Warhammer My Story Part 7 By the power of Warhammer

Warhammer My Story Part 7 By the power of Warhammer!!

Welcome to the next blog Chapter 7!! There was so much for May I decided I would do another one when it got too much!! Ive been super busy!!!
Destiny 2 was revealed on the 18/05/2017 and wow I'm looking forward to Destiny 2 and Im now trying to complete Destiny 1!!
21/05/2017 Me, Barry and Jarvis met up for a game and due to the numbers we decided a free for all game!!!  I've got a ticket for Swansea Comic Con on 27/05/2017 which should be fun!  I get potentially a full day of Warhammer on Sunday 28/05!!!

Please check out my other blog DLLorenzo's Kitchen Nightmares this will be launching shortly and its purely as I am a big food lover and love the TV shows I found online wikipedia and reviews leave things out and in some cases there is no information i.e Kitchen Nightmares USA. Just recently launched the first episode Bonaparte's it was a bit of a nightmare ;-) !!

On with the show!

Destiny 2 the Reveal!

The story changes where you have been defeated by Ghaul, the light has been taken!! your loot is gone!! The Tower destroyed, you as a guardian must find new powers, new weapons and take the fight to Gary!!.....whats his name...something begging with a G..Gregory???! Gaul!!! Dominus Gaul commander of The Cabal Red Legion!!

 19/05/2017 So day after first bit of Gameplay reveal and wow!! The game looks amazing, slick and very good - A lot of people are saying it is now the game it should have been when it was released!! 

I think it looks far better than Destiny 1 and will be fun to play with friends. A lot of people are unhappy about us only getting 1 Super BUT the fact that we lose all our loot and SUPER's is tied in with the story!!

A new world of Destiny and more new adventures and stories!! It's going to be bigger,better and the game the Destiny community deserves!!!

As I said to my girlfriend on reveal night, I've been playing destiny since day one September 9th 2014, 3 years of playing it and I'm not stopping. Its the best game I've played and I have pre-ordered it and hope all my friends do and I will see you all in the Beta in the summer!
Continued in Destiny 2: A Guardians adventure.

Seraphon vs Chaos Demons vs Orcs and Goblin spider riders!


So 21/05/2017 we set up the battlefield at 10:50 and started our battle around 11:00am, me with my Seraphon, Jarvis with Chaos Demons and Barry with his Orc and Goblin Spider riders. We decided we use Games workshop order process which is a lot easier and you do everything in your turn to battle! We did not set a turn limit but we got to turn 7 and finished!
We decided we'd try a 1000 point army and we'd try to finish about 2pm -3pm!! Here's a list of our units!

Seraphon: 1x Slann starmaster, 1x Balewind vortex, 10 x Saurus Warriors, 5x Saurus Knights, 1x Bastilladon and 10x Skinks.

Chaos Demons: 1x Skulltaker, 1x Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, 1x Curseling Eye of Tzeentch, 1x Skullcannon, 10x Bloodletters, 10x bloodletters, 3x Plague drones of Nurgle

Orcs and Goblin Spider riders: 1x Grot Boss on Gigantic spider, 1x Grot Shaman on Aracknorak spider, 1x Moon Clan Shaman, 20x Moon Clan Grots with bows, 10x Orruks with bows and 1x Giant.

Turn 1: Seraphon seems to be the target as both Orcs and Goblins and Chaos Demons begin to move towards Seraphon at the edge of the table. Slann Star master wounds Chaos Demons Skull cannon with Arcing Bolt magic.

Turn 2: At the top of the field the goblin and orc bowmen meet the chaos blood letters in ranged then close combat! Orcs and Goblins main threats giant and 2 spiders crawl towards Seraphon line and kill the unit of skinks in one turn! Slann Starmaster continues its magical assault against the giant spider! Goblin shaman is high on mushrooms staring at the sky.

Turn 3: During combat at the top of the field, Goblin Fanatics shot out of the Orc bowmen but were killed by the bloodletters. Chaos Demons have continued down the table to close in the Seraphon and rest of the Orcs and Goblin army! The Greater demon of Tzeentch meets the giant in close combat, which swiftly headbuts and kicks it in the crotch! Bastilladon kills Bloodletters and Saurus warriors move into close off Spider and are devoured! The Grot Boss meets the Saurus Knights!

