Pool Party Massacre Movie review

Pool Party Massacre Movie review

Pool Party Massacre follows over-privileged and spoilt teen Blair in suburban America, with her parents out of the house she holds a pool party with her best friends, but unknown to them a serial killer has entered the house and is stalking them.

The DLLorenzo Review

Bikinis, blood and boobs ultimately what you're getting with this movie, the movie is like an ode to the old slasher movies of the 80's, the plot is simple, the actors are overly exaggerated, theatrical and cheesy, the gore is hilarious, over the top and done as it should be quite practical, lots of fake blood instead of CGI and some incredibly silly scenes, which I loved the over the top kills (I'm a glutton for inventive kills in horror...sue me).

As said this is an ode to the 80's Slasher movies however its cheap, cheerful, inventive, and more overly funny than the old school movies, as it doesn't take itself too seriously. Not a bad watch if you have nothing to do and fancied an overly campy overly funny slasher movie with some annoying brats getting what they deserve

2/5 from DLLorenzo

If you like this the director is trying to fund for Pool Party Massacre 2 on IndieGogo
