Warhammer My Story Part 11 Take all of my Warhammer!

Got to love a dirty innuendo title to start off the 11th blog! Take All Of My Warhammer!! In your endo!! hahahaha!
 Hello Welcome to my blog I am DLLorenzo, GAMER/ARTIST/WRITER ...NERD!!

It's the end of the month of June!! Payday!! I treated myself to Crash Bandicoot to celebrate a very hard month!! Work has been really really busy and a lot of pressure for a long time, however the cherry on the cake has been getting a new EO job! This role is a development role within the technical and computer side on a 12 months temporary basis and I will be undertaking a support role as an Executive Officer (EO) and will be working to support other users across the business through applications and equipment!!
Tell you what though I am actually excited for the role it should be interesting and it's a promotion for me as an AO going to EO. New Job, new responsibilities, new role and new department!!

So latest blog and lots of news and Stuff!!! First real review of Warhammer 40k 8th edition, new models, new releases and rumors. New Tv shows and movies to watch!!  There is a lot going on this month as we have the famous San Diego Comic Con also happening this month!! Expect BIG geeky news to drop there!! Cardiff Food Festival by the bay! Spider-Man Homecoming! Supporting Claire and family at the Cancer research run!! BroDown!! Also this month me and my friends will be beta testing Destiny 2! HYPE! Cannot wait!

 OK a new month for Warhammer so at the end of my last blog I talked about some of the exclusive items coming to Games Workshop stores such an exclusive Space Marine captain, a Space Marine Librarian, Those near Swansea their GW branch will drop the exclusive models 25th September 2017 (I know because I went in and asked)!! other exclusive items are paint pads, Brush bags etc.
The Captain looks awesome with his power sword but the Librarian looks amazing as you can actually customize the Librarian with a helmet!!!

This new Primaris Librarian has a Space Marine helmet you can change with instead of the highly detailed bearded character!! When I start my Space Marines I would display them with helmet's on!! Space Marines look so much cooler with helmet's on Simple!!!

2 new Primaris units have just been released also and look amazing!! 1st ones you may have seen are called the Space Marine Reivers! Stripped down Primaris marines trained to suprise, stalk and kill their enemies with their skeleton like masks grinning through the bloodshed!

A new type of Primaris Space Marine has been revealed called the Reivers! Skull faced, rapid assault kill team space marines. Similar to scouts but decked in stripped down combat armor, waiting on details!

Then we have the recently announced heavily armed and armored Primaris Aggressors!! Fitted in Gravis armour like the captains these heavily armed walking tanks have power fists and heavy bolters on both arms and have what look like missile launchers on their backs!!! More details to follow...

More news has also dropped in regard to the new Primaris Redemptor class Dreadnought!! Which will be looked at in the new blog! Warhammer 40k  have even dropped a new 40k Cardgame!!

It's been confirmed that when the General's Handbook 2.0 drops, Age Of Sigmar will get an update and there will be new rules for Seraphon and the Elve's!! Also new artifacts to be added!! Points will be updated too! Fingers crossed BIG update for Seraphon! Fingers crossed Seraphon Gods!!

Codexes are returning to 40k later this year, new codexes will be released for each army! 1st to drop will be Codex: Space Marines coming out later in July!
Fingers crossed we get some news about the new start collecting boxes for Space Marines and or Primaris Space Marines!!! I want a box of them to start off my Ultramarine army!!

I was also able to have a game of Warhammer 40k this weekend!! Thanks to my friend Barry I borrowed a few Space Marine units to play 40k and its new 8th edition!! Barry thankfully also put in time to help build me a good 500 point list and was nice and patient enough to help me learn the game!! Ultramarines vs Eldar vs Chaos vs Necron!!

Eldar: 1x Autarch on bike with laser Lance and fusion pistol. 5x Rangers with sniper rifles and 8x Windriders with shuriken cannons (split into 2 units of 4.).

Chaos Space Marines: 1x Chaos Sorcerer w/power sword, 1x Kharn the Betrayer, 7x Berserkers, and  4x Chaos Space Marines with bolters and 1x with Autocannon.

Necron: 1x Overlord with warscythe, 13 x Necron Warriors, 3 Scarabs and 1x  Triarch Stalker with particle shredder

Space Marines: 1x Sergeant Terion with Sniper rifle, 10x Scouts with sniper rifles and 5 terminators with storm bolters and 1 with Autocannon.

Four Warlord 500 point Battle!!

TURN ONE: Space Marines start off defensively and use snipers effectively to attack the on coming Eldar Windriders, killig 2 of the Eldar bikers! Eldar retaliated by Killing 1 terminator and wounding Sgt Telion! Chaos and Necrons slowly advance upon each other.

TURN TWO: 2 scouts and 2 terminators fall under the attacking fire of the Eldar Autarch and bikes! Necrons and chaos start to fight and the Necrons destroy a squad of Khorne Bezerkers!

TURN THREE: Advancing Necrons kill the Eldar rangers, Kharn the Betrayer destroys the Necron warmachine and scarabs! Sgt Telion dies from sniper fire and so does a scout! So does 2 Eldar bike!

