Warhammer My Story Part 17 Happy New Year Happy New Warhammer!

Warhammer My Story Part 17 Happy New Year Happy New Warhammer!

Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy new year!! 2018!! Hope everyone enjoyed and hope 2018 is a better year for everyone!! I am DLLorenzo and welcome to my geek blog!! So hope everyones enjoyed their Christmas time off,  next time hopefully I will book Christmas off lol! Was back in 28th and 29th....it was dead!!

Spent New Years Eve up in Cardiff with Claire (reunited on 30th!! She'd spent christmas with family in north wales then stayed in cardiff as she had a friends wedding on the 28th!) and spent time with her Sister, sisters boyfriend and brother! 30th was relaxed as we stayed in and had a few drinks! 31st we went shopping, relaxed, played pool and drank all day! went for food at La Vita and then saw in 2018 with quizzes, games, music and more drink!!
Missed out some stuff from last month purely because of the size of last months blog and thought I'd include them in this blog!!

On the 01/01/18 I surprisingly did not have a hangover!! Mixing lagers, ales, bourbon whiskey (+coke) and red wine did not mess me up like it usually would have!! Dropped my mate in to work at 9am then got back to Swansea about midday and watched netflix for the rest of the day!!

02/01/2018 Back to work! Officially 6 months in the job! Tonight I also find out what happens to Vann Stormwind in my DnD game! The first DnD game of the year (See further down in blog)!! Had to sack off Warhammer Sunday this week as I felt a bit unwell.

08/01/2018 Think the dreaded cold caught up with me and everyone's been ill!! I have managed to escape it but it seems to have it me this week, hopefully it passes as at the end of the week off to Manchester to see family (Long Weekend)! Hype for Monster Hunter World has begun with my friends, a new beta arranged just before release date and Im still trying to get my models ready!! Finally after months of starting the new campaign I jumped online with Niki and upgraded my DnD character sheet!! I'm a level 6 paladin High Elf and pleasantly surprised he's now stronger, has more abilities and has more health!! I'd been running him with 32 health he is now 52!! get to try him out on the 09/01/2017!

16/01/2017 Back in work after the long weekend! Manchester was brilliant and I got to spend time with my family which I thoroughly enjoyed. Back to work and I have been busy!
DnD tonight! Have to wait till Saturday to find out about Warhammer!

22/01/2017 Wasn't able to get a game of Warhammer 40k last weekend and does'nt look possible this weekend, Monday is my mother's birthday!! DnD tuesday night!! Off on a college day wednesday and might be having a cheeky half day Friday getting Monster Hunter World!!! Then later Friday up to Cardiff, my cooking experience at Purple Poppadom Saturday then Saturday evening we get to see the Cardiff Devils play Ice hockey!!
Then back to Sunny Swansea for my grandfathers birthday and continue my Monster Hunter World adventure!!

So 23/01/2018 Vann died in terrible circumstances. Niki recreated the Indiana Jones scene and killed all of our characters, death saving throws and (I didnt know) could critical and die from the 1st roll which he did! Kind of upsetting as I'd been playing that character for well over a year and now he's gone - Need to talk with Nik about bringing in a new character or brining Vann back! Cooking experience was awesome!! really enjoyed and reckon everyone should try it!!

Cardiff Devils Ice Hockey was awesome!! Go see them!!
Monster Hunter World is awesome so far! See my review!

29/01/2018 This week has flown by and it has been a good, positive week where I have finally started to get to grips with my role in work! House hunting with claire...exciting!!

My friend Gar one of the lead developers has now also finished and moving on to different pastures in IT with a finance startup in Bath! Great working with you buddy and good luck for the future!! We will always have the Scooby Doo voice and Manhunt!!

Roll on the weekend, Six Nations Rugby has returned Wales Vs Scotland Saturday 03/02/2018 and then Sunday 04/02/2018 I possibly get a game of 40k with my new marine army followed by an afternoon and evening of Super Bowl Sunday with friends watching the New England Patriots take on the Philadelphia Eagles!! Come on Eagles!!

Age Of Sigmar game!! Stormcast vs Seraphon!!

