Warhammer My Story Part 16 The Last Warhammer!!!

Warhammer My Story Part 16 The Last Warhammer!!!

Welcome to December one of the best times of the year! Christmas songs, Michael Buble, mince pies, winter, my Birthday....also the latest Star Wars movie!!! Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi ...hence the title (not my last Warhammer blog)

Welcome to my blog, I am DLLorenzo, writer, artist, gamer, blogger, foodie, warhammer enthusiast and a bit of a geek (and I dont care)!!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!

So end of November I forgot to update that I went to my christmas works do and dressed like Suicide Squad Joker otherwise known as Jared Leto! Think I scared some people strolling down the Strand in Swansea, glittering grills, white (fake)tattooed skin, green hair while twirling a black and chrome pimp stick!
Thoroughly enjoyed my night out and had more than a few drinks!!

Officially from December I have been in my development EO job for 5 months!! Halfway through my 12 month contract and still enjoying!!

01/12/2017 Fitness steadily improving did a 2k run with my girlfriend and hoping to do more fitness where I can this month.....but its christmas!! The time for Christmas cake, mince pies, hot chocolate, presents, pigs in blankets and food!!!
I know I will be harder on myself come January so going to try walking more and do some more exercises in the house up until then and might MIGHT have to sign up to the gym.

04/12/2017 Out the 2nd for my NGT team meal, cant make it to my new department's do as Im off to Bristol Christmas Market! Nice curry at Rose Indienne in Swansea!! Please read my review on Trip Advisor! https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g186466-d1799580-r544862315-Rose_Indienne-Swansea_Swansea_County_South_Wales_Wales.html#REVIEWS

11/12/2017 So Brizzle Christmas Market was OK, would highly recommend if you go to Bristol check out  Three Brothers Burgers on the Spyglass, had such Amazing food! (Check out my Trip Advisor review) **Add Link**

We had an amazing long day shopping in Bristol and checking out the Christmas Market. Would recommend going it isnt the biggest but the food and German beer was amazing!

Did a 5k run on Saturday 09/12/2017 around Roath Park, went around 3 times!! We were meant to do a Cardiff Parkrun but was cancelled due to icy paths!! Even helped an old man who slipped on the ice!

I am now feeling the repercusions of Saturday and I am walking around the office like an old man!!

14/12/2017 The Media have been singing the praises of Star Wars already and a few of my colleagues have been chatting about it and I have had to ignore it during work!!! No Spoilers!! Seeing it Thursday 21/12!!

18/12/2017 So the week has come!!! Star Wars!! My birthday and CHRISTMAS DAY is literally NEXT Monday!!! Dungeons And Dragons or DND, Vann killed a dragon!!! But now is on ther verge of life or death as the group where attacked by a very powerful tribe of barbarian berserkers!! I have to wait 2 weeks now to the 2nd of January to find out whether my character lives or dies!! I have become emotionally attached to Vann Stormwind!! He is literally my character if I was in the DnD world...maybe a little too happy to kick down doors though!!

Christmas Warhammer stuff!!
So my last blog I mentioned about the new Citadel Warhammer Buttplug!! Jokes aside so many people have said it is actually really handy and useful! Furthermore it makes it easier to paint models! 
Citadel have gone full whack for December also have brought out a water pot with a paint brush holder!! ooh! and a citadel Workshop pad to do all of your painting on! Great little Christmas gifts for the Games Workshop hobbyist!! Check out the website or in-store for more details.

Apparently even more Deathguard Models have been announced!! I'll get some pictures up, I think they're Death Guard terminators??!!? No correction!! Deathshroud bodyguard Terminators!! Love the detail on these models!! They are the personal bodyguards of Lord of Death Mortarion!! Silent BUT deadly!

  • Dark Angels codex and Blood Angels Codex have dropped! The sons of Caliban and the sons of Baal are back with further upgrades and added lore!! Have yet to find out the differences.  Reviews for the Dark Angels are good and the book looks intriguing talking more about the Fallen - the pre horus heresy side of the Dark Angels. Read it online the story is interesting and I will at some point check out a review online.