TURN FOUR: Terminator champion kills Eldar Autarch on bike and the chaos sorceror starts to fight the Necron warriors!

Game finished due to time - victory to the chaos! necrons were all but destroyed by Chaos while Eldar and Space Marine's had taken losses in their brutal fight.

MVP: Kharn the Betrayer

Moment of Match: After losing the berzerkers, Kharne approached the Necron Stalker and destroyed it then continued to approach and cutdown the necron soldiers!

Funny moment of the Match: Baby Nova dropped her HEAVY sippy cup on to the table narrowly avoiding the Stalker model!

CONCLUSION: So I really enjoyed my first game of Warhammer 40,000!! Quite easy to pick up and play, very similar to Age of Sigmar just different with the armour save. Love Terminators have a 2+ save. I think when I do start collecting I will definitely start with Space Marines and being a loysalist Ultramarine player but I may also collect Tyranids as an evil army and may collect Tau on the side as maybe an alternative army.

Three Warlord Battle!!

So I managed to also get in a quick game of Age of Sigmar on the weekend, Sylvaneth vs Seraphon vs Beastclaw raiders!

Cardiff Food Festival!
Cardiff Food Festival was good again this year! I drank a lot of free wine, cider and mead samples and ate my body weight in free cheeses, breads and sauces!! Gutted I did not go and order Adenan George's Kerala style fried chicken and chips (This is the head chef of Purple Poppdaom)!! Just for some odd reaso nthat day I didnt want anything substantial!! probably because the weather was rubbish and i didnt want to rush my food lmO!! If you see his Tuc Tuc you should definitely go!


"Here's my official Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy Review: Fun, frantic and frustrating welcome back Crash Bandicoot!! A full HD remake of the classic first 3 games of Crash Bandicoot!
Crash is a brilliant, frantic fun platformer and puzzle game that I remember playing as a child and it is a welcome addition in 2017! Affordable price and a lot of fun and a Playstation classic! "
4/5 from DLLorenzo

Gutted to hear that one of my favourite podcasts have gone on hiatus due to work/life/hobby balance. Thank you Heelan Hammer, I heard on the 21/07 you were one of my main podcasts and I enjoyed your brilliant views!

Destiny 2 Beta

So we finally have the Beta starting the 18/07!! Am I excited....Hells yeah! I love Destiny 1 so a new game which is even bigger than Destiny 1 with new planets and worlds to explore I cannot wait!
Also with the Beta we will get to play a Strike mission, the first level of Destiny 1 and a few PVP matches!! Finally gett to try the new Sentinel subclass Super!! Purple Captain America YES!!

Destiny 2 Beta Review: Love the in-game gameplay and loved the 1st new story mode! Pvp is brilliant and quick as ever, the new abilities given such as the titan defense shield and the warlocks healing pool are ingenious but practical?? we'll have to see in game.

Movie and Tv News!!

SAD NEWS! I was saddened to hear that one of my favourite cult directors has passed away on the 16/07/2017 George A Romero - The man who reintroduced movie lover's to the classic Zombie! Which also became known as the Romero Zombie, which has caused generations of movie lovers nightmares! Loved his movies and saddened by his passing! Another legend leaves this plain!

San Diego Comic Con is upon us!! Rumors hitting the internet is that both DC and Marvel will be dropping big news on the future of their movies at Comic Con!! Expect trailers and news to be upated on here. Apparently we will be getting a new Justice League Trailer and possibly a small Aquaman trailer.

Rumors of potential news and plots have hit in regards to the future of DC's movies and the Marvel Universe!! The DC rumors and leaks were very entertaining and fingers crossed it gets better and better!! Most of the DC leaks were linked to a big reveal from DC and Warner Brothers at comic con concerning all their upcoming movies!
Wonder Woman is doing well at the box office and recently hit £700 million!! Further information has been leaked to the possible Wonder Woman 2 plot with a Mr Chris Pine apparently will be involed somewhat.....oooooh!!

Another rumor I've heard there will be a new Star Wars trailer. I'm assuming it will be Star Wars: The Last Jedi! Number 8 in the series! News I've seen recently also confirmed that Ron Howard has been made director of the Han Solo spinoff and filming has continued with this picture being updated on social media.

So in this image we have the new Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) with Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo) and apparently this is the first image of Beckett, Woody Harrelson's character whose a bit of a criminal and apparently Han's mentor.........Looks good and sounds interesting!

Spider-Man Homecoming!

So finally got to go see the new Spider-Man with Claire while up in Cardiff for the weekend! I liked Tom Holland's interpretation of the famous webslinger in Civil War and I thought he was brilliant in this movie! We see a 15 year old Peter Parker dealing with the responsibilities of a young man in school, studying, homework, crushes AND having to deal with being Spiderman!
The movie had a lot of heart and a lot of laughs and action! Love the suit! Love the world and love the Ned! The big geek we all know we would be if our friend was ever Spider-Man!!

I'll even say this is THE BEST Spider-Man movie compared to the other movies! Tom Hollands, Spiderman is wise cracking and funny, while his Peter Parker is all of that plus socially awkward. "He's looking out for the little guy"! The movie even has a good villain character in Michael Keaton's Adrian Toomes " The Vulture" it has a few plot twists, a Stan Lee Cameo and loads of easter eggs thrown in!!

