Warhammer My Story Part 21 Space hulk Death Wing Warhammer!!!

Warhammer My Story Part 21 Space hulk Death Wing Warhammer!!!

So this is a very special  Blog as I finally get to play the game that came out 2 years ago for PC and now I finally get to play it on my PS4.....Space Hulk Death Wing!! 22nd May cannot come quick enough!

Spacehulk Deathwing is a First Person Shooter (FPS) developed by Streum On Studio, with help from Cyanide and published by Focus Home Interactive. The game is set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe and based upon the turn-based strategy tabletop miniatures board game Space Hulk.

Unlike previous installments of the Space Hulk series, Space Hulk: Deathwing does not have a turn based strategy approach but instead plays as a first-person shooter. There is also a multiplayer mode in which players can choose their characters and can upgrade and customize their characters. CANNOT WAIT!


So typically I thought if id booked the day off id probably have the delivery at 2/3 in the afternoon it as delivered at 8:58am and I am stuck in work till 4pm! DAMN!!! Got back home after 4pm and jumped straight into Spacehulk deathwing and really enjoyed, it is fun, absolutely manic and I highly recommend it if you like a good first person shooter and puts you into the grim future and world that is Warhammer 40k!
Took me a few days to complete the campaign as you deal with lots and lots of Tyranids!! Please read my review!!

Things have been super busy since we got the house in April, things seem to have flown by. We are now painting and decorating the rooms one by one and I am also now trying to improve my fitness!

So will be starting a small fitness update as I am signing up for the Swansea 10k in September so roughly 4-5 months to start training and prepare! I did the 10k about 3-4 years ago and barely trained and managed to do it in 1h 26 minutes, I am now looking to improve on that and actually train!


Latest news! Death Guard Codex and models and Harlequins Codex! So we now have the Death Guard Codex has dropped and so has the Harlequins Codex - The Death Guard look awesome and have a few handy new rules for the army, the Harlequins are sequined creepy faced jokers with some very cool looking models!!

Catching up with GarageHammer podcasts!
Slowly but surely I am finally catching up with my favourite podcast! Loved The Maggotkin of Nurgle episode and just on the The Legions of Nagash episode! Everytime I hear these I really enjoy I just want to go out and get the army!! Keep doing your thing Alex and Dave!!
Hoping with me doing my painting I will listen to more podcasts! Maybe even some gaming podcasts!

The Long wait to Warhammer! 
So last time I reported a game was in my March blog, where we had the 5 general battle across the river!! Where the Ultramarines, Custodes and weirdly Necron formed up against a Chaos Army and a battallion of corrupted Imperial Guard! We are hoping to have a game soon and a catchup as I havent seen my friends in ages! Hopefully get a game before end of May!


  • Orks win the Warhammer World 40k Tournament
  •  New edition of Age Of Sigmar dropping this summer!!! Some BIIIIIG changes to the game, the lore and the characters...fingers crossed good things on the horizon for Seraphon, seen there will be some changes to summoning such as prayers!
  • Rise of the Sigmarines! Sigma Wizards and more Sigma Dragons! These look cool ^^see above but now Sigmar have wizards which changes the tide a little in the Stormcasts favour as they have ALL the best models and upgrades!
  • Rise of the ghostly Nighthaunts! Now these apparently have been an army for Death but have been given a big update, some new rules and models and look awesome! Seriously tempted with these! Mortal wounds aplenty!
  • Plastic Sisters of Battle. These had been mentioned at Adepticon and quite a lot of people are looking forward to the return of the sisters of battle

Trying to gear myself up to make a start to finish my Ultramarines and then make a start on finally my Seraphon! Still planning to go to Warhammer World in October with my Warhammer battle brothers! The debate is on whether we take our Age Of Sigmar armys or our Warhammer 40k armys?! Think it may be Age Of Sigmar if theres BIG changes coming to the game and we maybe playing it more come the summer!
I can see some of us spending a lot of money and possibly some of us coming back with new armies! I have been tempted for a while to start a new army but I'm sticking with Seraphon for now being my only Order army!
I have been tempted to either start a Stormcast army, a Sylvaneth army, a death army and or an Orruk army! Problem with Order is that some of the group have both Order armies I fancy and problem with Orruks is they only have 4-5 models released for Ironjawz!!
With the latest releases over last few weeks I have been very tempted to start a Death army and would be tempted to pick up a Death starter box with skeletons then flesh it out with Nighthaunt models or wait a few months to see if a Nighthaunt starter box drops!
Can see myself picking up a starter box, single purchases and merchandise while at Warhammer World! Have to wait and see what happens with the new edition of Age Of Sigmar and new and upcoming releases hoping Seraphon get an update or get some new models as I would love to keep playing the Giant dinosaurs!


