Warhammer My Story Part 19 Look upon my Warhammer!

Warhammer My Story Part 19 Look upon my Warhammer!

Welcome to another blog and another month! I am DLLorenzo and welcome to my geeky personal little blog!! March has been a very busy month and lots to update you on!!

                                               Psychopaths and Enthusiasts

                             Jamie Shreeve's book review.

So a special shout out to my friend Jamie Shreeve! When I come up with ideas I do a lot of talking, about doing thinks and creating things, but Jamie went out and did exactly as he said!

Now Jamie wrote his first story! Got it self published with help from his sister and now is selling it while also working on another novel!! Good job Jamie! Proud of you! 
People read this book! It's a really good, well written book! Love the characters and well worth a read! 5/5 from DLLorenzo and cannot wait to read his next one!! (Jamie give me tips for mine sometime)

Please support the writer by following him on the links below and leaving some amazing comments!

Jamie will also be appearing at Swansea Comic Con to promote his book, at the Brangwyn Hall Swansea on May 5th 2018!!

Please come down to the Swansea Comic Con on the 5th of May at the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea! Lots of things to do and to see!!  http://scgc.org.uk/
Sadly wont be there!! Everyone going, enjoy geeking out!!

Warhammer news 

So a bit of a busy March for Warhammer, we had the reveal of a new campaign and a new boxset bringing the Adeptus Mechanicus against the Necron, with a few new models to add to the armies such as the new smaller Knight models and a new Necron lord model!! MECHA VS MECHA

 04/03/2018 on the weekend a new Warhammer 40k a new boxset dropped on the Warhammer Community page titled "Forgebane"!!
Breaking news today – a brand new battle box is on the way. We’ve heard a lot over the past year about the conflict between the Space Marines and their traitorous cousins, but in this set, we turn our gaze to another ancient evil rising throughout the galaxy.
In Forgebane, two venerable empires clash for supremacy on a forge world that was revealed to be a tomb world following the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum. In the boxed set, you’ll find two armies, along with rules for playing them and a new chapter in the lore of Warhammer 40,000, as the Adeptus Mechanicus discover the secrets of blackstone – a mysterious material with the potential to neutralise the powers of Chaos or even amplify it to a horrific degree. Conflicts such as these are rising across the galaxy, as more forge worlds are found to harbour ancient and terrible secrets (that’ll serve them right for building all their facilities on unusually ore-rich planets mysteriously devoid of all life…).
The Necron Cryptek is the first to be made of plastic and features a new piece of wargear that allows them to skim above the battlefield and repair your units.
Meanwhile, Knight Armiger Warglaives are a new, lightweight class of Imperial Knight, piloted by Knights in training, lesser members of noble households or just commoners with an uncanny knack for mechanised warfareIt’s the job of these smaller Knights to range ahead of their brethren and annihilate any threats – in particular, shearing through enemy vehicles or tank-hunters with the thermal spear and reaper chain-cleaver.
Forgebane is a great place to start a Necron or Adeptus Mechanicus army (or both!), and the set will cost you less than getting everything inside separately, and that’s BEFORE you count the new Cryptek and Imperial Knight units.

Adepticon 2018 reveals!

Adepticon is a huge conference festival in America that has Games Workshop releases and table top game releases, reveals and lots of Warhammer battles in Chicago Illinois!! I only heard about Adapticon on the Warhammer community or on Garagehammer and never really realised how big the game I enjoy is....Warhammer worldwide!!
So right on the back of the Forgebane reveal and the new smaller imperial knights, in Adepticon they revealed the new HUGE Imperial Knight coming soon to gaming tables near you!!

Three new codex's to appear in the next few months! Codex: Imperial Knights, Codex: Harlequins and Codex Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch! Excited for the Imperial Knight book to see what happens and love to read the Deathwatch to see what is coming to the Space Marines Codex:Harlequins are a sect of the eldar or dark elves not so sure!! Coming soon!

So Age Of Sigmar players have had Warscroll builder which allows us to build our lists and look into using units and having it all on one app, which has been so helpful in a game! Rumours had been that GW were developing a Warhammer 40k app and we finally have news!! The new app will be called Roll Call which will be similar to the Age Of Sigmar app and also there will be a free list builder on the Warhammer community page called Combat Roster which is awesome!!