  • Few new special Dark Angels and Blood Angel models have been shown off like a Dark Angel's Primaris lieutenant and some modifications for Primaris troops including the Primaris Aggressors.
  • Super Heavy Primaris tank? So this rumour hit the internet a few months ago that a SUPER big tank was coming to 40K, otherwise known as the Astraeus Super Heavy tank! Chapter Master Valrak reviewed it the other day and there have been many size differences to current tanks and by god holy emperor this thing is massive!! Meant to be all powerful and destructive but we wait and see what happens this thing is apparently a LOT of money!! Latest news on Forgeworld.co.uk this thing is £220!!

  • Rambo/Mambo Catachan model WTF!! OK so GW did a spoof of Rambo and not even Hot Shots 2 close! They created an Imperial Guard by the name of Sly Marbo! After a melding of Sylvester (Sly) Stallone and his character John Rambo, the famed gun crazy war veteran! I laughed when I heard, I genuinely thought it was a joke! It is a joke but also GW having fun creating an awesome character and putting them in their world!! The model looks incredible and also features the plant from the little shop of horrors movie!

  • Easy to build Aggressors and Redemptor Dreadnought...hmmm would I buy a cheaper easier model to build??? Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Original piece has 125 pieces!! Easy to build has 12!! Original is £40-£45 while easy to build is £25 and comes in a blue resin!!

My Secret Project: Spacemarines! Ultramarines/Smurfmarines!

So after much deliberating, I finally took the plunge and did not listen to my own rules and bought a Start collecting Space Marine Box, with a Codex book: Space Marines and then bought a unit of 5 terminators! So about £80 just before Christmas!! All because I wanted Spacemarines and was going to be bored stuck in the house when Claire was on a night out!! I have wanted these for months!!

The models are highly detailed and look amazing and were very fun to put together, the book has sooo much detail its incredible!! Wish it hadn't been £30 though!!

I think it was the whole I havent treated myself in a while and then Spacehulk Deathwing was delayed further and then I asked my parents if they would get it for me for Christmas and a subtle no was said! Stupid me I got paid more recently due to the job and thought sod it! 40K has changed and I want to play it!!

Im hoping to add some Primaris or one or two more Spacemarines to the force after Christmas but then I can focus on getting all my Seraphon and my Ultramarines painted and ready for the year!!

Warhammer World is on the cards and I definitely want to go in 2018!!Will update the blog as more things happen!!


So as I had managed to assemble my Space Marines unpainted we decided to have a game of Warhammer 40K on the Sunday 26/11! What should have been a quick game took all day!! 1000 points each to 4 warmasters! Should have just tried 1 v 1, think that will be the plan from now on as the bigger games take longer and we have to work out the rules.
  • Battle report Spacemarines (Ultramarines) vs Xenos ( Necrons and Tyranids)
The Armies:
Lawrence/DLLorenzo (Ultramarines Unpainted):
  • Terminator Captain, with relic sword and storm bolter.
  • 1x Venerable Dreadnought, with twink linked lascannons, powerfist and flamer.
  • 10x Tactical squad, 7 with bolters, 2 with a flamer and rocket launcher with a sergeant with pistol and powerfist.
  • 5x Scouts with sniper rifles. (Proxied)
  • 5x Terminator squad, 1 sergeant with storm bolter and power sword, 1 with autocannon and powerfist, 3 with storm bolters and powerfist. One with chainfist.
  • 5x Assault Terminators, armed with Thunder hammers and storm shields. (Proxied)
Rhys (Ultramarines):
  • Roboute Guilliman.
  • 1x Chaplain.
  • 1x Apothecary
  • 2 units of 5 tactical marine squads with plasma guns.
  • 1x Redemptor Dreadnought.
  • 1x Whirlwind.

VS Niki (Necrons):
  • Necron Overlord on Command Barge, with reviving orb and warscythe.
  • 20x Necron warriors.
  • 10x Necron Immortals.
  • 5x Pratorians.
  • 5x Deathmarks
  • 9x Scarab swarms.

