently arose from the dead next turn then 2 of my terradons were killed by Barry's zombie dragon, with his bad zombie breath lol!!!

We initially played defensively but that hit us hard and when we attacked we were caught off guard and unable to stop the tide of the undead!! Rhy's empire units were playing defensively taking long distance cannon shots!!

I need to focus on my tactics and remember to focus on my army and my opponents. But this game taught me I need more games and to play more where I can so I can learn the Seraphon army better and get my tactics working!! More synergy and remember my rules!!

I was going to use the skinks but decided against it in this battle, they will be used soon!! Maybe this Sunday 7/5/17!!

"The battlefield was awash with voices from all corners, The vampire counts cried out for honour and blood, while the squadron of empire troops looked at their allies in disbelief!! On the other side the Seraphon roared while the High Elves, readied their bows and spears!

Battle began, the Seraphon and Elve's arranged themselves defensively, the Vampire counts started to run towards the Lizards and the Empire readied their long range cannons!! The air was filled with magic as spells erupted from the Seraphon and Elve's side, spells danced scross the battlefield crashing into the vampires and hitting the long distance artillery of the empire soldiers.

Using a Seraphon relic mounted upon the giant Stegadon, the Seraphon started to summon creatures but alas the first warriors to be born from the light first were destroyed from a trebuchet shot killing them mere seconds after being born unto this world!!

Terradons flew across the sky and arrows covered the air as the Seraphon and Elven tried to stem the advance of the Undead, holy Blood Knights, decked out in ancient regalia rode into the Seraphon lines followed by their Bloody lords riding demonic mounts!! 

As the Seraphon leader joined the fray on his carnosaur the battle became a bloodshed as Blood Knights challenged and fought with Elven and Lizard!! Alas this battle was but done as Seraphon were weakened and the Elven tried to continue their magical assault!

The unholy alliance of Vampire and Empire had won...but for how long."

The Five Warlords!

So this month I thought I was only going to be involved in one big game, Sunday 07/05/17 we invited everyone down to play at Gamers Emporium in Swansea, only 5 of us turned up.

We all decided to play a "Hold The Target" game between all 5 of us!! We decided we would all field a  500 point army each. The rules were, A warp meteor had crashed into the middle of the table, you had to hold for this 2 turns without conflict, you had to be within 2 inches of the crater. Unfortunately being so close to the meteor affects your stats adding +1 to Hits and wounds when in combat with others within 2 inches of the Meteor. 

For example my Carnosaur stats show a  hit = +4 and wound +3 - If  I was within 2 inches of the target it would now be Hit +5  Wound +4!!!

We had an all Order battle!! My Seraphon!! FyreSlayers, Stormcast Eternal, Britannia Empire and Sylvaneth!!!

We met up about 10/10:30 and started our game shortly about 11/11:30am after setting up our table and deciding on what to use in our 500 point armies.
**Touching upon Proxy models, the FyreSlayers were proxied by Barry to play with. As he does not have Dwarf models he used bases instead to represent them.**

Turn 1: Sylvaneth win Initiative to go first and teleport right next to the capture point, all other armies move towards it. Sylvaneth deploy a wild wood near to the capture point to control the area and defend themselves.

Turn 2: Sylvaneth reveal they have a Balewind Vortex in their army allowing Sylvaneth greater distance when casting spells, all Armies proceed to getting closer to the capture point and the Sylvaneth, all armies with long range artillery start to focus on Sylvaneth. Fyreslayers get in to combat with Kurnoth Hunters within the Wyldwood!

Turn 3: Sylvaneth Dryads venture out to meet the approaching Seraphon Skinks destroying all of them, to which the carnosaur eats all of the dryads in one turn! BranchWych is killed stopping her magic by continuous fire from all armies!! Fyreslayers kill 1 Kurnoth Hunter and the Green Knight is killed battling the Kurnoth Hunters!

Turn 4: Auric RuneFather is Impaled by Wyldwood due to its special ability. Rest of FyreSlayers, retreat but enter combat with the Green Knight, who has been reborn, who subsequently kills the last of the FyreSlayers, with the Carnosaur approaching the Green Knight and Saurus Warriors have began fighting with the Bretonnian Archers! FyreSlayers Out!