Adepticon 2018 had more surprises for us, a rumour had been on line about a new army of fish-men!!! Fish-men....some people liked it and some people didn't!! What we did get was a video and pictures of the new Idoneth Deepkin elves! Atlantean Elves with giant sea turtles, armoured eels and an octopus!! It looks awesome and will have to wait and see what happens!!

GW also revealed that at all the big events on the GW calendar, starting from Adepticon 2019 a new individual model will be created exclusively for that festival!! Which is a brilliant idea and follows comic cons around the world!!
Last but not least the biggest reveal for some people was that the Sisters of battle will appear in plastic!!! Sisters of Battle are and were a female version of space marines enjoyed by many war gamers everywhere!! See what happens and expect we will see some Primaris versions of the ladies of War!! Still waiting on my Seraphon Gods!!


Back listening to my podcasts and loving Garage Hammer! David Witek and Alex Gonzalez are brilliant and I highly recommend if your interested in listening to a different or funny podcast try this!! You listen to them talk about Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and every now and again Warhammer 40k!

5 General 6k points Battle "Across the River"!
Got to Gamers Emporium around 10am and waited for the others. First Warhammer game in 3 months! Last played Warhammer on the 27/12/2017 and that was Age Of Sigmar between myself and Tom!
This game was a Warhammer 40K game: Me, Jim and Niki against Barry and Jarvis, 3 vs 2!          3x 1000 points armies vs 2x 1500 points!

The lists:

 Ultramarines (DLLorenzo) 
1x Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour (Captain Vann Stormwind)
1x Primaris Lieutenant
1x Primaris Ancient
1x Redemptor Dreadnought
1x Venerable Dreadnought
1x 5 man Terminator Squad
1x 5 man Hellblaster squad
1x 3 man Interceptor squad 
1x 3 man Aggressor squad
1x 10 man Tactical squad 

Adeptus Custodes (Jim)

1x Roboute Guilliman
1x Shield Captain on Dawn Eagle Jetbike
3x Custodian Guard
3x Allarus Terminators

Necrons (Niki)

1x Illuminator Szeras
1x Orikan the diviner
3x 10 immortals with Tesla carbines
3x scarabs
1x Triarch stalker

Imperial Guard (Barry)

1x Tank Commander in Executioner tank
1x Tank Commander in Punisher tank
2x 5 man Scion plasma gun squad
1x 5 man scion shot volley gun squad
2x Hellhounds
2 Armored Sentinels with plasma cannons
2x Battle tanks
1x Executioner tank

Chaos Spacemarines (Jarvis)

1x Abaddon the Despoiler
1x Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour
9x Cultists
6x Terminators with flamers
6x terminators with plasma
5x Rubric marines
1x Defiler
1x helldrake

To the battle!! 

The battlefield was set up with debris and buildings throughout and a long winding river separated the armies, Ultramarines, Custodes and Necron one side and Imperial Guard with Chaos marines on the other!!

Turn 1: Imperial Guard and Chaos Space Marines start to fire upon the advancing hordes, killing Necron soldiers! Necrons, Custodes and Ultramarines start to advance, Roboute Guilliman strides in to battle amongst his Ultramarines!

The Custodes Shield Captain on Dawn Eagle jet bike flies towards the Chaos helldrake facing it by itself! The Ultramarines begin their assault against the nearest Imperial guard tank, destroying it!
Turn 2: Imperial Guard appear on checkpoints behind the Necrons and Chaos Space Marine Terminators and Abbadon the Despoiler appear in front of the Ultramarines front line, killing all but two of the tactical squad! 

The Ultramarine terminators drop in after the Chaos marines made their move and so do the Custodes Terminators appear wounding Abbadon the Despoiler!
The Ultramarines using their superior firepower rip through the Chaos Terminators with holy bullet fire and holy plasma cannons rip through Abbadon the Despoiler sending him back to the accursed warp, then continue their assault to kill another tank! 
The Custode Shield Captain kills the Chaos Helldrake in close combat and survives the onslaught of the tanks at the other end of the field!! 