So caught up with my battle brothers online after a month long hiatus... they've done a lot of venturing and walking around the countryside!! Also some griffons turned up in the last adventure, the party tried to tame some griffons....some very hungry hungry murderous griffons!!

Jumped online and it was me, Synthan and Zanoon! Put rightly in Synthan's own words.. A healer, a tanky kind of player and a monk!!

Apparently Vann Stormwind killed 3 as Nik (the DM) used him as an NPC! Apparently in DnD world they are very tough!! Go Vann Stormwind!
We found an artifact, a giant porcelain face mask and returned to the ship and traveled to the next altar!
Synthan wandered into a thick mist that hung over the land and finding himself stuck and lost in a magical mist that wasn't magical, I sent Meat, my patronus like stag, in and he couldn't find Synthan.... the next morning Synthan walks out of the mist confused as we ate breakfast around the campfire!
We tried to dig under the altar to no avail...no relic or artifact! We decided to strike the altar and realised only magic or powerful weapons were able to damage it!! We decided to then attack it with our magical weapons and abilities and whatever we could use!! An hour or so of using Moon beams and weapons we finally started to crack the altar!!
Then we found a mithril spear tip, 2x magic potions and a giants gold tooth!!

The game for 08/05/2018 was cancelled!

4 of us tonight , Esilla (Ash), Aeron (Jarv), Synthan (Graham) and Vann (Me), we headed to raven rock, in the icy mountains! It gets its name of a huge perching Raven crafted from rock overlooking the plateaus with many giant ravens flying and patrolling the area.
A smaller altar in the shape of a large wolf stood guard! We decide to stay in the airship and decided to take watch throughout the night! The weather was chillingly cold and desolate.
In the early morning we made our way down in the plateau, more ravens appeared and flew around the raven rock, we continued towards the altar. We reached the altar the ravens looked on quiet and menacing
3 of us began to dig under the altar and as we dig, we find a giant solidified magma ring, we all picked up the giant ring and started to carry it down towards the airship! Synthan sends a signal to the airship to pick us up, we carry on to the meet up area, the birds still watching...waiting
We boarded the ship and decided to return to the Giants lair where we started this adventure hunting artifacts and altars! We met Hashnag the giant who said we had done well and we were led to meet the Oracle in his small lair we are asked to put the artifact in the middle of the temple!
As we placed the artifact it disappears into the air like dust! you have done a great deed for giants
the ring In the corner of the lair, a huge basrelief appeared immortalizing the fire giant surrounded with weapons and armour
the spear, a basrelieft/a murial - depicted the cloud giants  depicted cities in the sky
the shield, basrelief appears - depicted ice giants wreathed in gold and finery
the porcelain mask, - nothing appeared, when questioned the oracle advised that this item was a cloud giants
the gold tooth- nothing appears
When we question the oracle he advises that our paths are made by us defeating one of the Giant Lords which would
When we ask what the Giants plans were? to which we were told we needed to be more specific in our questioning
We ask about the Cloud Giants and what they are planning.
Anam the all father has broken the awning to awaken his children
all of the giant factions are fighting to be on top
Captain Talon (Barry) appears!
we ask the oracle for the names of the lords of the giants clans

Chief Guh of the Hill Giants
Thane Kayathilika of the Stone Giants
Jarl Stovard of the Ice Giants
Duke Zalto of the Fire Giants
Countess sansuri of the Cloud Giants
King Hekaton of the Storm Giants

