Warhammer My Story Part 10 Attack on Warhammer!!

** Nod to Attack On Titan, loved the anime and manga series. I am catching up with the latest chapters of the manga. At some point will go and watch season 2 of the anime.

Hello and welcome to the new Blog Number 10!Ten!Dix!Zehn!! Actually shocked I am doing Number 10!!! Already started number 11 too!!!!! Attack On Warhammer!!! Got a lot to talk about!!!

End of June going into July!! New Warhamme releases!! I returned to Dungeons and dragons!! Podcasts!! A new section about movie news!Movies/Games! Back to the mancave and some exciting personal news!!


I think the title of my new blog, works with the current situation of the Warhammer 40k story, the new 40k campaign sounds amazing the entire universe has changed!!!! Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines has returned to the battlefield launching his Indomitus Crusade!!

“Roboute Guilliman gathered his new armada. Along with elements of the Adeptus Custodes, a small contingent of the Silent Sisterhood, and a vast war host of Primaris Space Marines from many newly founded Chapters, the Primarch set a winding course. Strike forces from over a dozen pre-existing Chapters of Space Marines, led by the Imperial Fists, joined the fleet. Thus began many new legends as Guilliman travelled to aid beleaguered planets, breaking sieges and sweeping away invaders to bring hope back to the desperate defenders. It was not long before word began to spread, as all those planets that could receive astropathic messages hailed the return of a hero out of myth. Once more, one of the demigods of the past fought for the Imperium of Mankind.”

The eye of terror has grown throughout the middle of the galaxy spewing forth armies of chaos to all reaches of the Glaxy!! The light of humanity Terra has been diminished, now they cannot use the psychic gates or warp to travel across the galaxy!!The Orcs are back always ready for a fight, the Necrons have reawoken to spread terror and the Tau have started a new expansion project!!

Many planets are besieged including many space marine chapters including Baal, home planet of the Blood Angles Space Marines! Things were already looking pretty grim for the sons of Sanguinius, with a hive fleet closing in on them, and now it looks even bleaker. Cut off from the light of Terra, the Angels and their Successors stand unbowed against the might of Hive Fleet Leviathan, hoping they can withstand the storm.

Havent played as much Warhammer since my last game. Just been busy. I also need to focus on Army building and painting!! Might be having a game in July!! BUT lets talk about the new releases!! In every Games Workshop store they now have an exclusive Primaris Space Marine Captain (please see below)!!

The model below looks amazing!! Think when I start my Ultramarines chapter I will have to pick one up to go with my Dark Imperium box!!!

Back to DnD!

So after a few months break we started back playing Dungeons and Dragons again! Jumped online 28/06/2017 to have a game....Vann Stormwind did not do anything amazing on this session! sadly I hadn't rebuilt my character ready for the new game and thankfully Nik (The Dungeon Master) quickly rebuilt my profile which I can now flesh out ready for next Tuesday!!
Coming into the battle we had an army of goblins, bugbears and several trolls wandering through a field to get to us. My character having woken up with a start from the hotel ran out with barely any of my equipment (Tying into the fact my character sheet was not ready) and jumped into combat!!

I could not hit with my javelin as the goblins were in cover in a field of corn (Have you seen Signs and various horror movies!!!) and could only face them in combat!! Due to a spell from Synthan (an ally) I kept getting attacked by his ghostly spell that attacked friend and foe!!! Healed him aswell, cheeky bugger!!!
Breaking through the ghostly wall, I attacked the nearest troll with my Divine Smite which stunned and damaged him,  he then started to laugh in a fit of giggles due to Rhy's Bard who has a spell which makes anything laugh uncontrollably!!
Gary's magic lightning destroyed a large numbers of Goblins thankfully and Ash's Esilla fired their bow into the goblin army!! Barry and Jarivs joined us online and that is where the DnD session finished for the evening!!....Garys a wizard....Holy Super Dragonballs!!!
I'm pretty sure I was close to falling asleep when I jumped off as I cannot remember getting into bed!! Fun times filled with innuendos, banter and fun!! I discovered I have a 2nd attack but also pondering I may create a new character for the next story!!