Barry (Tyranids):
  • Old One Eye
  • 1x Brood Lord
  • 2x Carnifexes, with 2 scything talons and adrenal glands.
  • 18x Genestealers
 Battle Report:
TURN 1: Rhy's marines fire an assault of shots in to Niki's Necrons killing one, Roboute Guilliman makes his first steps on the battlefield and the Whirlwind tank fires a barrage at the Necron, Barry's Tyranids with their bonus cross the entire battlefield and get into combat with my Venerable Dreadnought! Wounding it on first turn, Dreadnought kills a few of the genestealers with its dreadnought fist.

TURN 2: I Deepstrike my 2x terminator squads in to tackle the approaching Tyranid horde. Niki summons his 5 Deathmarks (special snipers that can overrule deepstrike models) and has the ability to attack first, wounding a terminator! My Terminators turn and kill all but one of the Deathmarks in one turn with my Terminator Captain finishing the last! My Venerable dreadnought explodes from the onslaught of Genestealers, killing many of them and the rest of the genestealers kill the rest of my tactical squad and kill my scouts!

TURN 3: Nik's Necrons being their assault on Guilliman wounding the mighty Primarch, who assaults back taking out many Necrons, Barry continues his assault on my Space marines killing all my Tactical Squad and Terminators and wounding my Captain! My Assault terminators kill the remaining Genestealers.

TURN 4: My Terminator Captain is slain and my Assault Terminators are killed by Carnifexes and Old One Eye! Lawrence Out! Barry's Tyranid Horde continue up the field towards Rhy's Whirlwind.
Niki continues his assault on Guilliman and the reast of Rhy's units killing his Apothecary and Chaplain!

Turn 5: Niki's Necrons continue their assualt and finally kill the Primarch Roboute Guilliman!! The Whirlwind is destroyed by Barry's Tyranids swarm it and the battle is over!

Xenos Win!!!

Story: A salvo of shots ripped the deathly quiet of planet Qvan as the Ultramarine patrol ripped into the approaching necron warriors as they crossed the valley, flashes of bolter fire and great green bursts flittered through the thick fog!! A blaze of fire flew through the air as a whirlwind tank entered the fray exploding in to the deathly silent necron warriors. 
On the otherside of the Valley the Tyranids swarmed the other squadron of Marines and enveloped a Venerable dreadnought who using its giant fist tried to swat away the giant swarm as their rain of claws attacked its armored hull.

A squad of Terminators crashed on to the planet amid the ongoing combat, a death marks team interrupted the transport and tried to slaughter them! All but one dying to the holy fire of the Terminators Storm bolters!!
The Terminator captain kills the last Deathmark as they praise the divine emperor, a huge mechanical cry rings out drawing the marines attention! The venerable dreadnought lets out a cry as it swings at the Tyranids then is enveloped in a huge fireball and explodes wiping out most of the Tyranid swarm!!!

"May his soul forever fight for the Emperor" the captain utters a prayer.

The Spacemarines on the other side of the Valley continue their battle with the Necron, Roboute Guilliman appears and strides into battle destroying Necron warriors left to right

Battle report review: The last time I played was back in August after 8th edition of Warhammer 40k dropped and this was my first game with my very own models and I did enjoy even though I was swiftly destroyed by Barrys rushing swarms of Tyranids!!

While waiting for Christmas I also picked up a space marine captain or the famously named Captain Cato Sicarius!! Who I will forever use " I Captain Cato Sicarius (in a high pitched voice)" before making any moves with him!! I also picked up some Primaris Aggressors!! Very fiddly with the legs not like terminators at all!! Apparently really really good shooting wise

Cannot wait for next 40k game and that will be after Christmas!

Christmas wantlist:
  •  50% of Dark Imperium box
  • Easy to build Redemptor dreadnought for £25
  • Anything Warhammer related.


17/12/2017 So we had 2 games running simultaneously this weekend we had a 40k game, Imperium vs Nids on one table and on the other table we had Age Of Sigmar, Sylvaneth vs Stormcast!