We ask where Countess Sansuri located, southeast to the untamed moors and look to the sky for lyn al-am-ell - the conch shell you seek is in a hidden chest, search the highest spire!
as we venture back into the giants hall, the doors bust open as a huge blue dragon appears and walks into the hall way, Harshnag raising his weapon turns and tells us to flee!
He runs and strikes the dragon but is thrown flying into the ice giant statue which crumbles as he flies into it! We decide to run to the furthest side of the hallway away from the giant dragon
Hashnag attacks again and cries Flee!! The Dragon shrieks and lets out a huge bolt of lightning from its mouth and Hashnag is covered in lightning, which he pulls his Great Giant axe down dissipating its attacks
Our characters became terrified of the huge dragon, being terrified our characters must keep 100 ft away from the huge blue dragon!
We try to run around the giant dragon that continues to fight against Hashnag, Hashnag yells to us to get out of there! Hashnag tries to grapple the giant dragon and pull it away from us, as he pulls on to his horn, the dragon attacks with its lightening breath severely wounding Hashnag!!
As Vann runs around one of the giant statues, he notices one of the walls looks a bit off and looks like it may be an illusion! Vann runs through the wall and finds a lever, he runs up to it - Hashnag cries out and says Vann dont touch the lever - Hashnag smashes his giant great axe into the giant statue in the middle of the temple and as he smacks the statue a great shuddering begins and debris drops from the ceiling damaging some of our heroes! Our heroes get through the caged doors due to magic and jump down a huge drop!!
Hashnag is still fighting with the dragon Imrith, our heroes have managed to get out into the hallway, the temple is gone!! A faint but evil laughing is heard by two of the group among the collapsing mountain temple!
Synthan and Vann are down injured, Esilla revives both, Aeron and Talon have ventured further to the ship, Talon runs to the ship after being terrified by the dragon, Aeron and Esilla carry Vann and Synthan out of the ruined temple!
The airship has set off as Talon was terrified and told them to get out of there, after calming down Talon asks the captain of the ship to turn round and check for survivors! We get on board the cruise ship and Synthan and Talon are unconscious!
The temple at the Eye of the All Father has been destroyed
We ask the captain of the dragon cult who their dragon lord is Klauth and when asking about the Untamed Moors, they are also known as the Ever Moors and we ask them to travel there!

The Conch's are a teleportation device that takes you to an unknown place, possibly where King Hekaton is based, but King Hekaton has disappeared and this is why the giants are fighting between themselves as they are not being kept in check as the Storm Giant King has disappeared.

Missed 22/05/2018 due to Spacehulk Deathwing release and will catch up with the others next week.


So Bungie dropped the second DLC expansion this month and as I had paid for it when I picked up my Limited Edition copy of Destiny 2 back in September 2017 I thought I would jump in!

So after nearly a 6 month break from Destiny, I dusted off my guns and my ghost and jumped back in to the world of Destiny!
13/05/2018 Decided to jump into Destiny 2 and get my bearings, my friend Andrew was on so decided I would complete some missions with him, it was a blur as all the stuff I used to do on a daily/weekly basis came back to me! We played through the missions and actually completed the 1st expansion Curse Of Osiris on the Sunday!
Monday 14/05/2018 Me and Andrew were free in the evening we tried a few strikes as we waited for Jarvis, then jumped into the first mission of Warmind! Really good intro and some amazing scenes in-game, when we came to seeing Rasputin! Completed a few missions by myself

Forgot how much fun Destiny can be! There are times when it gets frustrating as you have to travel from one side of a map to the other and back again! Defeat enemies through several settings to then finally get to a boss to unlock loot....LOOOOOT!
Check out My Return to Destiny 2 Blog!


