Warhammer My Story Part 14 Nearly a year of Warhammer!

Warhammer My Story Part 14 Nearly a year of Warhammer!

This year has gone so quickly! I have been in my new job since 02/08 and it has now been about 3-4 months it is still interesting and I am enjoying learning new things. Hopefully it opens new opportunities for me.

So to address the title!! Holy Warhammer!! 10 months of playing and having a Warhammer Age Of Sigmar army!!! I genuinely thought yeah maybe Im not so good at this, am I going to struggle? I have thoroughly enjoyed my games and getting used to them, I dont play as regularly as I would like but it happens as we're busy adults!! 10 months of Warhammer stuff and quite a bit of money spent lol!!

Still learning though, still finding out new rules and skills of my giant lizards!! Plan is for next year to play more games, maybe a tournament and would love to go to Warhammer World next year!! Might try the GW nights soon.

So to kick it off Games Workshop have released Shade Spire a new game for everyone to try. It looks interesting and a few of the guys have been talking about it! May have to try it myself soon.
Still not sold on Skirmish games rather normal games of AOS.

Played a game of Age Of Sigmar after a 2 month hiatus on the 15/10 against Nikki and Barry - 3 warlord Battle!!! Sylvaneth vs Seraphon vs Stormcast!! Very close battle where Nikki won because he had not lost a unit and we ran out of time. Till next time!!
MVP moment where my Skinks killed 2 stormcast units with poison boltspitters! First time in any of my games my skinks managed to kill someone!!!

Not much of a battle report, but will have a more detailed battle report on my next game.

At my last game I noticed I still have a lot of unfinished models, I need to get these painted before I buy new ones, to invigorate me I bought a Skink Starpriest to help my forces and because the model looks very cool, so I am now starting to try and finish my models before Christmas in case anyone gets me any new models. Highly unlikely and more than likely I will be buying more after Christmas!!!

Went up to Cardiff the weekend of the 21/10/2017 to see my girlfriends family who were down and on the Sunday. I ventured to Games Workshop in Cardiff which has now relocated down the road and if anyone knows me I have been really really tempted to start a Space Marine army for 40k!!! Really really want to start the Smurf Marines!!! Roboute Guillimans forces!!
Stopped myself thankfully from picking up a Start Collecting Box, thank god because I joked to Claire on the phone oh yeah I might chuck it on my credit card.....I reckon if I had met up with her after that with a GW bag she would have killed me and stamped on the bag lmao!!!

BIG NEWS!!! SPACEHULK DEATHWING FINALLY HAS A RELEASE DATE FOR CONSOLE! So this game I have been following for 2 years, posting new trailers or information and keeping an eye out for any updates!! Its been on PC for a year and has had good reviews! A first person shooter set in the dark universe of Warhammer 40k you play as a member of the Deathwing company of the famed Dark Angels Space Marines!! Giant super humans in tank like armour called Terminator Armour tasked with the mission by their undying God Emperor to clear a space hulk of the vile xenos that infest it.

The game has been announced on Amazon, £29.99 for an enhanced version that gives you all of the updates from the PC version now on PS4 and Xbox One!! Game is released 05/12/2017 I am holding my breath as it could be delayed again - but fingers crossed we get the game and it is awesome!!! I have it preordered with Amazon and I cannot wait to purge the xenos for the emperor!!!

What my Warhammer Wants!!

On a model front there is a whole lot of models I would love to have! Lord Kroak would be awesome as he has been extremely handy in my last few games where I proxied my Slann Starmaster!

In no particular order here is the list of things perhaps to buy after Christmas!!!

  • Lord Kroak
  • Chameleon Skinks
  • Age Of Sigmar rule book
  • Skinks
  • Razordon
  • Start collecting Space Marines box
Lord Kroak as a model is awesome and I would really like to get the actual model!! The Razordon I can take or leave it BUT it adds more shooting abilities to my forces so it is particularly helpful as Lizardmen dont have many shooting abilities!! Chameleon Skinks I need as they are especially useful and handy - shooting abilities and they dissapear!!! Skinks.....well their much better when you have a huge amount of skinks, their shooting ability to hit targets gets better !!
The rule book well i dont have a copy lol

