Cyberpunk 2077 updates part 2

Cyberpunk 2077 updates part 2 

So We've had the new content Night City Live and we had lots and lots of content, interviews, gameplay, screenshots and lots of info!! We had a 2-minute trailer which looks to have hinted at the story, including a big heist mission and some of the colorful characters you will meet in Night City, we got a few Q&As and also saw a few minutes of footage of BrainDance. More soon to come Choombas and more Night City Live events coming over the next few months prior to game release in November 2020.

Please see below for all the latest bits I can find online and will update this or a 3rd part nearer to game launch, so let's begin with the Night City live, first episode here it is:

  • So as previously said there will be 3 background stories you pick when you create V, your original character: Corporate (Corpo), Nomad, and Street Kid. With the latest gameplay videos, we have seen potentially the 3 different setups and how you start as Corp, Nomad or Street kid
  • All 3 will actually start in different areas and will follow their own storylines and you the player will be able to take different life paths and different actions. We have seen more gameplay recently which was awesome to see.
  • Corpo will start you in a Corporate building in the Center of Night City, Street Kid will set you up in the streets of Night City and the Nomad will put you outside of Night City in the badlands. All the situations will be different from social standings, influences, locations, and groups up until you arrive at Night city and will be able to use your background to change the story and approach it in different ways.
  • Being a Corpo, street kid or nomad have their own perks and cons within the stories, - more on this in other updates but apart from extra dialogue, it seems Nomads are known for robbing convoys and they earn Convoy signatures which is very Fast and Furious/GTA/Mad Max - these trigger other story and sub-paths - with all different life paths have custom specially prepared epilogues and many layers.
  • From some leaked gameplay, confirmed you can wield a Katana AND you can block bullets if you time it right
  • Katana gameplay some say looks a little bit silly but by the time the game releases CDPR should have it polished and ready.
  • The more you use your types of equipment, guns, swords, cybernetics the level will increase and your V will get better at that weapon, even animations for loading the gun, handling recoil, and using the katana and other weapons will improve overtime making you into a weapons master.
  • Stamina bars will appear when sprinting, jumping, and using katana in combat and throwing punches, this will improve as you level up.
  • As mentioned in the previous update the game will allow you to play the game lethally or non-lethal
  • Someone mentioned about playing the game without additional Cyberware, apparently you can play the game like this with very basic cyberware, however, you will be at a disadvantage, maybe this will be a trophy available?
  • Kiroshi optics can be changed at the start of the game the eyeball optics can be changed, one of the playtesters advised you could change the color and the style of the eyes, saying he picked a trippy black and white hypnotic-like eyes, we have also seen a couple of other variants in images, such as glasses built into the face (Deus ex style/very cyberpunk Neuromancer), double irises and spider-like bug eyes. 
  • In the gameplay we see an exclusive bar called the AFTERLIFE, the building was a former morgue, where the drinks are served named after celebrities or people who have died in a fashionable way, explosions, gun shoot out, etc.
  •  One cocktail named the Johnny Silverhand is ordered which hints and touches upon the lore everyone reckoned Johnny had died in an explosion at Arasaka many years prior to the game, a shot of Mexican tequila, splash of Cerveza lager, with a chili/lime garnish. Gameday release I will be having a few bottles of Desperados with lime to celebrate.
  • A new character appears who might be linked with the story, Evelynn Parker - an actress who became involved in underground businesses shes after THE RELIC, a new experimental shard/computer chip that is wanted by all the major players and organizations in Night City.