Back listening to my Podcasts on a regular basis, prefer listening to these than the radio at the moment. Recently got back listening to Kevin Smith and Marc Bernard on their Fatman On Batman Podcast which is hilarious! They talked about recent developments within the comic and movie world, Man Of Steel 2, Justice League and The Mummy. They also had Gerard Way (my chemical romance, Umbrella academy) on to talk about his experiences within comics and company Young Animal and they discussed the recent news about the Han Solo movie!!  It was hilarious to hear their take on the situations

Im Kevin Smith and Im Marc Bernard...Same Fat Time...same Fat Channel!!

Movie and Television Time!

So another new segment to include. A few of my friends recently saw The Mummy, the first entry in the Dark Universe for Universal Films and the new Transformers movie The Last Knight!! 
Universal Film Studios!! Famed for Jurassic Park, Shrek, Back to the future, Fast and Furious, Despicable Me movies and many many more!! Universal are now trying to relaunch their old monster movies but in a new shared Universe like what Marvel and DC are trying to do and doing successfully!! Reviews have not been amazing for The Mummy, even with Tom Cruise fronting this new universe!!

Even with the mixed reviews, I still want to see this movie and its sharked Dark Universe!!. I will probably watch it in the next few months and review it!!

I am a BIG Transformers fan and thought Age Of Extinction was an good blockbuster movie - not amazing just good!! The next Transformers movie called The Last Knight should be interesting as there have been rumours online, as it would be Michael Bay's last Transformers movie we would possibly see Unicron!?!?!?!

I know Claire wants to go see Despicable Me 2 But in the meantime I have managed to convince her to come see Spider-Man with me!! I am getting really excited for the upcoming Marvel Spider-Man movie. Lots of Hype regarding it and lots of good things coming from everyone in the business!!The adverts, the trailer, the posters, the commercial marketing!!

I am a massive Spider-Man fan and enjoyed Spidey's suprise appearance in Captain America: Civil War.  
I Was a little bit annoyed that they changed the actor. I enjoyed Andrew Garfield's run as Spider-Man and found Spiderman 2 was just too fully loaded with plot. I am hoping Sony learnt their lesson and make Spider-Man homecoming funny, enjoyable and thrilling a real Summer blockbuster!!!
Tom Holland is a fresh new face for the Marvel universe and Sony and now it turns out Sony have their own shared universe with the recent announcement that Tom Hardy will be Venom! 
Will Tom Hardy do a modern take on Eddie Brock or will it be Flash Thompson's Agent Venom, a brilliant antihero? The supposed villain for the movie ...... Carnage!!! Cletus Cassidy!!Omg Symbiote Battle!!!
Technically Carnage came from Venom!!
Also news has hit about a Silver Sable movie and a Black Cat movie....I remember the seductive charms of Felicia Hardy, will make her a good character but not really sure of Silver Sable so might need to look more in to the character.

Speaking to a friend of mine, I would love to see more of the villains from the Spider-Man comics appear in future movies or projects. Problem is there are varying levels of Superheroes and villains!! With the Marvel movie and TV universe I seriously cannot see Tom Holland's Spiderman Vs Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Fisk!!! There needs to be a level of realism when creating these and I think Marvel and Netflix have got it right with low level superheroes and villains!!

I mentioned to my friend about potential future villains for Spidey in future (this is where the Wilson Fisk came up),  everyone from the sinister six has made a movie appearance except Craven and Mysterio!! Mysterio would be an amazing character for a huge movie!! Who better to voice him Johnny Depp I think would be amazing!! Apparently so does Kevin Smith!!

For future tv series maybe feature in Hammerhead, Shockwave, Tombstone. etc??

DC Universe Cinematic Hype!! Man Of Steel 2 is in the works!! Possible plot might include Supergirl and Braniac!! Sounds awesome if its done right!!! Rumour is the plot might touch upon the first movie and the open pod from the ship - We believe Supergirl returned back home and flies back to Earth to meet her cousin while Braniac tracks her!! OOOOooooooh sounds good so far!!