Most Valuable Models: Shield Captain on Dawn Jetbike and Roboute Guilliman! The shield captain survived an onslaught of Imperial guard fire and Chaos marines fire and killed a Helldrake! Guilliman boosted the Ultramarines allowing them to re roll all failed rolls!!

My Honourable mention: First time using the Hell blasters and they ripped through Abbadon the Despoiler!

Me and Jim had to leave early sadly so we were unable to finish the game, next time we will kill more chaos Battle brothers! Hopefully Captain Vann Stormwind will get into combat (in two turns he didn't get close enough)....next time!!

                            Warhammer World Update.
 So I have mentioned quite a bit in some of my blogs that I really want to go to Warhammer World in Nottingham! Where some of my friends went last year and I couldn't I was a little bit gutted as they all thoroughly enjoyed as Warhammer World is like Disney World for Warhammer nerds!!

They have lifesize Warhammer relics, an actual Bugman's Bar, a few hundred themed gaming tables, a black library store, a BIIIIG Warhammer shop and thousands of displays and models to see!!

Well GOOD NEWS! In our recent meet ups we had started to work out a date that worked for everyone and we are now looking at going up in October. We will venture up for perhaps 2/3 days of war gaming, purchasing, drinking, laughter and maybe even a short DnD campaign!
Cannot wait as we will also meet up with our fellow DnD battle brothers!
Expect a blog of our journey and what we get up to and this will probably appear during October!

Space Hulk Deathwing on PS4

13/03/2018 I got an email from Amazon saying that once again the "Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition (PS4)" the release date for the item was changed by the supplier and a new estimated delivery date has been given as per the new release date.

Estimated arrival date is now May 22nd 2018! People are getting excited as the latest release of the enhanced edition states, new weapons, new Armour, new enemies, new modes!! The PC version will also drop on the same day allowing PC gamers access to the new stuff when Playstation users finally get to purge Xenos in the name of the Emperor!

I actually cannot wait I love the look of the game plus I've been scouring the internet on information about this game for the last 2-3 years since its initial release and rumour to be coming to console! Thankfully its coming to Playstation as it was meant to be coming to Playstation AND Xbox! May cannot come quick enough and hopefully my May blog post will be about how Spacehulk deathwing is awesome!!

Pacific Rim: Extinction

So this popped up on my Face book, this is an interesting take on the cult movie Pacific Rim and its upcoming sequel Pacific Rim Uprising but brought to the table top in a game that features similar scenes from the original movie, a giant robot versus a giant monster! The conditions of the game seem interesting as the Jaeger has to fight the monster and protect the city and the civilians and the monster has to defeat the Jaeger AND has a secret target or motive to do in game as well!!
I am genuinely interested in what will come with the kickstarter! Please check the website below as the game looks interesting and I may have to check it out! 12th March 2018 the Kick starter starts!

Warhammer Roleplay!

Warhammer Roleplay! Wednesday 07/03/2018!
So a few of the guys have tried out a new Warhammer RPG being run in Gamers Emporium. I am going to try it out on the 07/03/2018!
07/03/2018! So I got to meet the group, David and Tom (the Warhammer version of a DnD DM) and I was also playing with two of my friends Niki and Barry, who said I would definetly enjoy playing!

What I didnt know was that I would be crying at the end of the game..................................with laughter!

I was regailed with the previous adventure and of the character called Gordon, a character created by Rhys, who was a master tactician but had no common sense and was an idiot! Sadly Gordon would not be on this adventure!
I created a new Dwarven character Thorgrim Ironhammer! I'd had an idea for this character just in case my current DnD character Vann Stormwind died...again!! In this game Thorgrim, spoke with a thick scottish accent, he's stubborn, opinionated and loves to fight and drink!! He was very short for a dwarf but was covered in muscles and tattoos and his own chainmail. Also sporting a powerful War Axe and a huge ginger mohawk on his shaved head!