23/12/2017 So met up with one of my old warhammer buddies Tom just before Christmas and we had a quick game of Age Of Sigmar!! Let me just say I came up with a very quick 1000 points army list on the fly. I will not do this in future and in future will plan for games and make sure my Army work to help each other!
Tom brought:

General: Lord Relictor
Knight Venator
2x 5x Judicators
2x 5x Liberators
10x Liberators
5x Waywatchers (Wood Elves)

I brought:
General: Lord Kroak
Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur
10x Skinks
3x Kroxigors
10x Saurus Warriors 

My Battle Report:  Tom focused on shooting my forces to the very end, I managed to kill his Wood Elf Waywatchers and killed his custom winged Knight Venator and quite a few of his Liberators, but my entire forces were wiped out by the Judicators and Liberators! Judicators I didnt know have a lethal ability called Chain Lightning which at times could dish out 6-9 wounds at a time!! I started with brilliant rolls and then started to have the worst rolls ever!! Needless to say only My Lord Kroak character was left alive and Tom was not able to inflict enough wounds on him to kill him as Lord Kroak slowly started to kill Tom's remaining models!! I admitted defeat as it was a unanimous victory to stormcast but also I needed to get home as I was taking Claire up to Cardiff!!

"Given time though Tom could have killed Kroak OR Kroak would have slowly killed all of the remaining stormcast!"
 Good game Tom! Seraphon will lick their scaly wounds and return stronger!!

 "Build your army so that all units work with each other and be mindful of other units and their rules! I tend to not investigate other armies and just enjoy and try to handle it when it comes but I need to start looking into them more AND need to spend more time building lists NOT 5 minutes before the game!

Happy Warhammer 40k Birthday AND Christmas to me! So as I had Birthday and Christmas money I went 50-40 on a Dark Imperium box with my mate Tom and got the Space marine models and rule book! I also picked up an easy build redemptor dreadnought and then wandered over to Games Workshop and ordered a model paint holder (warhammer buttplug!) and ordered some Chameleon Skinks....I have wanted these for ages!!

So currently my Space Marine Army is:
1x Primaris Captain in Gravis armor (Called Captain Vann Stormwind after my DnD character)
1x Terminator Captain
1x Spacemarine Captain (Captain Cato Sicarius)
1x Primaris Ancient
2x Primaris Lieutenants
1x Space Marine Tactical Squad (10 Marines, 1 with flamer, 1 with rocket launcher)
2x Intercessor Primaris Marine Squads (5 in each squad)
1x Hellblaster Space Marine Squad (5 with plasma cannons)
1x Interceptor squad (3 in squad)
1x Venerable Dreadnought
1x Redemptor Dreadnought

Spending on warhammer has officially ENDED!! For at least a good 3-6 months! Next possible purchase for my Ultramarines could be a tank! ONLY thing I may buy is Ultramarine blue paint!! Will buy once I have basecoated my marines!

New Warhammer releases incoming!!A new death army Malignant Portents (nothing much revealed about these - Just cryptic videos)??? AND more plagues coming from good old Grandfather Nurgle and his Maggotkin!!

  • Expanded and updated rules for the Rotbringers "Nurgle's most dedicated mortal servants and Daemons of Nurgle!!
  • The Lord of Blights - A powerful warrior who throws severed heads at his enemies and the more units of blight kings around him the more thats thrown at enemies!!(This sounds fun!)
  • The new Doomsday Bell, adds a further 3 inches of movement to nearby nurgle units
  • Rotigus, a new named Greater Daemon, who deals out loads of mortal wounds to units who stand or are near him.
  • A bigger, better Great Unclean One!!
Loved Games Workshop's 7 days of Grandfather Nurgle video!! 2 thin coats of paint and a nurgling in a Christmas tree!!!! Doing more to promote the game and the fun using social media and interactive media!! I like this GW, keep doing it maybe make your models cheaper too, which to be fair they have done with the easy build options which I love!!