This match report is for the 40k game 1000 points of Tyranids vs 500 points of Ultramarines and 500 points of Imperial guard (Astra Militarum)! Last game before Christmas!!

Jarv's 1000 points of Tyranids: 
  • Hive Tyrant
  • 1x Brood Lord
  • 1x Exocrine
  • 3x Tyranid Warriors
  • Swarm of Termagaunts
  • Swarm of Hormagaunts

Barry's 500 points of Imperial Guard:
  • Tank Commander in Leman Russ Executioner Battle Tank with Lascannon, plasma sponsoons and storm bolter
  • 1x Leman Russ Battle Tank with Lascannon
  • Sergeant Harker
  • 10x Guardsmen with mortar

Lawrence's Ultramarines (Unpainted):
  • Terminator Captain with storm bolter and relic blade
  • Venerable Dreadnought with lascannon
  • 5 Terminators, 1 with Autocannon.
  • 10x Tactical marine squad.
Match: Ultramarines managed to kill a lot of Nids but could not hit the hard stuff as the hard stuff hit us from afar!! Imperial Guard were on the other flank but got swarmed!!

Battle Report Review:

**Wasn't able to get the captain or Aggressors ready for this game but should be ready for next game in January!!


Movie stuff

Booked our tickets for Star Wars 21/12/2017, the day before my birthday!! We are going to Cardiff's Odeon Imax cinema, it is has a private room upstairs called The Gallery, which I am extremely excited to see and experience. Plus I finally get to review the Movie AND the Gallery!!

Avengers: Infinity War: OK so just before Christmas this Gem dropped!! Marvel's next phase 4 and the long awaited Avengers: Infinity War!! This is apparently Part 1!! Have to see what happens but apparently will show 30 Superheroes!! It looks incredible and an amazing stage for Marvel to showcase their story telling prowess and their superheroes and the whole Marvel Universe!

Quick breakdown from the trailer **Spoilers**
  • Vision appears as a Human to Scarlet Witch (Is this maybe the mind stone's powers?)
  • Spiderman appears rocking the suit we saw at the end of Spiderman: Homecoming, the Iron Spider!! (Will he have a major role in this move?!) 
  • Captain America makes an appearance all Beardy and dark!
  • Thor and Black Widow appearances, Thor rocking his new look from Thor:Ragnarock and ScarJo with her blonde look...Grrrowllll (seriously) 
  • Seems a large part of the movie will appear in Wakanda, showing characters from the upcoming Black Panther movie, such as Black Panther fighting a 4 armed creature.
  • A few seconds showing Thano's Evil team!
  • The Guardians of the galaxy make an appearance!
  • Dr Strange appears!
  • Hulk appears!
  • Hulk buster Iron man appears and Iron Man gets layed out by Thanos with one punch!
  •  Spidey Sense tingling!  
  • Falcon's back
  • War Machines Back too! Awesome!! 
  • Winter Soldier is back working with the avengers ....AND his arm is back!!

The Trailer looks good BUT I have MANY questions: Will it have TOO much going on? How long will it be? Will the story be good and how will the Russo's handle well over 30 big Marvel characters!!?? Stay tuned Fellow Geeks!

Justice League update: So surprisingly for a movie that has been rated so badly and slated by critics the movie overall has taken globally over $600 million dollars!! Thats still awesome!!! Fans now have been vocal and are wanting an extended cut of Zack Snyder's original movie!! YES!! I want an Ultimate cut showing the original, the extended version and Zack's version! Think this will happen shortly next year!! This will be one geek who will pick that up!!!

Rumours hitting the web that again after the changes implemented after Batman Vs Superman more changes are being made at Warner Brothers to get this universe sorted! Geoff Johns apparently will be more behind the scenes....Is this good news or bad news. We wait and see DC and Movie fans!

With the DC Universe now growing Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson has thrown his weight on social media saying that the DC universe would beat the Avengers easily!

Batman News Update:

More rumours continue to follow Batman star Ben Affleck and surrounding the up and coming The Batman movie directed by Matt Reeves!