Then we have the Space Marines, I have been a BIG Space Marine fan ever since my parents bought me the space marine mega box back in the day......I am still looking for the models and trying to bring as much as I can find!! I think I have liked the Space Marines since reading the Graham Mcneil novel Nightbringer, especially the Ultramarines, the poster boys of the Warhammer 40k and Games Workshop!!
So my Ultramarines....smurf marines, will be done in the traditional Macragge blue!! With captains, lieutenants and sergeants being marked to stand out!! I think space marines should always wear their helmets! so where I can all models will have a helmet!
Whats in the box? Space Marine Start Collecting box
In the box we have: 
  • 1x Terminator Captain.
  • 1x Venerable Dreadnought.
  • 10x Space marine Tactical squad.
Cant wait for these after Christmas!! I've only played 40k 8th edition the once with friends and it will be cool to play with my own army! Even if i get a few games I will have a good looking army to display in my office!!! My friends I game with have their own armies so it would be nice to also have a 40k army to join in as I have had to borrow models and proxy them.
With Warhammer I have a few friends who collect a lot of the armies!! To be honest I like the idea of having loads of armies but I have not got the space or money to do this lol!!! So atm I am more than happy just having 2 armies one for AOS, Seraphon and for 40k, Space Marines.

In AOS only armies I have been genuinely interested in starting maybe a chaos army, dwarves and maybe stormcast......I love my Seraphon my giant Lizards and right now I'm happy just collecting them, see what happens in future but Im probably leaning towards Stormcast and doing them in mainly silver and blue (pre smuf marines) but this will be in the next year or two no rush!

For 40k love the space marines, the Tau or T'au as they're now called, Necron and Tyranids!! I will be starting with Space Marines as theyre one of the more versatile armies in 40k and would love to run T'au or Tyranids sometime in the future. No rush plenty of time. Spacemarines will be the main force though.

Upcoming Movies!

One more month and Justice League is released on the 17/11 and then 1 month later Star Wars: The Last Jedi is out finally!! Continuing the story of Kylo Ren, Finn, Poe and Rey!!
Since my last blog we have even had 2 brilliant Justice League trailers drop and recently the Star Wars trailer dropped which looks amazing and throws even more mystery towards the movie!!  My two big movies for the year Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Justice League I cannot wait for!!!

Getting comic nerds and Star Wars nerds pumped for the winter months!!

Also news the Han Solo spinoff directed by Ron Howards will be called Solo: A Star Wars story!!

I forgot to add that the Michael Scorsese Joker movie, is rolling on and more information is to be released by Warner Bros. in regards to an extended world of movies they are planning. Its different and perhaps we may even see a Batman Beyond version??

Thor: Ragnarock has dropped, Thor 3 has had some amazingly good reviews so far, I dont think im going to see it in the cinema and I am happy to watch it at home on DVD or online when it comes out!! I'll review it when I see it, I was excited for it originally but in recent months its not interested me like other movies. Wait and see.

Happy Death Day is a movie thats interested me, a horror take on the cult classic Groundhog Day - Where a girl gets killed by a masked murderer and gets stuck in an infinite loop and tries to figure out who, what and why she keeps getting killed - Interesting, looks fun and right up my street but happy to wait to see online or DVD

Eat Locals - Got this preordered a funny comedy horror with vampires in the middle of nowhere. I would say its not worth the £7 - it is good starring Charlie Cox (Daredevil) Freema Aygeman (Doctor Who) and has some funny moments but thought it was an OK comedy horror trying something new 4/5 from DLLorenzo

Aquaman has wrapped up filming and now comes the time of editing, the movie will now be edited, changed and produced ready for release next year 21st December 2018! Hoping Justice League will be awesome and people will get excited for Aquaman!!

So thought I'd give an update on Destiny 2!! Really good game but 2 months on I haven't really played that much of it!! Incredible I know its just I have been super busy with work and everything being busy every weekend has been mental!! Got to play some more...when I get a chance...to level up characters!

  • I've started on the Skink Starpriest and will finally try to complete my Kroxigors. Finishing my Seraphon will take a lot of work!
  • As of 30/10 the Skink Starpriest and the Kroxigors are ready to be painted. 
  • Currently working on attaching arms and shields to skinks, then will be stripping the paint off of Oldblood and Bastilladon.
  • Have managed to salvage parts of my start box and I am trying to build an Oldblood on foot and a Skink priest!!
  • The big work I have got to do when I have a chance is the Stegadon...StegaTRON!! that needs some greenstuff putty to fill up the holes!

