The Batman

Batman, The Dark Knight, The World's Greatest Detective, The Caped Crusader!!

The Batman.....I remember the first time seeing anything Batman related was Adam West's portrayal as the caped crusader! The 1960's Batman! I vividly remember being in Nursery school watching re-runs of the 1960's episodes in the afternoon, on a black and white television set and then after nursery me and my friend running down the road chased by our parents/grandparents wearing our coats over our heards re-enacting Batman and Robins adventures! I loved the shows so much I bought the entire Tv series collection on a limited edition Blu-ray dvd which is safely stowed away to watch in my own Batcave. I also remember being introduced to Batman: The Animated Series on Saturday morning television.I got to see Batman fight against the Joker and a whole army of villains every weekend. Set in this fantastic dark, noir kind of world!! The Art! The theme tune!! The Car!! It was an amazing television series that was ahead of its time!! Since then the only Batman television series's to even come close is Batman Beyond and the Justice League cartoons which for me Batman was always the better character in my eyes!

Over the years Batman as a character has developed and changed from the Tv series, to the comics and the movies and the live actions have gotten better. For me the recent portayals of Batman have been amazing with several actors playing the Dark Knight and they have all brought something different to the role which must be recognised and the directors have been able to bring their own story behind the superheroes they direct!

For me Batman is Batman, he is the Dark Knight, the master detective, the bat of Gotham, the warrior able to beat super powered opponents and terrify them over the years.

Adam West Batman 1966 

The music, the sounds, the comic panel BIFF, BOOM, SPLAT! The 1960's Batman is something I will always remember due to its cheesy plotlines and brilliant acting from the legend that was Adam West (1928-2017) The Batman TV series of the 60's was corny, cheesy and had Batman and Robin taking on the villain of the week, thwart a dastardly plan, get captured and then somehow miraculously survive from a death trap by a handy bat related item.
I remember watching this in nursery school and throughout the years watching it on TV after school when they released the colour versions. I bought the Blu-ray DVD collectors edition in recent years which I am still trying to currently watch through. Classic, cheesy and awesome Batman. Adam West you will be missed!

  Michael Keaton Batman 1989/Batman Returns 1992

Michael Keaton, the comedic actor who became the Dark Knight and will forever be remembered as one of the best actors to portray the Batman in the movies! Wearing the full on armoured rubber suit and driving that awesome 1989 Batmobile, Michael Keaton's Batman wowed audiences in two movies that were both successful and directed by Tim Burton famed director of Beetlejuice, Mars Attacks and Nightmare Before Christmas. I remember growing up watching this movie and loving both movies so much I played it over and over again. 

The performance of Michael Keaton is brilliant from his powerful  yet mostly quiet batman to his slightly awkward quirky Bruce Wayne is something to behold - Similar to Christopher Reeve's Superman/clark kent performance. Dark and gritty the Michale Keaton Batman movies are brilliant dark and have the slight humour that made it the best movie of the 1989 and made thousands and thousands of people to idolise the Dark Knight. Michael Keaton one of if not the best live action Batman!

Rumours are that WarnerBrothers have looked into a Batman Beyond idea, where an older Bruce Wayne (Michael Keaton) trains a new protege to take over the Batman persona. Yes please!

Val Kilmer - Batman Forever 1995

Val Kilmer portrayed the Batman role in Joel Shumachers run as Batman director, where Burton's Batman had been Dark and Gritty, Shumacher and Warner Brothers took a different, twisted and funny approach to the Dark knight to try and capture some of the zaniness from the comics after Batman Returns had complaints concerning violence and dark overtones. The movie introduced Two Face, the Riddler and Batmans young protege Robin.
Val Kilmer's portrayal as Bruce Wayne was poor and amateurish at best but his Batman was good but the movie around him was not the best and it is not surprising he didnt return for the following movie Batman and Robin 1997

George Clooney - Batman and Robin 1997

In the second Batman movie by Joel Shumacher, George Clooney took on the role of the Batman, while Chris O'Donnell returned as Robin, Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy and Arnold schwarzeneger as Mr Freeze..........its time to Chill! The movie was hammy and too family friendly compared to what fans wanted and George Clooneys portrayal as Bruce Wayne and Batman was full of his style of irritating charm and head tilting and both had little to no personality in this awful 90's movie. I only watched it because im a Batman fan and I thought it was ok when it first came out ( I was 8 years old) I liked good jokes even the bad jokes and puns....

