Cyberpunk 2077 Update

Updates for cyberpunk 2077

So since my last post, we have had the game release date extended, coronavirus hit, and more, games have been delayed and there have been little updates here and there. So thought I'd put a blogpost up of the recent information.

  • So the game is now being released 17th of September 2020 this was the rearranged launch date as it was meant to release the 17th of April 2020.
  • Even with developers working from home due to the Coronavirus CD Projekt Red are standing by their 17th September release date, even with other BIG games being delayed indefinitely such as The Last of Us 2 and Ghosts of Tsushima.
  • The most important 10 things to remember for Cyberpunk 2077:
  1. IT'S NOT FOR KIDS - we think the game will have a mature rating, lots of swearing, violence, nudity, drug use, etc
  2. SELECTABLE BACKGROUNDS - allow you to choose your upbringing, corporate, street kid, and nomad. Each will bring their own pros and cons and give the player a direction, but this is entirely down to the player.
  3. FACTIONS - there will be many factions from the big corporations like Militech and Arasaka to the gangs like the Maelstrom and Animals. These could either be allies or enemies.
  4. CYBERPUNK WILL HAVE MULTIPLAYER AFTER LAUNCH -  At launch, only the single-player will be available. CDPR is working on it and we don’t know how it will work BUT CDPR wants to focus on the storyline and gameplay first and foremost. The multiplayer won’t be available until after all the story-based DLC’s drop, this could be as far as 2022!
  5. NO MORALITY SYSTEM - rather than define good or bad actions you will have street cred with different gangs, allies and corporations depending on what you do
  6. GENDER OPTIONS - while the first gameplay showed male or female body types - CDPR have moved away from this and will allow you to Pick a masculine or feminine body type and feminine or masculine voice, this has been to allow all gender binaries- at the end of the day you will be V
  7. THE SETTING - Cyberpunk 2077 is set in Night City, America in 2077. Night City has many different locations and areas + it has a huge wasteland that we have been told will be explorable.
  8. MICRO TRANSACTIONS ARE NEITHER CONFIRMED OR DENIED - microtransactions were advised not happening a year ago however a CDPR head advised it may or may not happen. No official confirmation as of yet.
  9. STATS - Cyberpunk will boast a huge roster of stats, ripped from the tabletop game, such as strength, speed, etc there is also the cool stat, we don’t know whether this is can you keep your cool in a situation OR is it related to your clothing as a jacket was noticed to have a bonus cool stat modifier. Empathy or cyber psychosis has been left out which in the game you may have rages of cyber psychosis due to the amount of hardware you have in your body, this might have been removed to help the single-player - BUT may appear in the multiplayer?? Time will tell Choombas.
  10. YOU CAN DO A PACIFIST RUN OF THE GAME - All of the weapons will apparently have nonlethal abilities or modifiers so you don’t necessarily have to kill everyone as in some games to complete it such as Doom (2016) you can be stealthy and not kill anyone directly but through hacks, however, CDPR has confirmed you can complete the game without killing AND still enjoy the game.

  • CDPR teams are working remotely using many media tools and keeping motivated and working together. They started working from home back in March.
  • Cyberpunk 2077 has already been rated before release - which is further evidence the game is coming AND proof the game must be to a high quality to be presented to official game ratings
  • The game will most probably by September have a day one patch for localization of languages due to delays, basically means some of the voice work will be added on a day one patch.
  • CDPR has a planned promotional release through June  to September, with E3 2020 being canceled due to coronavirus they have stated they have more digital marketing ready, trailers, images, etc and a mix of digital and physical aspects to market Cyberpunk 2077
  • Expect new trailers, gameplay, and images to hit your screens soon Choombas!
  • There is currently a cyberpunk mod your computer competition which has just started and I’ve seen some of the versions online and they look amazing - so fans design the cyberpunk 2077 PC case of their dreams then whoever the winner is a professional case modding team will bring that to life
  • The Game has been in development since 2013 by CDPR
  • Cyberpunk 2077 originated in a pen and paper game called Cyberpunk in 1988
  • Updated logos of some of the gang's emblems such as Maelstrom, Voodoo boys, The Valentino’s, the Animals, Tyger claws, and the Lizzie’s. We now have 2 new gangs appearing called 6th Street and The Moxies.