TV and Movies I have watched recently

  • I finally finished Iron Fist!! painful watching up until the last few episodes....Netflix if anyone reads this learn from Iron Fist and try to make it more fun and change the plot so they're not dragging!!3/5 from DLLorenzo not the strongest Marvel Netflix series but the start I found ok and the middle found extremely slow the ending was good! actually think in order I would rate as best would be DD, JJ, IF then LC!
  • Troll 2, A family move to the countryside for a little break but become food for a race of vegetarian goblins who turn their prey into plants!! 2/5 from DLLorenzo! It was cheesy, too simple and very predictable...worst movie made ever yeah I agree.
  • Hallows Eve, a British horror movie set in the suburbs of London where chavs run riot and a mysterious gang are tagging that they will come for them on Halloween, simple plot where the gang get knocked back. 2/5 from DLLorenzo could have been so much better and I hoped it was going to get better it didn't.
  • The Last Witch Hunter, Vin Diesel plays an immortal warrior who travels the world challenging witches and supernatural foes for an ancient order but is forced to confront an ancient enemy. 4/5 from DLLorenzo, surprised me actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be and surprised to hear the movie was based off of Vin Diesel's very own Dungeons and Dragons character. 
  • Chaos on the bridge, a documentary written and directed by William "Kirk" Shatner that tells the true story of what happened behind the scenes of the creation of Star Trek: The next generation. 4/5 from DLLorenzo was amazing to see the interviews and what happened behind the scenes of Star Trek.
  • I know what you did last summer, oldschool horror movie done back in 1997 with Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) and Jonny Galecki (The Big Bang Theory). Four teenagers are involved in a hit and run. One year later someone is sending messages I know what you did last summer scaring the teens and creating a gripping horror. old school horror at its finest 4/5 from DLLorenzo.
  • Raiders is a story documentary of three boys who started to make their own version of Raiders of the Lost Ark back in the 80's and 30 years on they return to finish the last scene of their movie!! 5/5 from DLLorenzo loved the documentary and reminded me of my own childhood coming up with fantasy  stories and playing out movies in my garden.

  • April Fool's Day, a horror slasher film made in 1986, typical plot where  a group of school/college friends meet up for a weekend at a villa on their own island, mysterious goings on and the teens start to dissapear one by one. 5/5 from DLLorenzo, old school slasher plot done with a twist loved it! Really good plot.
  • Demonic, a take on Paranormal Activity, a police team investigate a case where teens go missing in an abandoned house that was used years previously in a cult killing, the teens were hunting for ghosts!! 4/5 from DLLorenzo, didnt know what to expect its a bit found footage what I like with POV at points, the plot twists were interesting.
  • The Babysitter I'd say is a mix of Home Alone, but instead of the Wet Bandits you have a teenage devil cult, with lots of blood and some brilliant death and horror scenes!! This movie made me laugh out loud!! 5/5 from DLLorenzo I loved this movie taking a simple plot and making it really funny and gruesome. A really good horror comedy.

  •  Team Foxcatcher movie, the documentary about the real life events of the John Du Pont Team Foxcatcher incident. Which tells more of how it happened and why it possibly happened and it was really interesting to see. 4/5 from DLLorenzo.
  • American Poltergeist 1. So I watched number 2 before 1 their not directly linked that I know of and was the same rubbish only slightly better acting than number 2 still rubbish but 2/5 from DLLorenzo
  • American Poltergeist 2. A spirit plagues a teenager after she stumbles upon a hangman's noose in the woods, she must unravel the mystery to escape the curse. 1/5 from DLLorenzo, what can I say this was worse than Trolls 2, the plot was all over the shop the acting was just bad and predictable.


  • Played the Starwars Battlefront 2 Beta and wasnt really blown away, looked good and could be amazing but at this moment in time I am happy not to purchase it and can wait a few months till after Christmas and maybe get some money off. 3/5 from DLLorenzo. Tell me what you thought??

  • Trying to Play Destiny 2, trying Until Dawn, Batman Arkham Knight and Return to Arkham and finally Assassins Creed: Black Flag!! 
  • Destiny Update!! We did some of the raid on the 29/10 very fun and challenging. We did the first challenge then we completed the Baths level which was interesting!! Then got lost in the maze of the internal parts of the ship! Such a huge interesting level, we found where the boss is but cannot enter as we need to complete all the challenges!!


  • I am at the moment trying to finish a writing project for a competition I am entering, fingers crossed would love to enter in maybe 2 short stories.
  • I am finally reading Ready Player One!! Awesome book and I am really enjoying reading it!!
