On Order and away

On Order and Away

The trials and tribulations of a bunch of misfits working in a remote English countryside pub, the guy who has never worked in a kitchen, the opinionated lady, the chef with a secret, the chef with an adventure, the angry head chef and so much more.

DLLorenzo Review

So this amazon show was recommended on Amazon prime about a young 20 something group of staff working in a countryside pub.

What we got was amateur acting, poor and cheesy acting, a plot that was quite warped and branched off into trying to make it more over the top. Low production costs and the plot ended up being a bizarre mix.

The idea was brilliant and for me who is interested in the workings of a kitchen, a show following a group of staff in an English countryside pub sounded brilliant. If they had kept the plot about the new staff member learning to work with the cooks and work alongside them would have been much better than the mix we got. I enjoyed the first and second episodes but that's where it moved away from the original plot and the creator must have thought this would be more interesting.

DLLorenzo Review 2/5

On Order and Away is available on Amazon Prime