First DND of 2018: So Elf Paladin,Vann Stormwind 2 weeks ago was experiencing a near death situation fighting off a force of powerful Barbarian berserkers! We were all seriously wounded and were outnumbered! Tonight 02/01/2017 we will see whether the great elf survives deaths dark clutches!!
Continuing where we left off:- There had been 3 of us still fighting off the sudden appearance of the barbarians, we were all wounded, Fedion and my character Vann Stormwind were down on the verge of Death's clutches having failed our death saving rolls!
People had been busy, so we continued on as a small group.
  1. As we started Synthan, the mage Dwarf, cast a very powerful magic spell reviving our characters and healing their wounds to 17 life points!!
  2. Gary having not been in the last game, shocked at the destruction arrives and fires off a huge devastating Lightning magic striking the 2 barbarians who had struck the killing blows to Fedion and Vann! Wounding them further!
  3. The barbarian loomed over Vann and slashed him twice again, shocked that he had arosen from death, once again killing him 2 critical hits!! Laughter ensued as we could not believe my character had been killed again - Niki is one lucky Dungeon Master with his rolls! could'nt believe it!
  4. As the barbarian rolled his head back roaring in celebration, a steel blot flew through the air piercing the barbarian through his head killing him instantly!! A ragged man cloaked in darkness walked calmly towards the fight swiftly reloading his crossbow and picking his next target!
  5. The other barbarian seeing his brother die, turned as another bolt threw through the air hitting the barbarian between the eyes, killing him instantly as his body flew backwards while turning mid-air crashing onto the floor!
  6. Synthan sends life points to Vann once again reviving him, lightning from Gary's character rained over the battlefield once more and the Barbarian attacks Vann once again only for the blade to clash with an almighty clash of metal on metal as the shield counteracts the sword attack!
  7. Gary sends Vann 5 more lifepoints and in act of defiance Vann slashes the Barbarian with a sword attack then uses his divine smite ability cutting through the barbarian with a holy blast of energy finishing the last barbarian!
  8. Recovering from the battle the rest of the group are introduced to Barry's latest character, A Captain Talon Redmane! A pirate with a chequered history who immediately requests if any of the group had rum and we started to question why he was there and why he helped us.
 07/01/2018 I spent an hour or so working with Niki and Graham to update Vann Stormwind's character sheet, finally implememnting his special abilities and class abilities. Vann know has a list of special abilities, extra abilities and his life points jumped from 32 to 52! 
**Unfortunately out of the 6 members of our DnD party only Vann AND Sythan are the only 2 melee individuals of the group so most of the close combat fighting falls on us at the moment!!
09/01/2018 First game using the new and improved Vann Stormwind, we ventured past the Giant temple and the Giant statues, we met Hashnag the giant who had waited at the temple for 2 years (we had been in prison due to an altercation, Barry's previous character Kuri - the least said the better), walking through the temple we saw a crack in the wall, which we followed and were assaulted by several giant spiders!
  1. Vann took 20 damage facing off against the spider in melee, but killed one of the spiders!
  2. Tried the new encapturing spell where vines from the earth will capture an enemy, which failed!
  3. Used my short bow and wounded a spider in combat with the group! Shooting not my forte and the gang recommended I stick to melee. 
16/01/2018 We continued through the narrow cave and walked into a pitch black room and could hear movement of something big! My character walked into webbing and destroyed it with 2 slashes of his sword! Vann could hear the high pitched shrill of Esilla as she fired blindly at movement in the corner of the room! Turning round Vann used a  Fireshot, one of his new abilities that covered the creature, a giant spider, in flames lighting up the room briefly!!

23/01/2018 Still in the dark, surrounded by spiders, hundreds of baby spiders! We continued to slash and attack them until they were gone. Vann used his cure wounds to heal himself to about 32 life points.
Venturing further we found ourself back in the halls, while exploring the rooms a trap was set off, blocking the rooms with unmovable rocks andto our hero's horror a giant boulder starts to roll down the hallway picking up speed killing everyone but for Jarv's character who was stuck in a room!

During the Death Saves, Vann criticalled and died instantly! I didn't know that could happen and I am truly gutted as I had enjoyed playing that character for the last year or so!
I missed the session on the 30/01/2018 but apparently Vann was given a proper burial!