I met the party who introduced themselves to me, Khadron (Niki), a stuck up wood elf who had ventured away from his tree homeland and had a great dislike of many things, especially Imrak. I was then introduced to a fellow Dwarf Imrak (Barry)!! He was big nosed Dwarf as wide as he was large and equally did not get on well with Khadron! Then I was introduced Gotfried (David) a man wearing fancy clothing who wanted to learn to become a doctor, and who had a great dislike of Turnips! Tom introduced himself as the DM or rulesmaster of the game!

We started the story and the rest of the party had joined the Middenheim City Watch as part of their adventure, this giving them extra armour, weapons and responsibilities. Where we found our heroes they had put a huge amount of rocks over one of the many passages down into the maze like tunnels of the Middenheim sewers!

As the group bickered (mainly the elf and dwarf) another dwarf sporting a huge ginger mohawk came closer to the party and remarked how he liked the great pile o' rocks they had put there! Thorgrim introduced himself to the small group, he was a Dwarf slayer/mercenary who had travelled to Middenheim on a convoy protecting cargo! Many jokes were made as Dwarfs look similar and have similar names.
The group hearing he was a seasoned fighter asked if he would care to join the City Watch for the evening and venture down in to the deep dark sewer hunting an unknown enemy, to which Thorgrim agreed but for a pint and a price! The Dwarves greeted each other as Dwarves do with grumbles and a fist pump!
Apparently they had seen a dark cloaked character with a long tail running around Middenheim and it had jumped down into the sewers, hence they're rush to block it up!!

The smell of the sewers hit the group hard, especially the Elf and the Human! The Elf turned a shade of green and became nauseous and the Human, put a wee scented handkerchief to his face. Khadron was lucky as he swooned to the awful smell to a soupy grave. Luckily for him Dwarves have a terrible sense of smell and weren't affected by the horrible odour, Thorgrim picked up Khadron before he went head first in the soup carrying him along the narrow pathways on his shoulder, now and again we would hear an "oooow" which was Khadron hitting his head on the sewer roof and feeling worse!

The sewer water or soup as the Dwarves called it was a luminescent green intermingled with colors most foul they shall not be mentioned!!

Along the dark, creepy sewer we came near to one of the mythical famed and feared Ratmen or Skaven, a creature that looked like a humaoid rat, covered in thick greasy fur, sharp beady red eyes, sharp elongated fangs and a naked thrashing tail, it wore a leather belt and was armed with a jagged knife!

Khadron and Gotfried were baffled at the weird looking creature (it was the first time they had come across these), the Dwarves gritted their teeth and readied their axes as their kind had fought Skaven for hundreds of years!
Khadron taking a big gulp of air calmed himself, aimed and fired his bow piercing the Ratman in the arm, it gave a piercing shriek as it was taken by surprise! Gotfried, Imrak and Thorgrim tried with their crossbows but missed in hilarious fashion! The Ratman scurried off  towards a well lit tunnel and as it did the tunnels suddenly once quiet became filled with the sound of chattering squeaks and squeals as the sound of more Skaven began to get louder and louder!

Our party deciding to continue in to the sewers followed the Skaven guard and ventured into the well lit tunnel, finding ourselves within a Skaven burrow, poorly lit with straw bedding and treasure dotted around the cave, several Skaven spotted us, baring their teeth, knives and thrashing their tails in anticipation for a fight and in the back of the cave was a huge cage and within was a massive Rat Ogre, roaring and chattering and bearing its teeth at us as it tried to break through the metal cage, frothing at the mouth!!


The ratmen screeched and ran at us, the Dwarves heading into the battle first and blocking the skaven attack! "Hammertime!" screamed the Dwarves as their Axes cleaved the attacking Skaven apart, Khadron and Gotfried stood behind and using their amazing skills took on the Skaven that managed to get around the Dwarves brutal attack!
Covered in blood Imrak and Thorgrim bellowed "That was a good fight"! Khadron pulled an arrow from the eye of a dead Skaven and Gotfried looked on at the horror show, the Skaven Burrow was covered in blood and ratmen pieces....and still a giant rat ogre locked in a cage, forthing at the mouth!!oo-er!!