  • Been confirmed from journalists testing the 4-hour demo that you can "summon" cars to you, just like when calling Roach the horse to you in The Witcher game - although one or 2 suggested it may need some work as one car stopped halfway through an intersection holding up traffic. Similar to calling Roach, your horse in RDR2 and even calling the Batmobile in Batman: Arkham Knight
  • The roads of Night city are thankfully not full of cars and allow the player to travel freely, similar to the roads in GTA 5 
  • One or 2 journalists/ YouTubers have said the driving seems to be lacking, cars and vehicles look incredible but don't have the same thrill as cars in GTA.
  • Been confirmed you won't be able to customize cars SADLY, you will, however, be able to buy or steal customized versions of cars but when the game drops this won't be a customizable option, who knows for the future, I would like to be able to customize my own vehicles, but who knows for future content, updates, and DLCs.
  • Its hinted you may be able to store vehicles in garages or a garage in Night City
  • There was mention of multiple apartments when the game drops being as Night City is so big, then this was changed and V will only have one main apartment and a new rumor says there may be smaller apartments - have to wait and see Choombas.
  • The 4-hour demo allowed players to travel freely, there were some sections locked for story mode and somewhere bosses/enemies or other players were higher levels so players rightfully or wrongfully left these to investigate other areas 
  • Characters have been built up in-depth and well-drawn, how they look, move and sound has been developed by CDPR to make the game feel more realistic, journalists/YouTubers exclaimed how multi-layered and complex some characters appear
  • Dialogue occurs easily and no awkward conversation panels, the communication text appears when facing them and as you turn away disappears
  • Similar to GTA 5 you will be able to use your mobile phone, HOWEVER, you don't need to always visit people in person because you can video call them instead as seen in the first 50-minute gameplay- press the d-pad to answer or send them a quick text. Video calls have dialogue options like face to face conversations plus you can send data and files to complete quests. Very handy.
  • Again like in GTA you can take over other peoples cars, none of the people reviewing were able to successfully do this as it seemed you needed to be a higher level or have a better grasp on hacking or have better equipment
  • It was seen in the Night City Live gameplay, but a giant military-like cyborg approaches V in what looks to be an Arasaka building (could be involved in the main story or a side quest). This big guy has been confirmed to be Adam Smasher, a known character from the Cyberpunk lore - a Full borg solo (so fully cybernetic transformed apart from the last bits of humanity) who is a rival of another cyberpunk lore character, the best solo Morgan Blackhand.

  • Mentioned about Full Borg players, these are people who have undergone full borg - this means becoming fully cybernetic, fully cybernetic body conversion -  having body parts converted/replaced with machine

  • Depending on your actions you can earn yourself a police wanted status - similar to GTA and other games, triggering them to come after you, increasing determination and strength depending on the severity of your crimes
  • Again depending on the severity of your crimes, the police will send out a team called psycho squad who are adept in handling people with Cyberpsychosis.
  • However you can also help Night City Police, another new way to create the open world is you will come across crimes in progress and be able to help stop crimes and earn rewards from the police, so whether there will be job requests or Quests to do for Night City Police we have to wait and see.
  • Some areas don't have police patrolling due to gang warfare but cause issues in these areas and you may have gangs come after you instead.
  • You apparently will have friendship levels with gangs and or be able to ally with different gangs throughout the game as per previous gameplay when V works alongside the Voodoo Boyz to infiltrate the Animals gang.
  • Recently a Japanese Gaming Magazine has revealed  pictures of the 6th street gang who seem to wear items similar to their badge, patriotic and based off the American Flag and all running some sort of military clothing and cybernetics as seen in Neon Arcades video (also see below)

  • Apparently, when you go into a new region, a local fixer will contact you with available quests, heists, and information. Fixers will update you throughout of ongoing missions, quests, news, and rewards.
  • There may a be a few cameos in the cyberpunk game - We know Actor Keanu Reeves appearing as Johnny Silverhand will get a bigger role than first realized, Singer Grimes will appear as the shiny and chrome Lizzie Wizzie songstress of the future, the games Creator Mike Pondsmith may appear and it's been hinted with famed video games designer Hideo Kojima's release of Death Stranding on PC he may get a surprise appearance in-game or as an extra (please see below). There were rumors we may see Alt Cunningham in the story, a famed hacker/developer and girlfriend of Johnny Silverhand (Lady Gaga rumored to have been at a CDPR office last year), there's also a Youtuber CohhCarnage whose been added to the official Game and will appear somewhere in the game as an extra.

"Combat is very much Shooting, melee, stealth, and hacking in First Person"