Kevin Conroy and Animated Batmen

The Animated Batman Tv series is one of the most iconic tv series ever and has been something I have loved ever since I was a child, the only Batman series to come close to this was the Batman Beyond series. Iconic and noir style the animated series was voiced by the legendary Kevin Conroy who voiced the character over 85 episodes and he also voiced the character in numerous series since 1992 up until recently in animated series, animated movies and the Batman Arkham Knight video games. Kevin Conroy is known online as the voice of Batman!

This Saturday-morning cartoon was anything but childish – Conroy was the night, he was vengeance.

Set 20 years after the previous Batman: The Animated Series we see a young Terry Mcginnis, once a highschool tearaway becomes Bruce Wayne's ward and protege and wears an experimental batsuit to fight the villains of the future. Love this version of Batman and loved the story and the way the character has struggled through everything and become such a good Batman! Rumour is Warner Brothers may do a stand alone Batman Beyond movie.......yes please!

Lego Batman where to start so I actually liked the Lego Batman movie when it came out back in 2017! Filled with easter eggs the Dark Brick came to the film screen voiced by Will Arnett, his lovable selfish approach to superhero duties was refreshing to all the Marvel and DC universe movies.
Funny, with incredible scenes in the movie Will Arnett's lego batman is surprisingly a funny family friendly movie. Went with my girlfirend and we both surprisingly enjoyed.

The Arkham Knight games are all amazing in their own ways, We follow Batman as he fights and investigates crimes and takes out a huge list of villains, including The Joker, the riddler, Penguin, Bane etc. Voiced by legendary voice actor Kevin Conroy the Arkham series includes 3 official games and one prequel game released by a separate company, Arkham Knight (2009), Arkham City (2011) and Arkham Knight (2015) and the other Arkham:Origins (2013). The series was calculated button bashing fighting and throwing batarangs, the game is beautiful and really created the batman world further.

Rumour is Rocksteady Games are developing another Arkham Game, rumours are they are also working on a Superman game.....never played Origins but may have to buy it for my PS3 when I can!

Christian Bale Batman Begins 2005 - 2012 Dark Night Rises

Christopher Nolan brought reality to Gotham and, more importantly, to Batman. At the heart of this was actor Christian Bale, a man known for his action and drama roles, as well as grinning Genesis fan/serial killer Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.
Bale's journey as Wayne and his alter ego was delivered well, Bale playing the seriousness of every dilemma as the Bat with the grizzly voice whilst showing off with a smirk as the wealthy socialite.
Although the final instalment didn't really give us anything new and was a bit lacking as to Dark Knight, Bale had already cemented himself as THE Batman for a generation; Christian would be a tough act to follow.

Rumour was that the third movie if Heath Ledger had been around would have featured Harvey Dent/Two Face agaisnt the Joker against Batman in a criminal trial and battle of the courthouse

Ben Affleck Batman vs Superman 2016 - 2019

Coming on to the most recent portrayal of Batman, Ben Affleck had now taken over the cape and cowl as Batman!! This version of the Dark Knight is dark, tortured, he's been fighting crime in Gotham for over 20 years by the time of the movie! He's lost allies and has lost all sense of reason for good choosing his methods to be brutal against criminals! I actually prefer this version of Batman and his Bruce Wayne is good.
There have been mixed reviews of his portrayal, a lot of people dont like him as an actor but thats their opinion!
I think he looks like Batman, he fights like Batman, he is Batman! Where Christian Bale potrayed what a live action real life Batman may work, Ben Affleck is more like the comic book version which I like! He is more similar to the Dark Knight returns!