The cage shook horribly as the grotesque creature tried to reach our party, we all loaded our bows and crossbows and with a bone crunching twang! The Rat Orge let out a piercing shreak as it collapsed dead pierced by arrows!
Imrak rounded the cage and found a chest, Ratmen had apparently hoarded some gold! Imrak handed money to Thorgrim and Gotfried but decided against giving money to Khadron, because he was an elf!! 
Insults were thrown and ignored!!
Being part of the Middenheim Watch, the group decided best to gather evidence of the Rat men and the Rat ogre and inform their Captain! Middenheim needed to know of the secret evil that crept beneath the streets!
We ventured to a local hotel not far from the City Watch Headquarters, awakening the Captain at 3am, he awoke to the head of a Rat Ogre in his face and the smell of the sewer as he sees 3 of his deputies covered in blood and gunk and a grinning Dwarf slayer!!
The group begin to talk all at once and the Captain commands that the group use the showers in the hotel, get rest and he would talk to them in the morning! Imrak realising he had lost his money pouch decided he needed to go back to the sewers, begrudingly Thorgrim followed Imrak, as long as Imrak bought him a pint later! 2 hours later the Dwarves returned without any luck, with Thorgrim laughing at Imrak who had fallen in to the soup repeatedly! We were later told by our party that all the hot water was gone!

Imrak and Thorgrim took showers, Thorgrim headed to the bar and the rest of the group went to bed, Imrak finding his moneypouch (which had apparently been taken by Khadron for not giving him money earlier!.....such an elf)!! We met the Captain, who we explained the previous nights epic blood fest and the fact that there were possible more clans of Skaven beneath the city!
The Captain arranges a city wide search of Middenheim to look for more of these mythical ratmen! The party replace their armor that they had borrowed the previous night and Thorgrim was recommended by the group to become one of the Middenheim City Watch!!
Gotfried went back to bed as we had no duties and weirdly Khadron asked Imrak and Thorgrim to venture into the city with him to find Gotfried a book! Khadron advised he wanted to become better friends with Gotfried and wanted help from Imrak (as he had money) but one issue none of the 3 could read! Thorgrim haggled with the book shop attendant getting a cheap book "The Basics of Medicine and Biology", to which Khadron and Imrak then decided to argue over the split 50/50 60/40 or none at all!
They eventually agreed to split it 50/50 then when getting back to the hotel Imrak darted in front and handed the book to Gotfried, HIS friend that he knew better than the elf...just starting more arguments!
PREVIOUSLY on the last campaign, a botched expedition to steal a painting had led the group to follow up an investigation to travel to an Inn outside Middenheim called the Prancing Pony and speak to a dark haired man with a scarred face! Apparently the group were after a very expensive painting and the City Watch had managed to interrupt the transfer of the painting and now the group had the painting and were investigating why this painting was worth stealing and losing lives for.....

It was a two day venture to the Prancing Pony, so we grabbed a pony and cart, bundled our equipment pulled on some cloaks and set off!
During the first night as we were sat around a fire we were assaulted by a huge group of snotlings (the smaller cousins of Grotlings) Our party started to kill each and everyone of them we then heard the bellowing of 2 savage orks as they ran at us!

Imrak spotting a chance stunned one of the snotlings with his shield and decided that he would call the snotling Nimrod who could be a play thing, a pet, a helper or maybe he could sell him as a slave!

Thorgrim slaughtered the snotlings around him and soon had the savage ork jump at him! Thorgrim cut the ork down in two slashes of his axe!
As the other savage ork ran at the group, Imrak picked up the stunned snotling and threw it at the Ork, who stopped and stumbled over and looked on in disbelief!!
The Ork started roaring in shock and picked up the snotling and bit his head off!! Blood covering its face it ran at Imrak!

.....Barry's face when Tom announced this was a picture of confusion and shock all in one, and we all gasped in shock then burst out laughing! 

Imrak cried out "My Snotling", Imrak drew his axe and lopped the orks head off, then repeatedly attacked its still and lifeless body!

Imrak collapsed to the ground and cried his eyes out over Nimrod, his favourite snotling...if only for a second. We gathered our equipment and continued towards the Prancing Pony. Reaching the Pony, we made ourselves at home ordering food and lots of alcohol as Thorgrim tried to rouse Imrak from his depression. We discovered that the dark haired scarred man would be there in the next day or so!
Trying to cheer up, Imrak decided to play a prank on Khadron! He met a very elderly Dwarven female in the bar (who happened to be a prostitute...well we are in a fantasy game) he hired the lady to woo the Elf for the night and he put her in Khadrons room.