Turn 5: Stormcast have moved into take over top part of table and face off against the Bretonnian Griffon riders who kill one of their Dracoth riders! Green Knight faced to attack the carnosaur and was killed and Carnosaur now approaches the Stormcast and to capture the crater!! Saurus Warriors defeat Bretonnian Archers and progress towards Kurnoth Hunters.

Turn 6: 2 Stormcast soldiers move to stop the carnosaur and are killed!!! The rest of the Stormcast form a defensive line to stop the giant monster which subsequently kills the majority of the forces but also after using Bloodroar causes the survivors of the unit to flee!! The Saurus Warriors are killed fighting the Kurnoth Hunters and The Griffon riders are defeated against the Lord Celestant on Dracoth! Bretonnia Out!

Turn 7: Green Knight is revived!! He chases down the carnosaur and the Kurnoth Hunters leave the Wyldwood to converge and attack the carnosaur! 1 Kurnoth Hunter is killed the other severely wounded, which retreats back to the Wyldwood. Green Knight instead of attacking Carnosaur goes around him to challenge the Stormcast to which he is killed by magic lightning from the Lord Relictor!! Carnosaur and Kurnoth not able to hit each other

Turn 8: Green Knight is revived again and continues assault on Stormcast Lord on Dracoth and Lord Relictor, Kurnoth hunter and Carnosaur still unable to hit each other!! Carnosaur finally killed by magic Lightning and Kurnoth Hunter! Seraphon Out!

Turn 9: Dracoth charges into Wyldwood to attack Kurnoth Hunter that has fled back to the safety of the forest, Wyldwood ability kills Dracoth. Game decided win to Sylvaneth!

"A Warp meteor fell to Azyr in Order territory, 5 small armies of Order were camped along the battlelines, saw the meteor fall from the endless sky!!
Stormcast Eternals, Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers, Knights of Bretonnia and Seraphon gazed upon the sight of the acursed meteor as its magic spilled out into the air, leaving a glittering trail before it crashed into the horizon with a shudder shaking the land!!
Jumping into action the tree elemental Sylvaneth seeing the meteor, used their elemental magic and teleported right next to the meteor. A Branchwych cast a spell to awake their Wyldwoods which grew around the area forming a defensive line and their wooden warriors started to grow their weapons ready to defend!
The Fyreslayers, seeing the meteor, raised their axes and uttered prayers to the slayer gods, Battleaxes in hand! The Runefather uttered a grumble and bellowed at his men to run towards the meteor it would be theirs!!
A Bretonnian hunting party saw the comet impact into the ground not far away from their camp and started to gallop towards it, leading the charge was the legendary Green Knight, the sacred protector of Bretonnia!
Tlaloc, the rain bringer raised his head and the saw the tailed meteor fly through the air and crash, it was a sign of the Old Ones!! calling his carnosaur with a guttural roar he gathered his hunting party and started chasing the unnatural light trail left by the meteor!
Stormcast Eternals stood silently observing the ongoing battle, their ghostly armour glowing in the light of the sun. The Lord celestant called his Dracoth and picked up his Lightning hammer as his warrior brothers took up arms and marched towards the meteor impact, the battle had already started, Sigmar's warriors would stop this infighting!!
Arrows, darts and battleaxes filled the air as the battle commenced, all targeting the Branchwych as her spells flew across the battlefield! The Fyre Slayers reached the Sylvaneth first and using their battleaxes started to cut and chop the wooden elementals and their accursed Wyldwood. The Green Knight led the charge around the surrounding buildings to get in to the combat. The Skinks of the Seraphon hunting tribe approached the Sylvaneth from behind and started to hit the BranchWych with their poisoned darts but were soon assaulted by Sylvaneth tree Dryads!
The Dryads charged the skinks leaving the mage undefended but as they charged Tlaloc's giant carnosaur attacked dispersing the branch people and eating the entire squad of Dryads and Tlaloc continues to assault the BranchWych with its Sunbolt gauntlet!! The Branchwych finally falls pierced by darts, arrows and battleaxes!!
With the death of the BranchWych, the Green Knight charges into the Kurnoth Hunters, leading the charge of the Bretonnians, as Archers took up positions and Griffin Knights rounded the meteor crater to face off against the oncoming Stormcast!! The Green Knight protector of Bretonnia is killed in battle with the monstrous Kurnoth Hunters!! 
Still fighting the Tree's and Kurnoth Hunters, they defeat 1 of the monsters but the FyreSlayers are severely wounded and start to retreat, the Rune Father begins to retreat with his clan  but is impaled through the chest by one of the cursed Sylvaneth trees and dies in battle!! He died an Honourable death!!
The retreating FyreSlayers run but are shocked to run into some sort of dense mist. There standing ready for battle is The Green Knight who had died and come back to life, he kills all of the Dwarves but alas as the warrior protected Bretonnia again he did not see the giant carnosaur puncture the mist and devour him and his ghostly horse in one gulp!!
Tlaloc smelling the blood in the air continues on his path of war, he had killed Sylvaneth, he had killed man and now he faced a defence wall of Stormcast ahead! Pulling the reins of his Carnosaur they continued their assault into the enemies defensive lines!!
The Stormcast seeing the giant form of the carnosaur send men forward to defend themselves against the creature, while also dealing with an onslaught on the other side from the Bretonnian Griffon Knights as they fought to honour the fallen Green Knight!! The carnosaur approached the line of Stormcast and started to rip them apart one after another, the survivors tried to defend themselves but the Carnosaur utters a bloody roar sending them fleeing from the field!!