Turn 4: Saurus Knights continue combat with Grot boss but are defeated after being attacked by chaos and Grot boss! Grot shaman on spider dies! Chaos continue move and skullcrusher gets in to attack Bastilladon which dies leaving Slann starmaster - Orc bowmen and Goblin bowmen finally defeat bloodletters at top of field and then start to attack skull cannon, Giant continues fight with Chaos greater demon. Slann starts to move towards skullcrusher and remainder of bloodletters.

Turn 5: Moon clan shaman wakes up after being high on his own mushrooms and summons a SUPER arcing bolt which inflicts wounds on the skull crusher, unit of bloodletters and kills the greater demon!! Slann is wounded mortally but casts arcing bolt on to Goblin Big boss killing him. Giant moves onto attack curseling and plague drones to put curseling in his trousers! Seraphon Out!

Turn 6: Skull Cannon moves into combat with orcs and goblin bowmen slowly killing them all, Chaos moves to attack remainding Orc and Goblin army. Giant left.

Turn 7: Giant is defeated facing plague drones, a skull cannon from the rear, approaching bloodletters, skull crusher and failed to put the curseling into his trousers, Giant falls on to the ground missing the Chaos horde! Orcs and Goblins out! Chaos Demons win!

Battle Report: Brilliant win for the Chaos Demons, the game was fun and hilarious with our ever expansive commentary throughout!! I think Barry shouting to his Giant to "Kick to the Dick" was hilarious! We had a lot of fun playing this game! When the bowmen met the blood letters at the top of the field it allowed the other parts of the armies to start assaulting the Seraphon! I had no chance however there was a point when my Lizards did manage to defeat 2 of Barry's leaders but too many wounds on the Bastilladon from Chaos left me with one slann mage!!
I think it was a good thing bringing in the balewind vortex (Proxied by my bloat toad) and using my slann starmaster as my hero. I think if I had brought my carnosaur I think he would have been the main target plus it was nice to have more magic in my army and to be able to buff my army with shields and kill enemies with spells! Orcs and Goblins were hilarious and are a brilliant army when theyre not killing each other and the spiders were deviously powerful eating a unit of skinks and saurus warriors in each turn!!!
Chaos Demons were brilliant they used the fortress and scenery to defend themselves from my Bastilladons energy weapon going around it to save line of sight, seizing their chance when Seraphon were suddenly under pressure from Barrys Spider bosses, then getting in on close combat and inflicting mortal wounds!! Both Orcs and Goblins and chaos demons were brutal when in close combat I need to get some better close combat units OR maybe another bastilladon!!

"Rain poured down on the small village of Unterdorff, the villagers locked their doors as warning bells were rung in the distance, the creatures known as the Orcs and Goblins monthly came down from the mountains to pillage the surrounding villages and they were on the prowl! Goblin grots came from the shadows like a green plague, their beady red eyes glowing in the darkness, a thuddering step followed as huge hulking monstrous spiders skittered in to the open their chittering loud and constant as they searched for their next meal!
The air became heavy, the Grot shaman could see the airs of magic flicker with life as something writhed through the ether!! Demons born of chaos wripped through the air like it was skin as they were born into the mortal realm! The Grot shaman cursed the spider gods for this inconveniance they should have seen them coming with their all knowing eight eyes of wisdom!!
Orcs and Goblins emerged from the tree line and started shooting arrows in to the oncoming horde of Chaos blood letters
A bright light shone on the otherside of the town and blue demons appeared from the sky crashing to their feet and drawing swords with guttural roars, The Grot shaman roared with anger curses to the spider gods again hitting his Spider with his staff goading him to run towards the light almost choking on his mushroom stash! Seraphon warriors led by Slann Starmaster Toccatyl roared at the oncoming enemies, Toccatyl had felt chaos through the winds of magic and had decided to intervene.
The Grot shaman on his spider met the Seraphon head on rampaging killing and eating skinks and Saurus! The bastilladon and Slann shot at him with magic and solar beams to slow him down! Orcs and Goblins fought with blood letters, Seraphon fought with spiders as this was all going on a Giant emerged from the side of the village with a tree and cracked it over a Greater Demon of chaos's head, headbutting and then successfully aiming a kick to the demon's crotch....the entire battlefield stopped in awe at this amazing battle but a great groan filled the battlefield as the giants horney toe nailed foot connected with the demons nether regions!!