The Elf when he retired for the evening was met with the sight of an elderly lady on his bed, and became nervous and slightly nauseous when she disrobed for him! He froze and could not say much.....While Imrak and Thorgrim could hear the conversation outside and burst out laughing!
Khadron met the innkeep and negotiated a new room avoiding the shrivelled bosom of the Dwarven lady!

Dungeons and Dragons!

06/03/2018 1st game of DnD in March! Retrieving the items we ventured back to the icy temple and were told the artifacts we had retrieved were not the sacred items that the ghost needed!

We ventured back to the area we had ventured to and tried something different by placing the artifacts on the temple altar, we were then attacked by a mid sized ice dragon

13/03/2018 Missed 2nd game of the month as was in poland, not sure what happened.

20/03/2018 3rd game of the month I joined late due to house stuff, the guys had battled the ice dragon and where Synthan had been closest to the creature desecrating its home, Synthan the mighty dwarf now turned and brought his axe upon his fellow battle brothers!!

Vann dashed up to parry and stop his friend hurting the others, Zanoon was damaged!

Eiron threw a punch and clocked Synthan and Esilla threw two snowballs at Synthan and missed!

As Vann stepped up to smack Synthan out of the weird spell, a dark power took over Vann turning his hair black and pale, a powerful dark energy took over Vann and Vann plunges his sword through Synthan's chest killing him in cold blood and an evil voice says "Kill them all"!! 

The others shocked by the sudden act and dark change in Vann run to Synthan! The group are shocked and confused!

Synthan dying in the battle brothers arms and Vann shocked and screaming at the situation s he transformed back into his original form! Shocked as he was totally unsure of what happened and the dark powers that had taken over him! 

The others loaded up the giants gold shield onto the airship and Synthan's body, Vann was locked in a small jail on the airship and stripped of all his weapons, crying and unaware of the dark powers within! Obviously this picture below is not him but thought it worked!!

27/03/2018 So the last episode we saw the sudden change of Vann and the killing of his battle brother Synthan! Held in chains and banished to one of the holds and locked in Vann wept amidst the accusations from his battle brothers!

We ventured to Netherwinter, home of Talon and Synthan! we ventured to the citadel of Toth, Synthan's order and demanded to ask to speak to a cleric of the order in hope we could resurrect our fallen brother!
We spoke with the cleric, that we were trying to find a way to revive our fallen comrade! During the conversation the Cleric advised we must offer something of value, we immediately offered items and then when that wasnt enough we offered our souls.

Vann's soul was rejected as it was announced his soul was taken by another deemed the cleric to the shock of everyone, including Vann!!

Vann, Talon and Aeron left the church as Zanoon and Esilla waited to join the brotherhood of Toth and see their friend brought back from the dead!

Vann concerned by the clerics words went to a Swordsmith/ Blacksmith to find out more about his cursed blade, with Aeron behind him, to which they all confirmed the sword was possessed by some dark power but were unsure of what or who it was!!

Vann and Aeron ran back to the church of Toth to be speak with the cleric, who deemed there was something that had taken over his soul and the power seemed to be coming from the sword and that he should be wary of this dark power! He also advised that there were ways to heal him of the darkness and that the cleric of Toth could see there was genuine concern from Vann for his fallen battle brother! He announced that Synthan was alive and with the others!

Returning to the airship and being reunited with Synthan, we flew out to the country and landed, Aeron hatched a plan to see if the dark power that had taken over Vann reacted to clerics or holy men or did it react to Vann being in battle!

Aeron gathered Vann and asked the group if someone would fight Vann to see if this Dark passenger would appear once again!
 Talon, begrudignly, got up and ventured out and turned to face Vann, the rest of the party sat around watching as Aeron instructed Vann and Talon to fight in hoping to bring the darkness in Vann to show itself!