The strange mist appears on the battlefield once again and the Green Knight emerges once again unscathed!! He proceeds to charge towards the Oldblood. The Kurnoth and Stormcast also turn swiftly to face the monster!! The Green Knight dances around the carnosaur and goes for the Lord Relictor but is killed by the Lord's Lightning prayer!! The Oldblood and Kurnoth continue to fight and wound each other however neither backs down and they both continue to clash blades!!
The mist descends upon the battlefield one last time as the Green Knight is revived once more picking himself up and calling his ghostly steed! He continues his assault on the Stormcast! The combined attacks of Stormcast magic and Kurnoth hunter scythe finally defeat the Carnosaur as it falls with a thudding crack, the Kurnoth Hunter retreats to the safety of its Wyldwood to heal its wounds but the Stormcast Leader follows and charges to attack the wounded creature but as he dances around the trees he is impaled by mulitple roots through his body by the cursed forest!!
The GreenKnight  utters a prayer to the lady of the lake and retreats, the Lord Relictor stowing away his hammer utters prayers to Sigmar for such a loss and disappears in a flash of lightning!! The dead Seraphon disappear in bursts of Starlight leaving no marks but for the claw marks in the mud.
All that was left was the meteor crater, the dead corpses of the Fyreslayer army and the corpses of the elemental Sylvaneth now becoming one with the earth!! The last surviving Kurnoth Hunter severely wounded limped towards the Warp meteor and placed its gnarled hand upon it!! The Kurnoth Hunter uttered crazed gurgling like laughter as it started to glow a luminescent green from the power that flowed through it from the meteor...its branch like hand began to change it grew wild, long, tentacle like and grew sharp thorns dripping with blood!! It turned, a new avatar of chaos and uttered a gurgling roar!!

Alarielle woke up with a shock, a nightmare or a premonition she had seen a turned Sylvaneth and a vision of a dead forest dripping blood!"

500 points army lists:

Sylvaneth: 1x BranchWych (General), 10x Dryads, 3x Kurnoth Hunters and 1x Balewind Vortex.

Stormcast Eternals: 1x Lord Celestant on Dracoth (General), 1x Lord Relictor, 2x Desolators and 9x Liberators

Seraphon: 1x Oldblood on Carnosaur (General), 10x Skinks and 10x Saurus Warriors.

Bretonnia: 1x The Green Knight (General), 3x Demigryph Knights and 10x Freeguild Archers.

FyreSlayers: 1x Auric RuneFather (General), 15x Hearthguard berzerkers and 5x Auric Hearthguard.

Battle Report Overview: The game was a very fun game and one of the best I have played with the group we all laughed and got frustrated when the game got too long and we all laughed again when The Carnosaur and Kurnoths could not kill each other!!

