Avengers: End Game Review

Avengers: End Game Review DLLorenzo Review

The culmination of 11 years and one of the biggest and most popular shared universes in all of filmdom! The Infinity wars draws to a close after 11 years and 23 movies that all started with Iron Man back in 2008!

 Over so many years building the world and landscape of the Marvel Avengers after last years Infinity War turned the Marvel universe on its head, here comes Endgame to resolve and finish everything! Until at least the next Marvel movie.....
From keeping the title secret right until the end and the directors and actors asking people to keep the story and ending a secret this movie has been in every feed and every social media.

The Movie follows on from the very successful Infinity War movie released last year in 2018. Following the final moments when Thanos clicked his fingers whilst wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, half of the galaxy were eradicated and disappeared from life, including half of our favourite heroes, Star Lord, Gamora, Black Panther even my favourite Spiderman!

This movie addresses that and addresses what happens, this movie is definetly a culmination of some of the best movies of the Marvel universe and uses these as key moments of our heroes to work a very good story, our characters have developed over the last 11 years and have becoming bigger personalities and this movie we see different sides of them.

The movie is a brilliant final movie for the Infinity war series and draws a close and creates a new and open Marvel Universe, only Marvel and Disney know what will happen and I will wait to see what happens.

This is a spoiler review so if you don't want to read on STOP and check out some of my other blogs and reviews :)

I love what they did with Thor in this trying something they haven't done I'll just call him Lebowski or Bro Thor! He's lazy, drunk and terrified of the mention of Thanos, he's kind of been depressed since Killing Thanos! Yeah if you moved on you know he killed Thanos and even I was a bit shocked Thanos was killed off so early. Ironman moved on and started his own Family, Cap goes to AA meetings, Hawkeye goes on a killing spree, Professor Hulk and shorthaired Captain Marvel is off in the galaxy fighting the good fight as Thano's clicking act affected the entire galaxy!

As I watched the movie I realised the kind of plot they may try and would try to include everything in this world into the plot. I had a rough idea that if the Avengers where to get back what they lost in infinity war they'd have to maybe get the mind stone off of Thanos and then go from there, and it was something that Dr. Strange had foreseen

The Time Heist

Come on! Through the Quantum realm and ripped up the time rules of other movies ......seriously wasn't a fan of that, maybe if they managed to get the timestone off of Thanos and used it power to get the other time stones IF Thanos destroyed them in case anyone else got theirs hands on them.

Lets just talk about some of the things missed in this story.....

Loki got the Tesseract shortly after the end of the original 2012 avengers movie and disappears..... time change as he was originally under protection in Asgard until Thor 2 and there's a Loki tv series coming soon.....
Our beloved Ironman is now dead, RIP Tony Stark man I loved Ironman as a character and remember going to see Ironman with a friend back in 2008! Tony we Love you 3000 (Will teach this to my future son or daughter)

Got a feeling we'll either see Tony's tech turn up in future movies, through pepper potts or his daughter. A lot of people reckon the lad at Tony Starks funeral could be the boy who was in Iron Man 3..... who knows a teen version of Tony Stark could make an appearance just like the comics or they bring in and create a new iron man/ iron lad but the idea of a new iron man could be different with the new Marvel cinematic universe

The time anomaly that is Captain America, he went back in time and met himself, subsequently knocked himself out at the end of avengers creating a time paradox and then travelled back again in time to put the stones back with Thors hammer.....(go back to that in a second). So steve rogers was in every era that there was the past version of himself, he got jiggy with peggy and then became old man cap and subsequently met the current avengers in the same place 30/40 years in the future...…it poses questions and may set up further adventures for captain America if Chris Evans wants to return to the role as there has been old cap in the comics, also Falcon know will carry the famous captain America shield as he did recently in the comics and or I can see Bucky/Winter soldier donning the captain America costume, like Falcon he becomes Captain America while Cap was absent. Apparently there will be a new tv series on Disney+ when that launches Falcon and the winter soldier......stay tuned for this.

The return of my favourite Spiderman (Andrew Garfield a firm second favourite) and the automatic killing mode with the extendable spider legs woooo! Cannot wait for Homecoming 2!

Captain Marvel, oooph! Is it me or the new haircut I like it (similar to the comics) BUT apart from that why did they forget about their most powerful hero who was out in the galaxy fighting!??!?! Its like the Justice league going on a possible mission that could end the world and leaving superman at home!! She rocked and even her appearance near the end of the movie was awesome and actually I wasn't a big fan of her origin movie but will be exciting to see her in more movies.
The All female avengers moment at the end...…..wasn't required as Carol flew through everything unhindered!!! Pepper Potts as rescue was good though!

Thors hammer......So Thor while back in the past summons Mjolnir from the Thor of the past and brings it to the future to wield with Stormbreaker which is awesome and even Lebowski Thor becomes awesome when he transforms!! Lets also address Captain America wielding Mjolnir we knew he was worthy in Avengers Age of Ultron 2! A bit of comedy, tongue in cheek and awesomeness rolled into one!!

So Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is set up as they travel the galaxy to find Gamora, who is genuinely shocked that she could be attracted to Star Lord and they have my favourite Asgardian joining them AND James Gunn returns as director - The Asguardians of the Galaxy!!! I wasn't a fan of Thor 2 and I thought Thor Ragnarok was good not amazing as everyone said it was I enjoyed that they made Thor change his look and the fact he had to go on a discovery to realise who he was...

I loved the way all the characters changed over the time gap of 5 years and think the Russo's will be awesome working with the Marvel writers and Disney writers to create the next part of the Marvel Avengers story, I haven't been a fan of the marvel movies of late but hope that future movies reach the scale that the avengers have but I think we wont see the Avengers for a while until they build up this new world after defeating Thanos.

DLLorenzo Review: 5/5