  • Shooting seems to have improved from past gameplay and feels good, bit more weight to the guns, follows most first-person shooters, and the cover system allows you to cover but doesn't stick you to the scenery, link in other games which I sometimes find in games annoying at times.
  • Melee, is apparently similar to The Witcher 3, albeit the first person, strike with the right trigger, block with the left trigger, and dodge. striking in quick succession or charging a punch will break enemy's guard, timing a block will launch a counter-attack. Stamina as mentioned will drop so keep an eye on it as your guard will drop when low. Dodging was mentioned as a bit awkward as its the same button as crouch and requires a double-tap, will have to see what happens if changes are made to this and how sensitive it is.
  • Stealth is familiar to video gamers, crouch-walk behind people to take them down, lethalyy or non lethally up to you. You can hid bodies in nearby containers - or if target is standing near a container, you can take then down and stash them in one move. This will get better depending on the tech you can use and integrate internally as seen in the first gameplay with the Kyroshi optical implants will allow you to scan environments, scan and mark enenmies, allowing you to keep track of there they are, even behind objects and which way theyre facing. If they do spot you, an alertness gauge begins to fill so you have time to dissappear and hide and try again.
  • Now to the thing we all wanted to hear, Hacking and the art of the quick hack, so the differences are is Quickhacking seems to be what you can do ata distance, whereas hacking requires plugging into a terminal. When hacking there is a mini-game which we saw in the original gemplay where its based around matching number-letter pairings - you select from a grid, you can only choose whats highlighted and each time you chosse the highlighted area changes, you try to complete the puzzle in the grid which starts to unlock aspects of the systemk for you to gain access to.
  • To quick hack, you scan an area to reveal interactable objects, then press the Quickhack option to activate them. Examples seen in the 4 hour demo were camera, TV's, ceiling fans, turrets etc What you can do depensds on what programs you have uploaded to your Cyberdeck (carrying a computer or you are the computer terminal, it also depends on how much memory you have to spend - thing magic or mana resources.
  • Some people are still not happy as this game does not have 3rd person version - to make the game and story immersive they have made it naturally first person - in 3rd person for The Witcher you look over Geralt's shoulder and follow his story - first person makes it more personal and immersive. You will get 3rd person view when driving cars and rumoured bikes - bikes so far been shown a first person view and third person.
  • 2 recent Delays have made a lot of players concerned about the game, delays are normally a good thing as Devs can polish the game even better, but think I can talk for most choombas, we all cannot wait for the game
  • Reasons for the delay have been from CDPR advising they want to finish polishing the game, the rumor is as the game is dropping now in November around the release of Next Generation consoles and 
  • The multiplayer is potentially pushed back to 2022 and is coming - we cannot wait for this and how it will affect the game, some people love single-player, some love multiplayer we need to wait and see Choombas.
  • The New World of Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be delivered end of July so this page, youtube, and websites will be full of new Cyberpunk lore and content
  • In your apartment, this will be customized by your actions, story, and which background you picked Corp, Nomad, or Street Kid. In the said apartment there is a computer terminal, we are assuming you can use the device but we have yet to see what can be done, whether net running plays an option in this, mini-games, finding information, etc.
  • It was rumored in the 4-hour demo you can actually pet Cats! We have yet to see dogs or other animals
  • The game is hinted as having a hidden morality scale which could impact missions, characters and maybe even the ending of the game
  • A shop appears in the game called Midnight Lady accessories, whether as a visitable shop/website or just one of the many advertisements and they carry many seemingly sexy or shocking items such as Taser nipple tassels.......definitely shocking ;-)!
  • Lots of work has been done to create the world, lots of adverts, pictures, ideas and concepts
  • Lots of adverts are appearing for in-game, security adverts for the human internal systems, Real Water adverts.

  • As seen in gameplay some people did not like the baby blue color of the katana blade seen in recent gameplay videos of katana gameplay action, it should be noted all cyberware and options can be customizable this includes the color - we have seen in recent updates that you will be able to get weapons in a lot of different colors.
  • A Russian and possible German armaments company may appear in the game, the Russian maybe specifically handle armaments for dealing with full cyborg enemies.
  • character customization news, the eyes, and optics seem to be very interesting and fully customizable and even teeth can be changed color.
  • Theres a rumour we will see drones, robots and mechs in game, this was taken from a recent look at attributes and one of the crafting perks is called Mech Looter: you cna loot scrap from drones, robots and mechs and have a chance of 30% of finding weapon parts.
  • Wall running has been removed from the game, but as an alternative you will still have leg cyberware to allow you to run and jump very fast and you will still be able to climb up on background items
  • In Gameplay you will be able to scan NPCs and collect information, hack networks, intercept crimes and also collect bounties on targets.
  • The Cyberpunk menu will apparently appear in a red and blue light similar to what was shown in the Grimes song 4AM music video - the background has a blue gradient and the text is reddish
  • In the start menu you will have a map of thegame, a journal to track quests, news, databases about the game world, the inventory and the character menu
  • The map is the same colour tones as the game menus and is a full 3d map and gives a bird eye view or more.
  • The inventory is split up into 3 options - Backup, Equipment and Cyberware
  • You will have slots to add cyberware implants and upgrades - these can be added at the Bran, eyes, cardiovascular system, immune system, peripheral nervous system, skin, operating system and skeletal system (includes hands, arms, legs)
  • Apparently hacking will evolve where the mini game is no longer neccessary - the hacking mini game now known as BREACH will increase your cyberdeck memory allowing you greater access to programs or systems.

