Venom DLLorenzo Review

Venom DLLorenzo Review!!

Hello you blog readers you! long time no see! So recently been to see Venom, the latest superhero...sorry super villain movie to hit the cinemas, which was surprisingly good! Even Claire enjoyed it!

So venom follows Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy), a news reporter working in California whose life gets turned upside down when he starts investigating the LIFE foundation, a company that have recently made a startling discovery, a life form that can co-habit with humans! Eddie is thrown on a roller coaster ride as he becomes the hero or villain... THEY are to become!!

Eddie Brock: You bit someone's head off!
Venom: Fuel in the tank.

So I was a little sceptical about this movie and heard through the grapevine (THE INTERNET) that there was a lot of mixed reviews and a lot of marvel fan boys and girls (critics) who critiqued this movie saying it was terrible, cheap etc.

Venom: Outstanding! Now, let's bite off all the heads and pile them up in the corner.
Eddie Brock: Why would we do that?
Venom: Pile of heads, pile of bodies.

One of the funniest superhero/supervillain movies I've seen! Its mentioned to be a dark Marvel movie done by Sony and yeah its definetly different to a Marvel movie. It's made on a relatively low budget $100-116 million for a superhero movie. Love Tom Hardy as an actor and he brings a likeable kind of character and his transformation from slick cool reporter to sorta like a junkie to slightly nervous and confident throughout the movie is really good. The thing that I enjoyed is that it was a dark movie with a few deaths and a slight scary bits with symbiotes  but the one good thing is the humour and the sort of bromance between Eddie and the Venom symbiote which I really enjoyed! Yes he is a giant CGI mess but the humour makes it work, maybe longer than it should be but overall a good movie and gets a 3/5 from me DLLorenzo. Recommend checking it out and make your own opinion as even my girlfriend enjoyed the humour and would go see a Venom sequel, which looks likely with the amount taken at the box office, Tom Hardy confirming he's signed up for 3 Venom movies and the way the movie ends.

Dapper Dog Walker: Hey. Don't give up on her. Either of you.
Eddie Brock: We won't.
Venom: Who was that guy?
[notices the dog]
Venom: Wait, this thing looks delicious.