  • These seem to be the main gangs to appear in the game but we reckon there will be smaller or subgroups dotted across Night City.
  • The bozo’s the killer clown gang are one of the most requested gangs to be in cyberpunk 2077, think like the joker with more cybernetic implants and crazier. Fingers crossed we see them in the game!
  • The entire world will be traversable and the huge buildings you will be able to traverse in and out of rooms in the buildings - how much is accessible we will see?
  • AI is constantly busy and Night City never sleeps, there is danger around every corner regarding the street cred, groups are constantly fighting for control including the mega-corporations.
  • With the HUD you will be able to see other users' levels, using the Kiroshi Optical scanner you can review situations before you jump in, regarding weaknesses, weapons, etc.
  • We are waiting on more news concerning the Cyberpunk soundtrack and the in-game soundtrack, remember in my last post in some preorders we will get a digital copy of the soundtrack. I would love to see the original chippin in a song from Johnny Silverhand that appeared in the 48 minutes Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay. The Refused did their own take on Chippin in as they are now the band Samurai in the updates. I Hope CDPR still includes that in the game or soundtrack as it was pretty good.
  • R.Talsorian are making new figurines to go with Cyberpunk RED the tabletop game, they're getting their own version of the Bozo’s in figurine version.
  • A game company called SPOKKO is developing the cyberpunk mobile game, not much information about that yet
  • A German company pulled a big April fool's prank where they alleged CDPR were going to open a Cyberpunk style nightclub and bar in Warsaw, Poland. Lots of fake images and concept art of the bar/nightclub/shopping center and even some pictures of self-titled alcohol such as Ciderpunk, Soul killer polish craft ale, and Morgan Blackhand whiskey. It was very convincing and basically a cyberpunk version of Disneyland. Who knows?

  • CDPR are confident that with all the BIG AAA games being delayed till September would that affect the sale of Cyberpunk 2077, to which they responded they believe they have the MUST have the game of the year
  • When it comes to sales digital or physical, CDPR is confident the game will sell very well, physically AND Digitally, digital sales for CDPR have historically done well after The Witcher 3 launch and its DLC’s

  • There are confirmed 600 people in CDPR working on the game, some are working fluidly between the single-player and multiplayer as these are connected in some way BUT the majority are working on the single-player
  • There are currently 150 people quality testing and playing the game and lots of testing going on, double what they did for The Witcher 3, and lots of internal and external testing being done by CDPR and external companies are sworn to secrecy.
  • Rumors are that the biggest game companies and developers have been given development versions of PS5 and Xbox One X and that Cyberpunk will be available on current and next-generation console.
  • Even though it sounds good and CDPR are supposedly on track for a September launch, due to the Coronavirus a lot of people reckon there may be another delay. Fingers crossed this doesn’t happen 🤞
  • CDPR has an incredible year so far in the last 12 months made $125 million in sales revenues, of this $101 million came from digital sales and $12 million from boxed units!
  • New official gang logos dropped online, 2 new gangs confirmed in-game, one called The Moxes, who defend working girls and guys from violence and abuse and Second being 6th Street, apparently veterans of the war they became tired of the inefficiency of the Night City Police Department and started to serve justice and protect the community of Vista Del Ray, which now seems questionable and self-serving.

