Warhammer My Story Part 8 I know what you did last Warhammer!!

Hello and welcome to Part 8!!! I know what you did last Warhammer!!! the 8th blogpost Ive done concerning my Warhammer hobby and me!! Im Lawrence, or my gamertag DLLorenzo!!
I've been super busy latetly from working, extra work, NVQ, gaming, Destiny, blogging and Warhammer!!
Welcome to the end of May and into June!!! Summertime!!
So fun filled weekend and few weeks: Swansea Comic and Gaming Con, Sun, Comics, Destiny, a few games of Warhammer and hopefully a brodown (When it happens.... I will explain)!!

Swansea Comic and Gaming Con 27/05/2017 

So I bought a ticket off of one of the organisers, whose a friend a few weeks before Swansea Comic and Gaming Con then a few days before won 2 free tickets in a competition!!! So worked my 6-2 (On a Saturday!!!)and headed straight over, the weather was gray but everyone was enjoying themselves put £10 down for the special raffle and entered the world of Geekdom!! Comic Con!!

Held in the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea, the venue was much bigger than last year and it was busier, more vendors and more people!! I only went into the main hall and there were lots of vendors and on the main stage when I entered they were holding a cosplay competition! Jarvis my fellow Warhammererer asked me to pick up a load of Chaos 40k stuff and being the charmer I managed to get an extra possessed chaos space marines at no extra charge!! £25 for terminators, a defiler and 2x squads of possessed chaos space marines awesome! 

Bought a few comics (Issue 70 of Amazing Spiderman first issue!!! Got for £25) and a collectable Marvel Spiderman figurine!! As it turns out I won a raffle prize apparently a knitted baby Groot!!! I will ensure next Swansea comic con I have the day off to be there early and to see more of the events as I missed some of the vendors and the GAME exhibition and tabletop games! I will also make sure I SAVE money in case I see anymore rare Amazing Spiderman comics!!


Warhammer News

So we decided Saturday evening we wont play Sunday 28/05 purely for numbers and money so we had a break but Warhammer Sunday 4/06/2017 is coming!! Got my new Kroxigors to try!! We've talked about trying a few games, we may even try the new Skirmish book and rules!!
Everyone is excited for the new release of The Dark Imperium boxset, out in June, that includes Primaris Space marines and the Nurgle Death Guard which look awesome!!
Think I've decided depending on new models I will be collecting Ultramarines and T'au!! I will probably buy the Dark Imperium box to start me off with 40k, may have to be a christmas thing, this will give me Primaris Space Marines and Nurgle chaos marines OR I will wait and buy the new start collecting boxes!!!!

Warhammer World is on the cards for the Warhammered! Possibly later this year OR next year as I think within next few months may be too soon!! Tournaments aswell potentially on the cards too!

Any new models will probably be after my Holidays in September!!!
02/06/2017 New repulsor Space Marine tank looked awesome when I first saw it. I feel it looks too bulky and needed to remain as a tank! It also seems the new Primaris space marines are purely a new tactical choice and not an auto replacement for normal space marines!

Next purchase is a carry case as I'm worried hauling everything in my box is going to damage them soon - more so as my old box is filled with models . A new box will keep them safe and secure.

Sunday 04/06/2017

Gamers Emporium Swansea!! Sunday morning!! 10am!! After the champions league final yesterday I won £30 on a bet and we woke to find the shocking news of 6 deaths in London from a supposed terrorist attack! It is a terrible situation and we must all unite against terrorism!!

We met up at Gamers Emporium and decided we would try the new Skirmish book! Highly recommend trying skirmish it is a smaller more tactical battlefield, where the difference is you have limited options for the battlefield and the book lists what models you can use for your forces. You also do model to model in regards to combat for example my skink vs goblin 1 vs 1 in each combat phase which is different!! I highly recommend testing out different strategies and teams.