Rumours are that Ben Affleck is still only contracted for 3 movies and his last appearance as the Batman will be Flash - Flashpoint Paradox (he appeared in Batman V Superman and Justice League/ Suicide Squad was only cameo)!! That is if the movie is still  to continue after current news around the Warner Bros changes!!

Jeffrey Dean Morgan has apparently signalled his interest in the role of Batman!! Surely he would be awesome as Thomas Wayne Batman from Earth 2!! I think thats what we may see and Ben Affleck will sign a long term deal to become The Batman! OR they kill off Ben Affleck as he no longer wants to stay as Batman and bring in a new individual!

Please Ben Affleck dont leave the DC Universe!

Ready Player One update: So we have recently had a new trailer for the upcoming movie Ready Player One, directed by legendary director Stephen Spielsberg!! This new trailer shows that most of the characters will be animated or CGI and there is a lot of content......A LOT of 80's and recent content that has been researched and put into this beautiful looking movie!!

I squealed when I realised the RX-78-2 Gundam will make an appearance in this movie!!! BIG Gundam Nerd!!

 I have read the book and thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot wait for the movie!

**News has hit me that Ernest Cline is writing a sequel to Ready Player One!! With input from Stephen Spielsberg!! Is this perhaps a sequel or trilogy in the making????

Back to the Batcave/Office

Tv series and Movies I've watched or binged lately:

Rebel without a kitchen (Netflix):This shows Matt Bastille, start a pop-up kitchen called Fidel Gastro's serving street food to the masses in events and festivals, which progress with him opening his own food truck to eventually opening and owning his very own restaurant Lisa Marie! The second season follows Matt trying local dishes in different states of America and doing a different challenge where he creates his own take on a dish or creates a new taste sensation!
5/5 from DLLorenzo. This show made me fall in love with food again, the flavour combinations, the good food and the ideas were amazing!! Pad Thai Fries and some of the creative and funny dishes made me want to start my own street food pop up!! Highly recommend!

Last Chance U (Netflix): Last Chance U is a documentary focusing on the American football scholarship at little known Scooba based East Mississipi Community College. The title of the series refers to the fact that many of the players recruited to play at EMCC have been removed from Division I rosters due to academic or disciplinary issues, and playing at the JUCO level is their "last chance" to prove themselves and return to Division I. 
 5/5 from DLLorenzo!! Now I am not a big NFL fan I've only started watching it in the last few years and this show has actually made me want to learn more about the sport and watch more games! You dont need to know the rules, this documentary follows the students, the teachers and the coaches in their everyday life from training to school and even delving into the psyches of these young men and their coaches! Season 1 introduces you to soem amazing characters like DJ Law, John Franklin the 3rd and Ronald Ollie, then moving into season 2 most of the team have left for divison 1 colleges and its a rebuilding process, showcasing some more interesting characters such as Dakota Allen, for the EMCC lions and their Head coach Buddy Stephens!

The Sinner (Netflix): A woman at the beach with her family all of the sudden has an emotional breakdown and stabs a guy to death!! Shocking, gripping and tense this 8 part tv series pieces together the story and a picture of a woman who has a hidden past.  
5/5 from DLLorenzo, very slow to start but as more questions are anwered the TV series got better, darker and the plot was continuously twisting!! Highly recommend.

Plebs (Netflix): Daft, stupid, and laugh out loud! Basically the in-betweeners in Rome! Plebs follows Marcus, Stylax and Marcus's slave Grumio as they try to live the life in Rome, go to parties, work and meet the women of the city in hilarious and cringey fashion! 

4/5 from DLLorenzo Grumio was my favourite character, rubber faced, funny and just bizarre. 3 seasons of 25 minute episodes filled with awkward funny comedy.

Fantastic Four (Netflix): An adult take on the Famous Fantastic four, starring Miles Teller, Michael B Jordan and Jamie Bell, we see the origin story of comic's favourite family in a gritty story done by Chronicles director Josh Trank!  
3/5 from DLLorenzo, I think they went too dark on the story and lost the heart and the family part of the actual fantastic four. The story was all over the shop! 20th century fox needed to focus on their characters and make a realistic lighter hearted movie and not so dark.