However by us not setting a time limit we ended up playing for 4-5 hours!! This wont happen again and we will set a time limit!!!
We found as well all of us wanted to win so we tried to play defensively last few turns!! We also realised that the Wyldwood that Nikki's Sylvaneth use isnt as bad as it sounds. There are 2 issues. First issue with the Wyldwood is if you run or charge through the Wyldwood you will incur a possible instant death, however you move a hero character into the woods that has the KEYWORDS: HERO, MONSTER, SYLVANETH they cannot be killed.
Second issue depending on magic used in a phase it awakens the wood causing damage to whoever is in it!!
Wish we'd known this as we wouldnt have been so defensive wandering around the wyldwood!! Technically the Fyreslayers RuneFather s AND Lord Celestant on Dracoth should not have died!!It's a new rule! We all learn something new playing this game!!
Also The Green Knight can only be revived once!! We thought it'd be fun and The Green Knight could be a constant thorn in every armies side!!
I played better since my last game, a little more strategic and I did a lot of damage to my opponents!! Mainly as I was rocking a Giant Aztec Dinosaur!! I also got to use some of my Carnosaur's abilities to full effect, which did brilliantly against the armies!! My skinks got annihilated but managed a wound on the Branchwych and my Saurus Warriors killed all of the Bretonnian Archers then were killed by Kurnoth hunters!! I was unlucky not to win as it was a very close game for everyone but we learn from this game and cannot wait for the next one!!

Weekend Breaks

Ok for the week commencing 8/05 I was actually looking forward to a few small games of Warhammer, HOWEVER!!! I now have to act like an adult and get my boiler checked!!!
Sorry DIX (Thats my raid team friends who I play Warhammer with)!! I am going to get one or 2 models assembled. I might try to finally repair some skinks.
So Im going to purchase some dettol (Been recommended) and put my skinks in the stuff overnight and then see how it goes and if it works!!
If it works I will use the same technique on my oldblood so I can clean up his face and maybe repaint his chair!! My first bunch of models were heavily painted so as Im learning now I want to clean them up and repaint them better!!
My plan Saturday is to do the dettol project and look at my spare sprues for my starter box to see if I can make any extra models for example a Saurus Oldblood on foot and a makeshift Skink Priest!!
I still have to build my eternity warden so may start that Saturday aswell! I would love to buy a Saurus Sunblood as an alternative leader so potentially I'd have 4 or 5 potential generals for future armies!!
My Oldblood on Carnosaur, My Slann Starmaster, my Eternity Warden and Im looking at a possible extra Saurus Oldblood on foot AND a possible Skink Priest!!
Going to look at alternative 500 and 1000 points armies lists too! See if I can utilize some mixed order in to my lists as an alternative.
For the newer models I am waiting to basepaint them- with the Stegatron I've got to buy green Milliput to fix the holes as the model kit did not fit and mould into the scales so that will be a little job for me to do in the near future!

w/c 16/05 As per my plan for the weekend it NEVER works out!!!! My skinks are still in the dettol substitute which I am going to try and do some work on!! Part of me thinking its easier if I go buy more skinks!!! On Saturday We went around Swansea and even went to Pontypridd looking at cars for Claire as her car's soul has finally gone to the car gods!!
Further to that I was updating my blogs and being super lazy when I could have done some models!!!

Lazy!! Looking forward to a game or two this weekend 21/05/2017!! Due to my girlfriends situation might have to go up to North Wales to pick up a car for her and get back ready for Sunday!!!

Might see if this week I can get my eternity warden and Skink priest built for the games on the weekend?

Future Models and Future Projects!

I want to do some tournaments and eventually go to Warhammer World at some point! Expect a blogposts devoted to these!
 In regards to the future of my Seraphon I am thinking of building a competitive army and a complete Seraphon force! So either 2000 to 2500 points or at least have one of each unit that I can buy!
Next purchases over the next few months would be a carry case, Lord Kroak and possibly Kroxigors!!

I like the idea of starting a new Army but I am probably not going to do that until next year! Further to that I may get the Age Of Sigmar starter box: Stormcast Vs Chaos! However with recent changes made to AOS there could be a new campaign box coming out!
The only armies that Im genuinely interested would be Stormcast, Orruks and goblins, Dwarves or even a mixed Chaos army! Might even look at Warhammer 40k!! Space Marines (as theyre now receiving an update), Necron or Tau! We will need to see as theyre all being updated at the moment!

Signing out!!