See what happens with DnD, whether Vann comes back I am unsure, but it might be the perfect time to start a new character! I have a few ideas but I would love to try my Black Swordsman idea and need to speak to Niki before our next game!
Also on a side note at Super Bowl Sunday I get to finally meet 2 of our mercenary guild as Gary and Graham are down in Swansea for the weekend!!!

First Warhammer 40k 2018 meetup!! So everytime I have tried to get a game it has been delayed, changed or cancelled!! Really want to try these Marines!!

DIX MEETUP: So thought I would try and arrange a small gathering at the end of February! Not many people have replied, it would be fun to see everyone and have a catchup!  Idea is to go bowling!! The plan is over for February due to other commitments and situations!

 Plans for Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40K and Warhammer World 2018! 
So far my plans are to complete all of the models I have and just enjoy the hobby, paint and play them!! With my Ultramarines I'm going to assemble all of the models and get them spray painted Chaos black as an undercoat! Then I will start painting the armour blue and will work on the finer details!
For my Seraphon I have to repaint my Bastilladon and my Oldblood! Then I need to spend some time rebuilding the stegadon with Green Milliput. Then need to start painting again and finish the models got the skinks to finish, terradons, kroxigors, saurus knights, saurus warriors etc. Lots of love and work needed!! Only thing I'd add to my Seraphon army would be a 2nd Bastilladon, more Skinks and a Lord Kroak model!

16/01/2018 Update I have finished all models bar 3 of the intercessors are missing their arms which will hopefully be done this week. Hoping to base paint all my models that need a base painting this weekend!!
Had a discussion with some of my friends and if money was no objection at the moment id be starting either Stormcast Eternals, an Orruk army or maybe a death army - see what happens over the next few months but right now I am happy with what I've got dont need to buy models for a long time!! A new project could be cool but right now I think I have spent more than enough!!

Perhaps review it if I go to Warhammer World as I will be definetly buying something there! See what happens with the army releases as I reckon we will see Tomb Kings reborn soon!

 Special blog will be done for My Warhammer World Trip! Warhammer World is happening this year, but no plan so far!

 Some of the movies below I will look into closer to the time and probably review at some point! Expect blog reviews!!!! Here's a list of some of the amazing movies that are going to grace the cinema screens this year!!!
  • Next big movie is the Marvel Universe's Black Panther (February 16th)! Liked the character in Captain America: Civil War and interested to see more of him and his world!
  • In March comes a triple shot of action for Movie lovers!! The NEW Tomb Raider (March 16th), Pacific Rim: Uprising (March 23rd), and finally Ready Player One (March 30th) - I liked the action scenes in the trailer for Tomb Raider but dont think the lead role is as sexy as Angelina Jolie. Pacific Rim: Uprising I loved the first movie and expect bigger things in the sequel!! Giant Robots vs Giant monsters x2! Then Ready Player One, I loved the book and the trailers bring the Oasis to life on the big screen! Cannot wait!!

  • Next BIG movie of the year for me is Avengers: Infinity War (May 4th)!! Looks interesting! It will address whats happening in the Marvel Universe in Step 4 or 5, how long will it be, will the plot be good! Im probably going to go see it but will need to watch Thor Ragnarock and will need to remind myself where the Marvel Universe is at!
  • Followed by May 25th Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th) A young Solo and young Lando?!?! Opens doors to a universe or gap in time we have'nt seen since the prequels and Rogue One! Expect a sequel if it goes well - Perhaps we see Han and Chewie meet for the first time and or the get the Millenium Falcon if Lando's involved.
  • The hilarious comedy Deadpool returns to cinemas with Deadpool 2 (June 1st)! The awesome posters/trailers and gags have started! Cable (Josh Broly) has been added to the superhero movie and so is anti-hero Domino and with a returning cast from the first movie, people were unsure about the first movie but it ended up being one of the funniest movies of 2016!
  • So everyone loved the Pixar original move The Incredibles all the way back in 2004!! 14 years later Brad Bird brings us the long awaited movie The Incredibles 2 (14th June) I think this is going to be awesome and I am tempted to go and see it!
  • James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez finally bring the anime Battle Angel Alita (July 20th) to the big screen in a live action cgi take on the manga!!