The Grot Big boss was in combat with the saurus knights and Grot Shaman on spiders were defeated by Seraphon, a mix of solar beam and arcing bolt magic of death rained upon both killing them in a bright light!

During this a Grot shaman sat back and stared at the sky as he made mouth bubbles after eating too much of his stash, as the battle continued between chaos and Seraphon, the Grot shaman suddenly stood up and cried SUPER ARCING BOLT!!!!!! The huge blast of electrically energy hit the chaos army stunning them all even destroying the chaos demon as he was sent back to the warp with an all mighty crack!!  The giant uttered an unhappy sigh but then saw a curseling swearing at him, to which he proceeded to try and grab the curseling to put in his trousers!!! The Seraphon were driven to the brink but the Slann still continued his assault againts chaos but was defeated by the Skull crusher in close combat!!
The huge skullcannon met Orcs and Goblins destroying them then came from behind as the giant tried to defeat the curseling and the mix of chaos finally defeated the giant who fell to the ground with a sickening thud with his hands in his trousers!! The Grot shaman Mario who had been eating too much of his stash of mushrooms laughed and giggled as Chaos demons roared victoriously to their gods!! He picked himself up after faking his death with the mushroom stuck in the back of his throat had inadvertently made him faint!!The cursed goblin shaman, Earmuncher had been the big shaman of the goblin clan....Mario could be Big boss!  Big Boss Mario "Chaos Demon Slayer" he sniggered as he trudged back to the mountain lair!

Warhammer and Warhammer 40k news!!!


Ok  theres been soooooo much news lately regarding new releases etc . You may have heard the news about the new Primaris Space Marines and the Nurgle Death Guard chaos space marines!! New Total Warhammer 2 the game with added Seraphon!! Awaiting news on General's Handbook 2.0!!! 

Warhammer 40K new models look amazing only had a quick look this morning 23/05 and wow I like the new Primaris Space Marines, love the champion looks heavy armoured but I also love the new jumpjet space marines they look awesome and so do the new death guard units look disgustingly good the poxbringers look amazing and highly detailed!! Total warhammer 2 we have only seen an animated opening and expecting good things!!
I sent an email to Games Workshop asking for Seraphon Gods and Highborn elves to return to Azyr - I got a generic response!!!
Love the idea of Seraphon Gods, the Old Ones come back briefly to retool and help their creations to maintain order!!

Swansea Comic Con 2017 27/05/2017

So I've known quite a while about this, I enjoyed last years comic con at the volcano centre as it was something new to the city. This year its at the Brangwyn Hall, so much bigger and better with freebies and a few extra panels, guests etc. Theres a reknown 2000AD artist!! Im stuck in work till 2pm but will still be attending! Let's see if I can find some awesome merchandise and or a new addition to my oldschool Amazing Spider Man collection.

Gamers Emporium 28/05/2017

So next few games will be Sunday 28/5/17 at Gamers Emporium on Sunday, Im hoping I can use all of my models just to try them in different situations.Hope we can all attend and have a laugh!
Whether we have a big narrative game depending how many turn up or smaller games lets just have a laugh!! 


I've finally ordered some Kroxigors through Gamers Emporium (Basically huge muscled bipedal crocodiles with hammers). They order through Games Workshop (which is £31) but get a discount for selling GW merchandise so I think I owe them £29. (£2 off Every little helps!!) Waiting for Gamers to confirm delivery of the order for me so I am patiently waiting!!!!!!!!!!!
 Also I need to build my Eternity Warden and possible Skink priest to use in future battles. Pictures coming soon!
Those skinks I've been trying to repair for months I finally got my hands dirty and tried to repair them FUN TIP Dettol works and if you soak models overnight and the paint should come off freely, however if you added too much base paint this may not come off, which happened to me! I know what I did wrong and this will not happen again with other models! I will add more skinks at a later time when I have £20 to spare (They also buff my Kroxigors and give me extra shooting!!!)

So everyone knows I love my Seraphon reptile army....Giant Aztec Dinosauuuuuurssss!! Especially when I get to add new units ........well Ive got my Kroxigors!! Spur of a moment thing last Sunday!! Im going to try and do a little bit of assembling and see if I can get these giant crocodiles built and into my battleplans!!! Will also finally see if I assemble my Eternity Warden and Skink Priest!
I'll check end of the month on money to see if i can get that deal on amazon for the Feldher carry case and foam. Expect a review!!