  • With the upcoming DLCs, people are commenting online that with most DLCs it may be a campaign storyline add on, extra challenges, extra content i.e. a new gang, location, weapons, customizations, etc
  • There will be a full day and night cycle and different weather types
  • CDPR has talked about adding vehicle customization into the game and it was revealed in a QandA that an image showing a modified V-tech car, different color, stickers, and body modifications - could this still be on the cards? **The image below not it but there's a lot of images online**

  • CDPR also showed screenshots of their Cyberpunk 2077 themed boardrooms to keep the ideas fresh and try to have that influence
  • DLC’s incoming, prior to launching CDPR will announce DLC releases for the game prior to launch and after launch the same as they did for the Witcher 3, Cyberpunk will have no less DLC than the Witcher 3, here’s hoping a lot of content for Cyberpunk 2077. The comment suggests Cyberpunk will receive content equivalent to or bigger than the two full story expansions and 16 DLC packs The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt did following release in May 2015.
  • Rumour is that CDPR is working on The Witcher 4 - however, CDPR is focusing purely on Cyberpunk. CDPR has multiple teams working on each component and development of Cyberpunk BUT it wouldn’t be a wild guess that they may allocate a team to start conceptualizing and drawing up The Witcher 4?
  • Recent ideas have emerged off self-made Playstation controllers - we know this isn't real but it would be pretty cool if Sony got involved 

  • Netflix and CDPR worked together to work on The Witcher tv series - could there be a cyberpunk 2077 tie in the future?

  • See above to get the feeling and aesthetics of Cyberpunk - CDPR created meeting rooms in the kind of style from their upcoming game - lots of lighting and neon, leather sofas - damn I wish I worked for CDPR! What do you think, would it be a coll environment to work in?

  • CDPR has posted recent video images of the gangs in the game showing off the gang logos in the last few weeks - the Valentinos gang, Militech, KangTao, and Tyger Claws.
  • Apparently, in an online video, I read that V won’t be allowed to join gangs but could work alongside them
  • Looks like the book release of "The World of Cyberpunk 2077" has been delayed from, June to the 16th of July 2021.
  • Cyberpunk 2077 so far looks to have an 18+ rating and should follow this when the game launches worldwide - this is seen via a Brazilian certificate and Australia
  • Cyberpunk 2077 will be appearing as part of IGNs Summer of Gaming event in June so expect more content and news Choombas
  • As of now in April 2020 - Cyberpunk 2077 is still due to release this year, September 17th, 2020

  • As usually I see some new news and forget to add to this post but see below in Neon Arcades review we get images of a Reaver car - it's a stripped-down version of the Quadra type-66 car we have seen by a Badlands gang called the Wraiths and is a subtle nod to the MadMax movies

  • The car very much had a hand-built feel and looks like it's been ripped from the Mad Max universe with a cyberpunk feel! It makes me think my first run as a character could be a street kid OR could even be a Nomad.
  • Also intrigued to find out more about the Wraiths

  • Recently announced in a German Gaming Magazine, Cyberpunk 2077 will feature over 1000 NPCs that have their own hand made routines - this could mean anything from visiting shops, visiting different locations at certain times to being ain a restaurant or bar all day.
  • Cyberpunk was due to appear at the IGN Summer event and promote a Night City Live on the 11th of June 2020 - Since it was announced before the #BlackLivesMatter this has been pushed back to the 25th of June to allow other voices to be heard.
  • I hope we get to hear more about the story, the nightlife in Night City, more surrounding the Badlands outside Night City (in case we want to play the mysterious Nomad) and in a recent post, by Neon Arcade I'd also love to know more about the Techie class.

  • SADLY we have recently heard prior to the Night City Live on 25/06/2020 the game has now been delayed again till November 19th 2020. The rumor is the game is complete as per the age ratings have been announced and revealed worldwide being 18+ rated and copies of the game have been sent to "journalists, YouTubers, celebrities" etc. - we will have to wait and see Choombas!

  • It has also been announced that when you purchase Cyberpunk 2077, like the Xbox One X and the new Xbox Series X NOW when you purchase Cyberpunk 2077 for the Playstation 4 you cannnow get a free upgraded version of the game on Playstation 5 

  • We reckon the delay is to tie the game in with the Next Generation consoles - this is purely speculation and CDPR are sticking to the story that they are polishing the game but now the game will be on PS4, Xbox One and later when players own the next generation consoles you will get a free upgraded version of Cyberpunk 2077 on your next generation console

Thanks for Chippin In Choombas, Stay Safe!