I lost narrowly on the first game and my second gameI was defeated quickly as my army were defeated by a strong and organized set up storm cast army! Me and AJ played a quick 1500 point game and it was really good! My only frustrations for todays games were that my dice rolls were poor and the fact Seraphon are so outdated! Storm cast can inflict a lot of mortal wound rolls on 6's but Seraphon dont have extra options like stormcast - Seraphon need updating everyone believes Saurus Guards should have 2 wounds due to their heavy armor!!!
Also due to my inexperience I still play defensively, I need to look at tactics that have worked for me and need to work on confidence in regards to rules - need to read them properly and swot up lol!!!

Back to the game, it looked like it was going to be a storm cast whitewash, Seraphon started to do more damage and catch up but the damage by the Storm cast had been done leaving only 4 models left on the field and I had to acknowledge defeat!! Good game AJ I will be back - Back to my Office/Man Cave/Bat Cave/Games Room to reload and create new lists!!

We got to see the new books and models included in the Dark Imperium box which look amazing, the poxwalkers look alright Im not blown away by them as I am the Death Guard and the Primaris space marines!! The new repulsor tank is having mixed reviews online I liked it when I saw it but now I'm not so sure!! Picked up my raffle baby groot, he looks awesome!!

Destiny Update.
Id like to platinum Destiny, I love the game I dont think I will be able to complete the age of triumph, but I would love to Platinum the game I have played for 3 years! Ready for Destiny 2!!
I will try to complete what I can of the age of triumph book!!
Currently doing crucible challenges for Hunter and Warlock towards the book. Its the Raids, Trials and rest of the collectible stuff I need to collect.
For platinum I need to complete hunter and warlock subclasses for 2 silver trophies and do a flawless raid!
Completed the hunter subclass 05/06!!

Brodown!! Not a real one but an Online one!!!

Ok so you guys might have seen me write the term Brodown! A Browdown is a term we came up with when I meet up with my best friends Andrew, John and Phil. These evenings would contain takeaway food, snacks, anime, manga, cigars, fizzy pop and video games. We talk about everything and anything, a boys night out!!!
The term Brodown we started using as these guys are my bro's (bro's before hoes's) but we played a game called Broforce which stood out in our mind!! We joked about the term Brodown but now it has become a full blown name for our monthly or bimonthly event! we try to have one every month or two as we are all very busy!!
Due to traffic and situations we havent had one in 2 months and for tonight 04/06/2017 we are meant to have an online brodown where I will jump online into the playstation's party chat and play with these guys online for the evening and have a catch up online like if we were on a conference call on your phone lol!! Did not happen this time, I need a catch up with these Nintendo nerds soon!!!


When your partner isnt a fan of superhero movies but walks out of a superhero film and says its was really good that it means it was really really REALLY good!!!
Wonder woman is a very good movie, lots of action, emotions and a good simple storyline which introduces us to Wonder woman's beginnings!! Let me just say Gal Gadot is stunning and plays the role well, I cannot think of anyone to play wonder woman but her, she has nailed the role since appearing in Batman Vs Superman and I cannot wait to see Justice League in November!!
Furthermore in this day and age she is the FIRST Super Heroine lead in a movie!! Marvel had the chance to do this but didnt and now DC have the title in the battle of the Marvel and DC universe!!!

The music works really well and the story linked with World War 2 was amazing and hearfelt.
5/5 from me!! Very good movie, good plot and the first female lead movie in the battle of the Superhero cinematic universe!

Killing Zone 2! Zombies, Zombies and more zombies!!

So I have a PS Plus membership which I pay for 12 months which I get 4 free games every month, this month Killing Zone 2 was part of the games, a multiplayer first person shooter where you and other suvivors struggle against hordes of Zombies!  Played it with a few of the DIX on 07/07/2017 their all higher levels than me and have played it more and managed to survive longer!
You get several set survivor characters which you can customise as you win extra costume items the more you play. The aim of the game is to survive 4 waves of hordes of zombies and then you face a random boss character!!
Its simple, been done before but its fun gory and a great way to have a laugh with friends online....even better it was FREE!!!

 Thats me for this blog, hope you enjoyed and keep reading!!! Any questions please email or comment.

DLLorenzo Out!