  • A movie incoming to kick off Sony's Marvel Universe Venom (October 5th) Tom Hardy fronts the movie playing Eddie Brock in the anti-hero movie of the year!! Plot is under wraps, everyone is excited for this movie!!! With Sony and Marvel linked!! Anti Hero movie!! People reckon we will see Agent Venom, a successful take on Venom, where flash thompson became the host instead after losing his legs while in the army and wore the symbiote for a few hours every day as a special covert super soldier!!  Or he plays the big bad Venom who changes his ways for the end of the movie?!?! Have to see what happens?? An plot that has hit the internet is that Eddie Brock is part of a team where several symbiotes have been found and one is used by the Army to protect the world, when these symbiotes start to break loose it is up to Eddie Brock to become one with his symbiote and drive the alien enemy back to whence they came!!

  •  Trailer dropped for Peter Jackson's new movie Mortal Engines (December 18th) based on the books Mortal Engines, the world as we know it has been destroyed in a post apocalyptic future where cities have become based on giant vehicular transports and those aboard try to survive the harsh enviroment by trying to capture other cities and old technology!! Sounds interesting may have to check out the book sometime before the movie comes out!!

  • So I didn't see much news about this but saw what looked like a trailer for the upcoming next Star Wars Spin off movie, Kenobi: A Star Wars Story!! Looks to again bridge between Movies Number 3: Revenge of the Sith AND Number 4: A New Hope! Similar to Rogue One but dealing with Kenobi training to become a Jedi Master and dealing with the horrors of being one of the last Jedi and the memories of Darth Vader. Rumour is Kenobi may appear in the Han Solo spinoff.
  • Shazam! (5th April 2019) is in pre-production, directed by David F Sandberg (Lights out and Annabelle:Creation) Zachary Levi has been cast as the titular character Shazam or formerly known as Captain Marvel! Asher Angel will play the young Billy Batson, the boy who by shouting the magic words "Shazam" turns into the superpowered hero Shazam! Mark Strong will play the villain of the movie Doctor Sivana! Dwayne Johnson may appear as a cameo as Shazam's enemy Black Adam, who sounds so far to be playing a bit of an anti-hero role in the DC Universe and could make an appearance in Suicide Squad 2.

  1.  So Matt Reeve's has The Batman story in essence which is being developed!! 
  2. Ben Affleck has rejected the chance to direct Flash: Flashpoint! Stop looking into it internet it makes no sense for him to act in the movie and then direct it!!! It is a lot of work (this is why he declined directing The Batman and DC brought in Matt Reeves!) 
  3. More scenes announced in the special Blu-ray edition of Justice League coming to DVD on March 13th!

Video Games!

  • Whats happened with Destiny 2?! So when Destiny 2 dropped back in September me and the DIX clan played it non stop! Hardly anyone's online and the games got repetitive and boring!! The new DLC Curse Of Osiris has been hit with mixed reception and a lot of criticism! Issue I have found was that the campaign was extremely short and I expected lots more content!! Still got the 2nd DLC payed for when I picked up the Limited Edition! I still play the game every now and again to try complete the trophies when I can but no one in the DIX clan is playing the game at the moment which is a BIG shame!! Stops me from completing the Raid!

  • Whats happening to "Anthem"? So Anthem is a first person shooter where a player is a character or known as a freelancer who wears an armored battle suit, the battle suits known as Javelins are the perfect all purpose Armour for freelancers, which protects you, grants you abilities and allows you to travel across the planet!! I loved the idea of Anthem and the look and feel of the gameplay and I really want to know more and see more.

