Ready Player One Movie Review

Ready Player One Movie Review

So keeping it simple this is a brilliant, fun, wacky story about a future where civilization live their lives through a huge video game!! Welcome to the Oasis, a online virtual world created by the genius James Halliday, who on the day of his death sent a message across the world advising that he had created 3 keys and puzzles and the ones who were worthy would win his fortune and shares in his company and also take over control and handling of the Oasis!

Enter Wade Watts in 2045 in Columbus, Ohio where he lives in the Caravan stacks with his Aunt and abusive boyfriend, struggling by Wade is an avid fan of the 80's and James Halliday and is known online by his avatar Parzival!
Once Wade reaches the first key and his name appears on the digital board, everything changs and Wade makes friends and enemies very quickly.....

I loved reading Ready Player One, the novel by Ernest Cline and thought the book was slightly better at points than the movie, but the movie is different to the book but also in a good way its lighter has some innovative scenes incorporating the actors uniqueness and potentially sets the movie for a sequel which I think is on the cards!

The movie is zany, lots of cgi (which works as you know its a video game), real human emotions portrayed and a very funny movie with some iconic geek moments.

Hell I give it 4/5 so did my girlfriend...who was very apprehensive about seeing this movie with all the video game/scifi/movie themes but she thoroughly enjoyed the plot and even gave it a 4/5!!


Changes to the book, all of the puzzles were changed and I was a little disappointed but thought it made sense as some of the original puzzles a lot of people would not have got unless you were a dedicated video game historian!!

The relationship between Parzival and Art3mis was brilliant and became funny and slightly more humorous than the book 

Parzival and Art3mis meet earlier than expected

Daito in the book turns into Ultraman in the final fight! in the movie he becomes the awesome Mobile Suit Gundam RX-78-2

Daito in the book was killed in real life by IOI but in the movie he survives but just gets zeroed out (avatar killed not the real life person)

One for the blu-ray preorder for me and highly recommend you watch it!