From Batman Vs Superman, there are a few questions left open for me.:
  • What happened to Robin?
  •  Is the Joker, Jason Todd??
  • Was it Jason Todd's armour shown  and how did he die?
  • Where's Dick Grayson?
  • Where's the rest of the Bat-Family?
  • Will we see the Red Hood?
  • ...and What on earth happened to Wayne Manor!!!

If anyone reads this and thinks they may watch it or re-watch it, highly recommend the Ultimate Edition!!


BatFleck's brief appearances in Suicide Squad was good but too brief for me, from stopping Deadshot and then driving the batmobile and chasing down the Joker and Harley in their purple lamborghini then knocking out Harley Quinn after resuscitating and his brief moment as Bruce at the end of the movie.
I was more annoyed with David Ayer, Suicide Squad Director, who mentioned in an interview a few weeks prior to the Suicide Squad release saying that he had to fight to get to bring Batman in on the movie. He said he wanted to see the point of view of the villains and show why The Batman was scary and feared!! Sold me on it and ruined it for me!

I came up with an idea for a suicide squad rewrite with Batman taking more of a supportive role and the big bad being the joker - read it here


BatFlecks performance in Justice League was alright but it wasnt as good as his perforrmance in BvS and I think Warner Brothers took fan opinions and with the change of directors - Batman more or less became a jovial Ironman flitting from the kind of father figure to BvS batman throughout the movie. He also publicly addressed he was Batman while speaking to Aquaman as Bruce Wayne and because of all the superheroes and villains Batman took more of a background role in this movie.

This attempt is a serious misstep, a U-turn that resulted in this Batman feeling like a completely different character from the one we met before.

(This was a problem for Justice League overall, after Snyder's exit and Joss Whedon coming in as his replacement, apparently with an entirely new tone and direction for the film. Hence the continued demands for the 'Snyder cut', which might indeed have stuck more closely to the original Batfleck portrayal).

The next version of Batman might come under as much fire as Batfleck did, but DC AND Warner Brothers need to commit fully to its vision for the character from the outset, and not try to drastically course correct later on. That's a surefire way to end up pleasing no one.
If they stick to only one thing on this list, we hope it's that they have faith in what they are doing with the Dark Knight.

See My Batman Vs Batman debate as I decided that all in all out of Ben Affleck and Christian Bale why Ben Affleck is my favourite to wear the cowl, next to Michael Keaton

The Future of Batman

So not so recently Ben Affleck is now no longer Batman as he confirmed on the Jimmy Kimmel show back on the 14th of February 2019 so as of now BatFleck is no more.......until they decide the want him to return and warner brothers pay him the money and to do a movie and return as the older Batman again!

Affleck is retiring from the role after playing Bruce Wayne in only three movies: “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” “Suicide Squad,” and “Justice League.” He's quoted saying

“I tried to direct a version of it and worked with a really good screenwriter, but just couldn’t come up with a version, I couldn’t crack it,” Affleck told Kimmel. “So I thought it was time to let someone else take a shot at it. They got some really good people, so I’m excited.”

Affleck also tweeted about the decision to leave the film he was originally slated to direct and star in on Jan. 30. 

“Excited for #TheBatman in Summer 2021 and to see @MattReevesLA vision come to life.”

Affleck says he gave it his best shot, but feels he isn’t right for the role anymore.

“Superhero movies get the level of attention that is nothing like any film I’ve done. You cast the 14th lead in these movies and the internet goes crazy,” Affleck told USA Today in a 2017 interview. “I understand and embrace that. That’s part of the pressure that comes with doing it. That’s why I am not going to do it, unless I really feel confident about it.”

The new Dark Knight has yet to be cast.


It had been previously reported that The Batman could begin filming before the end of the year 2019. While that seems to have been pushed back, that still gives the studio plenty of time to get the movie ready for its summer 2021 release. That aside, the far more interesting news thats been hitting the internet is how seriously Warner Bros. took this casting process and that they've ultimately landed on is Robert Pattinson.
 Now apparently its between Nicholas Hoult and Robert Pattinson and time will tell.

Apparently the Batman casting process was very thorough, as Warner sees The Batman as their most valuable property and they don't want to mess it up. While there are plenty who liked Ben Affleck's take on the Caped Crusader, his run as the character was, at best, divisive.