  • Daemons seem to be a term of programs or systems V can create, find or purchase, some of the daemons Netrunners can use are: 
  • SHORT CIRCUIT - overlaods the opponents cyberware and causes damage through the short circuit
  • OVERHEATING - this more powerfule attack not only overloads enemys cyberware but sets it on fire, causing damage over time (seen this in recent gameplay)
  • SOS SIGNAL - Fakes a squad members emergency call, causing the victim to move and search an area
  • SUICIDE - Puts the taregt in cyberpsychosis, killimg them with their own weapon
  • OPTICS RESTART - Rests the targets eye optic implants so that restarting the cyberware triggers temporary blindness.
  • WEAPON MALFUNCTION - interrupts data feedign to weapon and jams weapon (seen this in gameplay)

  • They have said about brining in other mini games to make the game more immersive such as pool, boxing, basketball etc and card games maybe similar to The Witcher card game Gwent.
  • The city center of Night city is corporate domain and corpo central as it is filled with all of the big companies, such as Arakasa, Biotechnica and Millitech - Downtonw is filled with bars, restaurants, shopping centres, hotels and small kiosk shops.
  • Apparently all of the districts have their own unique feels and have been designed differently to create this effect.

So there has been talk about how you as V will be able to award points or items to increase certain attributes of your overall gameplay:
  • BODY- will increase strength, health, and stamina
  • INTELLIGENCE - will increase memory and intellect improves hacking abilities
  • REFLEX - will increase reflexes, coordination, speed, handling
  • TECHNICAL - will increase technical aspects, armor points, crafting, etc
  • COOL - This improves self-control and willpower.


  • Apparently, You won't have to finish the main story to complete Cyberpunk 2077 - so in an interview its stated "So in the Cyberpunk story structure, we have this wheat spike, which serves as its center, the main storyline with different subplots surrounding it, which can be triggered in various ways. Those subplots allow us to do something that we have never done before, they can actually change the main plot of the game and they are doing that in such a way that you may not even finish the main plot, but still, finish the game and get a completely different epilogue than the player with a different lifepath who made different choices, met different characters and formed relationships with them".
  • "You may have notices that depending on which history origin you choose, Jackie Welles's story changes," said Sasko. "This is one example of the fact that depending on the chose path of origin - As a character, you were born in a different place, you have a different story and therefore both Jackie's story and your relationship with him will be different"
  • A journalist who played the game decided to try the whole kill everyone option regardless of plot or storyline, which was fun at first but as no one could trust or be anywhere near that player - dialogue disappeared and that V was treated as an outcast, more on this when people try the demos or game.
  • New statues incoming, a new Trauma Team statue depicting Nadia and Mason, 2 trauma team medical units who will appear in the Dark Horse comic Cyberpunk 2077 TRAUMA TEAM - they may appear in the story?

Flipboard: New Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team Statue Now Available to ...

  • We may see wildlife in Night City or outside of it - From the World of Cyberpunk book, there is an Arasaka security Advert showing an elephant. Have to wait for more information.
  • There is a Japantown in Night city, similar to Shibuya, Japan, with many adverts, anime, and neon - some images seen for the book the World of Cyberpunk 
  • Rumors are when you play as V, you can watch TV in your apartment or when out and watch actual TV series, news etc.
  • There is a Solar plantation on the outside of Night City - it is rumored you may drive through this when you start as a Nomad and featured in the recent reveal gameplay
  • In Cyberpunk you wont be able to dual wield - it would make the game control a lot harder and I think we agree theres so much going on in the game Dual wielding isnt needed.

  • So we finally got to see the rumored Brain Dance gameplay - it looked like a mix of detective work, trippy kind of feed back and how that filters into the game will be cool to see overtime

  • Its been rumored there maybe sexy-related Braindance events available to purchase on the black market in-game - know a lot of Choombas male and female will probably think this is shocking, disgusting and then secretly everyone will probably try this once or twice

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