Bachelorette (Netflix): Dark, funny watched it with claire, stars Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher and Rebel Wilson in the build up and wedding day for a girl and her best friends, who are kind of happy for her! 3/5 from DLLorenzo it was an OK comedy.

Wet Hot American Summer: 10 years later (Netflix):Cheesy, corny we love rubbish tv! 3/5 from DLLorenzo I found it overly daft and could not take it seriously!

Gods Of Egypt (Netflix):Back in ancient times, the gods were super powered heroes and villains! Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Gerard Butler star in this retelling of the ancient battles between the Gods Of Egypt! 2/5 from DLLorenzo, now I'd heard this was really bad! To be honest it could have been worse, I get they were trying to do a franchise to try and make money off the recent superhero Boom! Hammy acting, bad CGI, terrible script! Would have been better off doing a modern take on the cartoon Mummies Alive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummies_Alive!

The D Train (Netflix): Jack Black stars as a struggling father trying to make a name for himself in his little village, when trying to arrange a school reunion he thinks he'll be a hero if he can bring an alumni back to town, who now appears in TV commercials! 3/5 from DLLorenzo, weird and a little zany with Jack Black doing his best! It is funny in bits and gets weird quickly!

We are Twisted F*****g Sister! (Netflix): A documentary based on the rock glam band Twisted Sister, following their origins, development and subsequent end! 3/5 really enjoyed the documenatry and the opinions of the band and how they worked so hard on developing themselves!

Hell Driver/Drive Angry! (Netflix): Nicholas Cage stars as an angry, road warrior chasing after his daughters bby to save her from a demon worshipping cult! 3/5! Suprisingly simple and good! funny in bits and awesome fighting scenes

ROBOT/Enithran: A 2010 Indian scifi movie, following Dr Vaseegaran, his griflriend Sana and his new creation the android Chitti. After Chitti is upgraded to feel emotions he starts to fall in love with the doctors girlfriend and is used by Bohra, a rival scientist, to go on a path of diestruction. 3/5 from DLLorenzo, cheesy and simple plot, cgi not brilliant but really good action scenes. Bollywood movie so lots of singing and dancing and extravagant costumes.

Games being played:

Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens: Funny, wacky and typically Lego with a Star Wars twist! Game is different to other Lego games as it brings in a shoot out phases into the gameplay but I have completed the main campaign. Now have to just try to complete all of the trophies and collect everything in the game

Destiny 2: Still playing it regardless of whether the DIX are on or not! I still like Destiny 2 and with more games coming out I can have little breaks from it!

Destroy All Humans: Bought for £5 loved it on PSone/PStwo see what happens

Blood Bowl 2: Re downloaded to try and play and complete the campaign.

Monster Hunter World Beta: Got to try this on the 11/12 before the Beta finished on thr 12/12!! Got to play the beginner adventure "Great Devourer" which involved me chasing a giant Iguana called a Great Jagras after thoroughly enjoying the experience I then jumped into the Intermediate level "Wildspire Rampage" which had me hunting a heavily armoured bipedal creature called a Barroth!! 1st attempt I barely wounded him and then killed the great beast on my 2nd attempt!!
The AI is brilliant, I had done so much damage on my 2nd turn against the Barroth, he ran away and hid himself in a lake to escape me!! On my first attempt the Barroth also ran into another giant monster and I got stuck in the middle of their fight!!!
The premise sounds interesting and the worlds are vast and different, Capcom's Monster Hunter series has a huge fanbase worldwide and MH:World is the first one on console!! The gameplay is similar to Dark Souls where you the player are constantly dodging, parrying and fighting these small to extremely HUGE monsters!!!

 I can see myself possibly picking up a copy later next year depending on prices!!

Since getting my Space marines I haven't done any painting. I am hoping to get them basepainted during the month or may wait to basepaint them all when I buy more after Christmas, then I can start working on all of the marines!
Seraphon I need to basepaint a few units too!! May do them with the marines or leave till next year and get them all done at the same time!
Plan is to get all my models painted ready to play in tournaments and at Warhammer World!