 Much of that can be blamed on the movies he was trapped in. That said, it's understandable that Warner Bros. would want to avoid that again, if at all possible. Though, not surprisingly, the internet did flip out upon hearing that the guy from Twilight is our new Batman. And the latest rumor is that he's signed on for a trilogy that is not connected to the current DCEU movies.

What makes it more intriguing is another bit of information contained within this report. Apparently, Robert Pattinson's version of Batman will "in no way carry on the work that Ben Affleck did as the older Batman in Batman Vs. Superman and Justice League." Affleck has formally stepped away from the role, meaning his specific journey as the character is over. However, there was some thought that Matt Reeves may be setting The Batman in the past, showcasing a younger version of Batfleck so that it could connect to the DCEU. We even heard a rumor that the movie may be set in the 90s. While that may still be true, it's apparent this is going to be a standalone trilogy and that isn't being done in order to connect it to the already established universe.

I for one actually enjoyed Ben Affleck's portrayal as the Batman and Pattinson has actually come a long way from the glittery vampire of the Twilight saga so hope he can now do a different take on The Batman. A lot of peoples opinions of Ben Affleck have changed since 2016, I can see online that some Batfans have been saying he is now their favourite live action Batman! To be honest I have heard rumours that Warner Brothers want to do a full reboot of the entire DCEU which I do understand why as they are moving away from the Zack Snyder movies but rebooting Flash and Cyborg with a new actor isnt the right way.

I think Warner Brothers AND DC need to take a good look at themselves, reevaluate their processes and develop this DC universe or The World Of DC, it wont become a success overnight after 6 movies its a long process of world building. With AT and T buying out Warner Brothers too I think this is also being reviewed and hope they keep the movies coming. We have the Joker movie (2019) Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman (2020) then we hopefully have The Batman (2021) and the New Suicide Squad (2021) and possibly finally a Flash movie (2021). The DC universe TV series are moving on with Titans and Doom Patrol, but the Swamp Thing tv series seems to have been cancelled too early at the moment, more information awaiting, seems to be a confusion as the series is more horror than they first thought.....(I will be reviewing this at some point)

For Matt Reeves:

If Matt Reeves ever gets to read this blog I really hope you bring a gripping action filled take on the Batman and develop a brilliant story that has all of us Bat fans wanting more. Enjoy making the movie as its not everyday a Batfan gets to do a great Baman movie!

If Robert Pattinson or Battinson is the new dark knight I hope that he has the acting chops and builds up for the role as this will be a role he will be associated with until the end of his days (example michael Keaton, Adam West). The script needs to be good, enthralling and simple for the first movie and please let us have lots of Batman action similar to the warehouse fight scene in BvS, that got a lot of people's votes, Batfans and non batfans alike. The rumours are there will be mystery and intrigue and a possible plotline may follow a murder story and Batman is investigating it.

If Battinsons portrayal isnt linked with Batflecks portrayal it will be a little dissapointing as for me I enjoyed the older Batman dealing with crime his own way after fighting crime for 20 years. I had lots of questions about that universe and I am a little bit dissappointed if Warner Brothers have to pave over it simply stating its a reboot but c'est la vie if it needs to be to make The Batman better then let it be.

The next version of Batman might come under as much fire as Batfleck did, but DC AND Warner Brothers need to commit fully to its vision for the character from the outset, and not try to drastically course correct later on. That's a surefire way to end up pleasing no one.
If they stick to only one thing on this list, we hope it's that they have faith in what they are doing with the Dark Knight. (intentionally copiedthis here)**

Ideally we want a brilliant dark, gritty Batman movie following the Batman dealing with the villains and criminals how he does it in the comics and or how Zack Snyder got him handling it in BvS (that doesnt bother me as it suited the storyline) I hope Matt Reeves is given full control to relaunch The Batman and incorporates everything as it looks like The Batman is the movie that DC AND Warner Brothers want to make right and will hopefully help the Worlds Of DC 

Same Bat-Time, same Bat-Channel