  • PUBG coming to PS4! A huge massive multiplayer online battle royale game that has hit the internet recently is coming to console!! First it will appear on Xbox as an exclusive but after one year will then hit the Playstation 4! May have to give it a try and may have to watch some videos of online gameplay! I am not one of the people online thinking this looks amazing!
  • Onepiece  - World Seeker!! Open world manga game coming to console! Now I have read the Onepiece manga and love the world and the characters, haven't read at least for a year or so and need to have a catch-up at some point! If the developers do it right this could be an awesome anime based video game! Only see this trailer which doesn't show much apart from some of Luffy's abilities, some characters and the environment! Hoping we get to see more soon!!
  • 2nd Monster hunter World Beta: Played the beta with some of my friends and thoroughly enjoyed this Japanese game turned western! Lots of content and more to be added and Capcom have promised lots of free missions, monsters and equipment to pick up and collect!! I beat the 3 levels but could not beat the Negigante, even with 2 others!! God forbid!! we level up in game and come across him again he will be hunted!!I want to wear a Negigante skull!

 Back to the office!

Tv series and Movies I've watched or binged lately:

Power Rangers 2017 movie (Netflix): So this started from a dark gritty homemade version of Power Rangers uploaded on youtube, this is Saban's take to try and keep up with the comic book craze! Set in modern America in Angel Grove,  5 new teenage rangers are brought together, to train, learn their powers and work together to destroy an ultimate evil Rita Repulsa! 3/5 from DLLorenzo, so finally got to see this on Netflix and was not as bad as I thought! The basic plot is ok and get the reason they tried a modern take on the original story. Lots to work on as there are bits that didnt need to be there and should have kept it a little more grounded but did enjoy!  There has been rumors they wouldn't do a sequel but there is now rumours it may. See what happens fellow Rangers!

The Intern (Amazon Prime): Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway star in this amazing family comedy, showing an elderly widower returning to work and starting work at a modern fashion company as a work experience! 5/5 from DLLorenzo You'd think this would have been a cliched old vs young movie but the movie is funny, charming and was absolutely lovely to watch and I would definetly watch again!

In Bruges (Netflix): In Bruges, stars Colin Farrel in one of his earlier roles as a hitman in London who with his partner are sent to Bruges, due to a mess up on a hit! 4/5 from DLLorenzo, surprisingly really enjoyed and got to see the lovely town of Bruges! Mad, Irish and worth a watch!

Jiro dreams of Sushi (Netflix): An in-depth documentary following the michelin starred chef Jiro Ono, who at 92 is the oldest chef with a michelin star, he has three!The documentary show him running his sushi restaurant in Japan, talking about the future and his family where his oldest will take over his restaurant Sukiyabashi Jiro and the youngest runs his own branch! 5/5 from DLLorenzo, an amazing insight in to the culinary world of Sushi and Japan and a lovely insight in to this amazing man!

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (Netflix):Following on from the classic, the movie follows Leatherface and his family and their ensuing carnage, death and destruction! 2/5 from DLLorenzo, some good acting and some hammy moments in this old horror movie series but started off really well!

Uncle Nick (Netflix): A christmas movie with family drama starring the actor and comedian from Big Bang Theory Brian Pohsen! 1/5 from DLLorenzo, a depressing reminder that not all christmas movies about family are amazing, terrible jokes and terrible script! Avoid!

The Warriors (Netflix): Gang wars run riot in New York, a young group called The Warriors are summoned to far side New York for a gathering of all the clans, trouble happens and The Warriors are blackmailed and targeted by every gang in the city! 4/5 from DLLorenzo Gritty 80's movie that I suprisingly really enjoyed watching, highly recommend!

Daddy Day Camp (Netflix): cheap Cuba Gooding Jr take on the family friendly Daddy Day Care movie! Instead of Day Care theyre now running a Camp! Camps are HUGE in America! 2/5 hammy acting, silly writing, wanted to turn it off after 20 minutes!

Ice Guardians (Netflix): Ice Guardians follows some of the enforcers that have graced the ice rinks in the NHL! Following the fights, the teams and the personal injuries and careers of some of the most known enforcers in Ice Hockey! 4/5 from DLLorenzo, interesting and intriguing from a non NHL fan! The fighting adds to the excitement of a game but careers can be ruined by one punch!! But some enforcers live for the thrill and the fight and it was interesting to hear their own personal views!