5/5 from me let's see what happens with Tom Holland and this new world Sony is starting to build with Marvel! Will talk more about the movie in my Amazing Spider-Man Blog!

Batman News!
Batman News! So we earlier this month that Matt Reeves would love to do a Noir detective driven Batman movie! Matt Reeves has now officially confirmed he will now be starting his version of The Batman with a new script! I think its a good idea BUT I hope that it is a prequel set before Batman Vs Superman which answers our questions from the movie. Matt Reeve's has also said that Ben Affleck IS his Batman! Good news Matt now sit down with Batfleck and make an awesome movie!
Hopefully more information drops at San Diego Comic Con and the next few months!

So I have always mentioned I'd elaborate on what a BroDown is when the next it happened! To be honest we realized we hadn't had one in about 3 months with everything being so mad and busy lately it was just nice to have a long overdue catchup!
A BroDown is a meet up between my close friends where we can relax be ourselves and geek out!! We'll go over each others houses and geek out about the latest news and have catch-ups as we're all extremely busy at the moment! Then we will devour lots of food, drink and binge on TV, movies, anime or videogames!!
It's always fun meeting up with everyone and we thoroughly enjoyed so much so I got back to Cardiff late!! A catchup with chinese food, introductions to a new puppy and a game of Pokemon monopoly (Which was brilliant)!! Till next time everyone!!

Artist/Write Pad!  

So I've started drawing again and have started work on a project I started almost 5 years ago!!! Started reading an old story of mine from 5 years ago and its made me start writing again, stripping the plot down to the basics to make it interesting and to focus on Simple Action, Simple Story, Simple Artwork! Got to do some canvases for a friend and I need to get back into drawing next blog hopefully will have more to add on the story!!

Back to the ManCave!!

Gaming: I recently bought Crash Bandicoot and I really enjoy the game, even Claire's got involved and played it a few times!! Also continued playing some of my old games to try and complete them

Having a break from Destiny sometimes is a very good thing and I can't wait to play Destiny.....Destiny 2 is coming soon and I cannot wait!!
Finally going to do a raid with the DIX after so long!! Brush the dust off my weapons and jump back into Destiny to complete it all I need to do is a flawless raid, the warlock subclass and if i wanted to fully do it is complete wrath of machine on hard and the bells challenge!!! Completed the Age Of Triumph book thanks to the DIX! Havent completed everything in the book mind just it completes if you get to Rank 7 BUT I'm not paying £35 for a customised Destiny T-shirt!
Close to platinum for  Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham!

Dungeons and Dragons: Had a few games of Dungeons and Dragons in the new story chapter! Really good so far new characters and a new scenario...First battle no kills but can Vann succeed or will he struggle through, 2nd battle no kills as we introduced the new guys to DnD play!! 3rd battle yes killed a few!!

Manga: Been catching up on comics and some Manga! Been reading a few manga's at the moment but the NEW Dragonball Super manga I have really enjoyed!! love the characters and the artwork, also been reading Attack On Titan amongst other things! If you haven't checked out Dragonball Super definitely read it!! The artwork looks so good!!

Movies and Television: I have literally hit Netflix hard recently finished watching GLOW with Claire! Let me just say its awesome! Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling was funny filled with drama and was so 80's I loved it and it's soundtrack!! Started watching Iron Fist again on Netflix!! Started Rick and Morty!! Bizarre adult cartoon for grown ups!! Me and Claire have been watching 24 hours in police custody on Channel 4, which is interesting!
I have also recently watched the movie Bernie with Jack Black playing the main character which was a dark comedy and true life event showing an assistant funeral director and his relationship with an older woman. I watched The Stepfather a dark thriller about a sociopathic killer who infiltrates himself into a family!!
Blitzed "Cant Pay, We'll Take It Away!! Series one and series two on Netflix!! This TV series follows High court enforcement teams across the country as they attempt collections and evictions on debtors!! Started watching American Gods too which is surreal but interesting, thankfully my boss told me the basis of it so I wasn't as perplexed as others.
Even watched two old B horror movies on Netflix, first one called Humanoids from the deep! Oldschool horror but loved it! Mutated fish-humanoids rise from the sea to attack the people of this little town! Second is The Beast Within, a monster movie where a young woman is raped by a monster and when the child hits puberty starts to transform into a monsterous creature filled with rage
Also Blitzed Las Vegas Police, Las Vegas Jail and Lockdown: New Inmates!Really enjoyed seeing behind the scenes of prison life and the trails police officers in America have to deal with on a regular basis.

Warhammer: Haven't painted any models yet but I will be doing soon. I've put my models in my Feldherr bag for the first time.....ONLY issue is I forgot their lizards with great big tails and pole weapons so their a little fiddly putting in. I have managed it and have had to make some minor adjustments with the foam for standard bearers etc.
Probably going to have to use a different box to carry the bigger models!!

Projects: Blogging's going well, I need to share more. I want to start a Youtube channel next year too. Need to finish my canvas projects, stories etc