Also potentially Josh Gad has been dropping hints about playing a movie adaption of the Penguin in the DC universe!! So much so he had a picture taken at DC headquarters, with a penguin comicbook with Geoff Johns!!! Kevin Smith even finished his latest podcast Fatman on Batman and said to finish his episode....The Penguin and did a Meredith Burgesss mwah mwah mwah haha (1966 Penguin from the 1966 Batman television series)

Batman News Hype!!!!

Any BIG news about Batman will be updated on my blog here so any news regarding anything Batman will pop up!! Matt Reeves was interviewed recently during press release for the latest planet of the apes movie. During the interview, Matt was asked by the interviewer about The Batman. Matt expressed he had only finished his latest movie 10 days ago and people dont want to know about his recent movie but really his next project The Batman!!! He also touched upon that he has been a fan of Batman since he was a child, just like he was a fan of the Planet Of The Apes movies growing up and was exctied to be working on these projects! Matt described a Dark Batman, troubled, brutal, very detective, noir....interesting. Could The Batman be a prequel set before Batman Vs Superman during his dark days or will it be after Justice League?!?!
I think they need to address the questions from Batman Vs Superman, the batcave, Robin and wayne manor tie it in Matt Reeves, make this movie yours and work with the team and work with Affleck!! He even stated Ben Affleck is defintely his Batman!!

                      Lets see what happens Bat Fans!! Same Bat Time!! Same Bat Channel!!

Anything Batman related I will try and update on my The Batman page!!

I love Star Wars and was a little shocked by the latest news concerning the Han Solo movie and the directors have been cut. We're talking about the funny men behind the Lego movie and 21 Jump Street!! Creative differences between the company and the directors has been cited.
Who knows Warner Brothers..... maybe these guys could be the new potential directors for The Flash movie - that has currently ceased production until they find a new director?? The DC Universe is going in a lighter tone why not a Phil Lord/Chris Miller, The Flash movie!!

I wanted to address aswell that it was shocking news to hear what happened with Zack Snyder. Zack take a break and focus on family, family is more important than money and movies - Take your time, recover and spend time with your loved ones!

For the idiots that have made snide remarks and responses to him not finishing the movie take a good look at yourselves and think how you would be in that situation! Genuinely love Zack Snyder's movies and his take on them, I wasnt the biggest fan of Man Of Steel but I get where they're going!! I am looking forward to Justice League out in November, His Film, His direction, his project!! 

By an amazing stroke of luck Warner Brothers have the perfect person they could turn to at this moment.  Joss Whedon from Marvel's The Avengers fame has recently been signed up to work on the upcoming Bat Girl movie!!! He was asked by the company and Zack to help with extra reshoots and additional scenes!! What a guy that Warner Brothers can turn too in their time of need!! Joss is just doing additional scenes to flesh out the story of Justice League and to complete the movie for Zack Snyder but it is clear that the movie is still Zack's vision and movie!! I actually cannot wait for Justice League in November!!

I believe in you Joss Whedon, with your Josh Whedoness!! You made The Avengers awesome!! Make Justice League awesome and Bat Girl cool and a bit buffy like but also darker maybe!!!

Back to the Mancave 

Got to stick to the no models rule for a few months and focus on my Seraphon models. After recent painting videos I am actually excited to get back into painting. Got quite a few things to do.

Need to save for my holidays and try not to spend money!!!

Have to email GW about those Kroxigors I cant believe I have forgotten to email this month!!!

Im picking up Crash Bandicoot the N Sane Trilogy on Friday which should be fun! I remember playing the game on the Playstation One, cannot rememeber whether I had the game or not I know I played the 2nd/3rd game on a demo!!!

Going to go see Spider-Man Homecoming after it's release. Maybe with my friends or just me and Claire, which should be fun...Big Spidey fan!!

Personal News!!!

I have a new job might be starting within the next 2-3 weeks or 5-6 weeks depends when my current job can get temporary staff in then I will get released for the new role. Its for 12 months as a development role but also its an EO role. Which is management level. I cannot wait as I will be in a technical support role and moving away from the contact centre. Will also be involed in other projects regarding systems and applications!!

Gutted that I am leaving my team, I love the guys on the team!! The work is hard and we are sooo busy at the moment but this is a development opportunity onwards and upwards. Its an opportunity for me to better myself and to progress further.