So totally forgot to put this in last months blog! The second Venom trailer dropped today 24/04/2018 and we finally got to see Venom the symbiote in all his fanged grinning glory! 
For me the upcoming Venom is an interesting matter, an anti-hero movie following the very successful comic book character Venom who has strong links with Spider-Man.
We kind of maybe know the plot so far, how it works out remains to be seen. Some of the scenes and CGI-ness looks unfinished or polished and I expect the movie to get a few updates before the movie drops 05/10/2018!
A friend of mine advised that the trailer Looked pretty good but the only thing that worried him was the movie would not have any connection to Spiderman (as in the comics the symbiote copied SM’s powers but in this it’ll just somehow have the same powers with no explanation) this is their own separate Venom which could go either way Sony want to do him….and with an R rated movie it looks like a possible anti-hero horror thing.
To which I agreed and advised I think that this Venom isn’t the complete Venom….possibly sets it up for a Spider-Man vs Venom sequel where the symbiote latches on to Spiderman getting his memories and powers leading up to a colossal battle against the two and we will then maybe see Venom with the spider sign and abilities! Maybe this is where Eddie Brock starts tailing Peter Parker and stealing his pics – Homecoming 2 will probably show peter working in New York through college/university
OR we will see the suit transform into Agent Venom depending on what happens and which way Sony want to go with the character…Agent Venom might be a spinoff later but got a feeling that version of Venom isn’t well known by the movie goers
He’ll have symbiote abilities like stretching as seen in the trailer, other symbiotes may appear and here’s hoping they cast Cameron Monaghan as Carnage who may make an appearance….hoping they haven’t cast woody Harrelson as reported earlier this year.
Really hope they get Cameron Monaghan as Carnage who is rumoured to make an appearance (probably at the end)…but rumour is it could be woody harrelson (because the director has worked with him)

Another friend of mine reckons he knows that Michelle Williams will play the character that becomes She-Venom. Which might be interesting

Some people not impressed by the acting/cgi/etc

This is one Spidey fan (who likes Venom too), who will be going to see this! 

  • An untitled Infinity war sequel is coming next year, scheduled to be released May 3rd, 2019! Rumour is it is untitled to build hype for the upcoming movie and possibly tells us what may happen...I personally think it will be something bland like Infinity War Part 2! Definetly want to see what happens
  • Predator reboot trailer dropped 10/05/2018. The trailer did not excite me at all..probably will avoid this!
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story the movie has dropped and reviews have mostly been good see what happens may go see it!
  •  An Aquaman poster dropped online showing Jason Momoa, decked out in a gold armour, similar to the comics, with sharks in the water behind him....sharknado 6??? Actually excited to see what James Wan has in store for the DC Movie universe!


  • E3 is incoming June 12th - June 14th! Put it in your calendars gamers and geeks, youtube and the internet will be loaded with trailers, gameplay and gamers talking about the upcoming games in 2018 and 2019 and beyond! Hopefully we will see some amazing games and hopefully I can catch some of the live streams like I did with friends last year, with our unique live commentary (nerdgasms galore)!!
  • Rage 2 teaser trailer dropped 14/05 and the actual game play trailer dropped early 15/05/2018, looks good and looks like a kind of Doom meets Mad Max!
  •  Anthem to appear at E3 - So we have heard literally nothing about Anthem from EA, apart from delays, but apparently we will see more gameplay, more trailers and find out release dates and more information! I have it preordered so definetly interested in this 3rd person mecha suit shooter and adventure game!!
  • Destiny 2 Warmind DLC - So this dropped quite recently in May, I am tempted to see what Bungie have done to try and bring fans back to the amazing world that is Destiny! I still love the idea of the world of Destiny, just found the last DLC extremely repetitive.....still havent been able to do the Leviathan Raid as my fireteam (The Dix) more or less have quit Destiny! So like some Destiny veterans I will be dusting my guns and ghost off to try the new expansion and see whats happening in the world of Destiny! Please read my review "Return to Destiny 2"!


TV and Movies watched:
  • Angry Birds movie (Netflix): 3/5 simple but daft funny kid friendly movie about an angry bird with big eyebrows, his colorful friends and some mischievous pigs!
  • Great British Menu (2012 series) (Netflix): 4/5 from DLLorenzo, a brilliant cooking challenge program where chefs across the country each design, cook and serve 4 amazing dishes (starter, fish, main and dessert) to a panel of judges to get the chance to serve food at a specific banquet held every year. This year 2012 was the Olympic banquet. Thoroughly enjoyed the episodes and blitzed the 45 episode series over the last month!
  • Curse Of Chucky (Horror Channel): 3/5 new take on the horror genre and Chucky for a new generation, dark, twisted and gory!
  • The quest to platinum PSN plus freebie Mad Max
  • The Return to Destiny: Review of Curse of Osiris and Warmind
  • God of War 3: Remastered
  • Dead Island Collection
  •  Redownloaded Batman Arkham Knight
  • Spacehulk Deathwing - obviously lol!