Fun Mom Dinner (Netflix): Fun Mom Dinner is a netflix take on Bad Moms! 3/5 from DLLorenzo, actually really enjoyed this cheaper version of Bad Moms and actually made me laugh!

The Trip (Netflix): The Trip follows a fictionalised version of Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan, Steve asks Rob to travel with him to the North of England on a food and hotel tour that he is doing for a new book he is writing but also as Rob finds out he wasnt the others first choice due to an altercation! 3/5 from DLLorenzo, I didnt know what to think when I first saw the start of the series but the more I watched I did enjoy the series, its very good light viewing and funny but you will love and hopefully after all the episodes will enjoy Steve and Rob's impersonations of known actors and comedians!

Goon 2-Last of the enforcers (Netflix): Sean William Scott stars in the sequel to The Goon, as his character continues being an enforcer to the Halifax Highlanders, injury and a brutal defeat by the new owner's ice hockey playing son, causing him to review his life and whether or not continue playing the sport!! 3/5 from DLLorenzo, still havent seen The Goon, but thought I'd jump into this movie. Felt like they tried to be funny in parts of the movie, which wasnt and there are some genuine good funny moments! Need to checkout the Goon!

The Hardy Bucks Movie (Netflix): Bunch of Irish football fans get the idea to go to the world cup and follow the Irish team and end up getting messed up and chased by drug dealers! 2/5 from DLLorenzo, lazy writing, terrible acting dont watch!

The Real Football Factories (Netflix): Danny Dyer follows several football hooligan groups around Britain, tries to act hard and talks about some of the biggest fights you were'nt aware of! 2/5 from DLLorenzo, easy watching, a lot of Danny Dyer trying to act hard but easily petrified of the company, a lot of men trying to act hard and talk about fights, run in's with other gangs and the lifestyle.


Video Games:

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4): As my lovely girlfriend Claire gave me a £50 GAME voucher for Christmas I treated myself to Star Wars Battlefront 2, which isnt as bad as people have said! Apparently they have removed the in game charges which is good, the campaign seems really good so far and the arcade games and multiplayer are fast, frantic and fun!I have been playing a lot of this and really find a much more improved game compared to Star Wars Battlefront 1.

Fortnite PvP (PS4): I played a few games with Andrew recently and I have to say its not a bad game fortnite and thats me and him playing PvP! Playing games with friends instantly makes things better! BUT Fortnite I will not be buying unless its free!

Dawn Of War (PC/Laptop): So getting a new laptop after Christmas so plan was to pick up this game that I played over 10 years ago that is still being used today! Got the Game of the year bundle for £9.99 which includes the the main campaign and 3 dlc packs that include further missions, armies and add-ons. Might be able to play with some of my friends online.
Installed Dawn of War on my old laptop just in case and suprisingly found out it worked! Only issue I have found there is a little bit of lag on cutscenes and the more units there are on screen it lags a little bit!!Already started the campaign and really enjoying playing it again!! Once I have completed the campaign and the DLC campaigns I will then delete them and look at buying Total War Warhammer!

Started Winter Assault campaign and on the 2nd misison

Will ONLY buyTotal War: Warhammer when I have completed the Dawn of War Campaign and other DLC  missions! I played some of the Total War games years ago such as Total War Annihilation and Total War Shogun and with me purchasing a new laptop in the next month or so I will definetly be looking to play this beautiful looking game soon!

Next purchase for the PS4 looks like it will be Monster Hunter World at the end of January, purely as I have some credit left on my GAME card from Christmas and its a game I trialled, enjoyed and a few of my friends will be picking it up. It has multiplayer!

Then Space Hulk Deathwing for the PS4 on March 27th 

Back to the Office Desk!:
Assembled some of the new primaris marines and redemptor dreadnought over Christmas - also assembled the chameleon skinks which I cannot wait to use in a game! The warhammer model holder is pretty cool! Used it on a few of the models just to try!!
Still have the 2 Intercessor squads, the hellblaster squad and the Interceptor Lieutenants to finish!

19/01/2018 Update on this only have 3 intercessors to finish!

02/02/2018 Not finished!