As Vann decided not to raise his fists, Aeron pushed Vann repeatedly that they needed to find out if this dark power would appear against opponents or holy men (like Synthan), Talon was unwillingly thrown to fight Vann and the rest of the group gathered to see what would happen!

Vann decided to fight fair and decided to remove his armour and not use his sword (the one that stabbed Synthan) As Vann took off his armor, Esilla chose her moment and fired a warning shot piercing Vann in his right arm with an arrow! Vann howled in pain, he knew Esilla was greatly upset at what had happened with Synthan and wanted to make Vann pay for her pain!

Vann fought Talon and as they fought, the cursed sword appeared in Vanns hand, to everyone's surprise! Vann fought and wounded Talon beating him in a fight, while surviving several more warning shots from Esilla's amazing archery skills! Vann stood defiant, he had succeeded in this trial, he knew this was messed up what happened with Synthan but he felt strongly that it was not him who murdered Synthan and he would need to strengthen his resolve and find out what had happened and why!

As the others boarded the airship and prepared to disembark further on their adventures, we are left with the image of Synthan removing his clothing and to his shock finds a black mark above the wound left by Vann's blade to which looked like it was slowly spreading across his body!!Last game of DnD for the month!

Off to Wroclaw, Poland trip

If you get the chance highly recommend going to Poland, generally cheap, food is excellent, most places cater for English speaking and most Polish can understand English which was really helpful!

If you go to Wroclaw in Poland, highly recommend the Dwarf hunting, in Wroclaw there is a fantasy story of how the city was found and developed, they also have 515 metal Dwarves dotted around the city showing a profession that is based there!!

We thoroughly enjoyed the little break away and where there for 2 nights and 3 days!! Please check out my Trip Advisor account as I will be uploading several reviews of some of the places we went over the coming weeks!!

30 Seconds to Mars!

23/03/2018 finished work and headed straight to Cardiff for 30 Seconds to Mars at the Cardiff Motorpoint Arena!

Before gig as we had time went in for food in the St Davids shopping center and went to Shake Shack!! Been craving this American burger place for aaaaages..... ever since I watched Anthony Bourdain The Layover, when he was in New York! Shake Shack in America is very popular, so popular in fact their first restaurant in Central Park, New York (originally a pop-up) has a huge queue everyday which can take 30 minutes or longer to get one of their delicious burgers!

Had a Meistershack with battered fried shallots, with extra pickle, extra onion, regular coke and cheese fries! Very nice and will definitely go again, expect a trip advisor review!!

We didn't catch the supposed DJ show at the start of the gig, there was a box in the middle of the gig and I assumed this would be where the performance would be and I was right, Jared and Shannon appeared on a colorful electronic stage with moving parts!! 

Jared and Shannon Leto were really good live and I thoroughly enjoyed the gig. Jared Leto brought an eccentric and dramatic performance looking like a Jesus lookalike wearing a hippy like cloak as he strutted around the stage, twirling and also  twirled a welsh flag!

Even stopping the performance where two idiots decided to start a mosh pit and calling them idiots and telling them to cool down as people were there to enjoy the performance (Tbh I liked that)! Culminating in Jared Leto inviting well over 30 fans on stage during the final performance of their song "Closer to the edge"! Really good and I highly recommend going to see them if you get the chance!!!

Possible Tom cruise for Hal Jordan in Green Lantern Corps

Rumor is the latest director, Christopher Mcquarrie has been linked with DC and Warner Brothers and the upcoming Green Lantern Corps movie!! Mcquarrie currently did the recent Mission Impossible movies and has worked with Mr Cruise before!

Mr Tom Cruise is potentially seen as the ideal Hal Jordan! Tom Cruise as Hal Jordan could be very awesome! Experienced, slightly older like Ben Affleck's Batman with a young cadet assisting him as the title Green Lantern Corps has mentioned it may be like a space buddy cop movie with 2 green lanterns!!

Also check out this link below as this makes a few good points along what I think makes Tom Cruise potentially a very good Hal Jordan. https://screenrant.com/tom-cruise-green-lantern-movie-director/

First pics arrive of Zachary Levi as Shazam!!

Ok so the recent hype surrounding this movie has actually got me excited, this is a child becoming a magic superhero, kind of reminds me of my dreams as a kid......and as an adult!! Hoping David Sandberg does a brilliant movie and Zachary Levi shines in the lead superhero role Shazam and Asher Angel as the young Billy Batson, the boy who becomes Shazam, when he says the magic words!

 This movie could be one of the funnier DC movies as I think it will be quite lighthearted and funny! Check out one of the pics hitting the internet showing Zachary Levi in the costume, weirdly reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Turbo Man in the cult Christmas movie Jingle All the way!!

20/03/2018 a new Shazam poster dropped officially!! Actually starting to get excited about this movie!! On a funny note it turns out David Sandberg, the director, designed a similar logo in an application when he did the presentation for the movie to executives, he put it as Shablam and they decided to use the same logo!!. https://batman-news.com/2018/03/21/shazam-director-came-up-with-the-logo-design-himself/

Back to the Office!

So currently the office is in disrepair as we are planning to move.

Movies and Tv shows watched:

Ravenous (Netflix): A canadian horror zombie movie, following survivors of a small town where the inhabitants have become infected with a psychotic virus turning them cannibals and also pulling them to a signal. 3/5 from DLLorenzo, liked the idea and was a bit different.

Tremors 5 (Netflix): We all love a Tremors movie and this follows the infamous Burt Gummer, famous graboid hunter and documentary star! An incident has happened is South Africa where they believe they have a new breed or type of Graboid, Burt and his new cameraman are dragged into another adventure! 4/5 from DLLorenzo, good action packed funny straight to DVD movie following the actions of Burt Gummer, the Tremors movies are still running and getting better!

Eat your words (Netflix): A documentary following food critics that have written bad or critically reviews, they must cook for 3 judges and if they get a good score they get a voucher to eat at a sponsored restaurant for free. If they lose they have to "Eat their words" and apologise about all their bad or critical reviews. 3/5 from DLLorenzo okay cooking program with some horrible moments, overly cringey and simple easy viewing.

Big Bear (Netflix): A quirky movie about best friends coming back together for a stag do...problem is the Stag just found out some bad news and that day is just about to get worse. 3/5 from DLLorenzo, a dark comedy that was funny in bits but was a little weird and trippy.

Kill Command (Netflix): In the future robotics have begun to develop at an advanced rate and humans have been developed that share a symbiotic life with machines! On an island new machines are developed for combat and tested against live human squads, but what happens when the machines rebel! 3/5 from DLLorenzo, Not a bad Sci-fi straight to DVD

Accepted (Netflix): Following Bartleby and his friends when they cannot get in the Universities they wanted, they form their own university learning the skills they want to learn! 4/5 from DLLorenzo, this is a very funny movie and I thoroughly enjoy watching this! Think Ferris Bueller's day off if Ferris wanted to start a University!

The Disaster Artist (DVD): Starring James Franco, Seth Rogen and Dave Franco this movie is a take on the events that surrounded the making of the cult movie "The Room" starring Tommy Wiseau! 4/5 from DLLorenzo, highly recommend you watch the movie "The Room" before watching this, I genuinely enjoyed watching their take on the room and the way the whole movie was setup and the shady world behind Tommy Wiseau!

The Young Offenders (BBC Iplayer): The Young Offenders stars Jock and Connor, two Irish teenagers, who dress the same, act the same and cause trouble in Cork! 4/5 from DLLorenzo, I reviewed the 2016 movie the other month, but on BBC Iplayer you have the TV series of 6 episodes which are brilliantly funny and stupid! Highly recommend.

Pandemic (Netflix): A point of view (POV) horror that follows a zombie invasion and a doctor who is trying to help the survivors and maybe find her daughter. 3/5 I liked the look of the movie when I saw trailers but the overall plot was a bit boring and needed more action scenes!

When we first met (Netflix): A guy lost in love with a girl he let walk away years before finds a machine that allows him to venture back in time and change what happened!

2/5 from DLLorenzo, daft, stupid and the plot is too overly simple!

People just do nothing (Netflix) Season three: The third series was added to Netflix and things have gotten better for some of the Kurupt FM team...but some it turns out bad! 4/5 loved this series as all of the characters have had screen time and developed further.
