Warhammer Updates 2020/2021

Warhammer Updates 2020/2021

January/February 2021 update:

So at the start of January 2020, I started doing an update for my Warhammer hobby and started doing a running update as I started putting the army together gluing up models and getting back into the hobby and try to start finishing up these awesome models. Then the Covid-19 pandemic hit, I found myself in the house, and apart from video gaming and working did nothing else. The building, painting, and talking about Warhammer has definitely helped to keep me busy throughout it, and cannot wait to finally meet up with my Warhammered Battle Brothers so we can finally play a few games of Warhammer 40k and we will this time actually have painted models on the tabletop!

I thought I'd keep a post/update of how it's going and what I'm working on now.

How I got into the hobby:

Think I've talked about it before in my blog but I bought the start collecting after a few 40k games using friends old painted marines - Id been playing Age of Sigmar with my half-painted Seraphon/ Lizardmen army for a year and a bit with friends and fancied diving into the grim dark future of war with Warhammer 40k as my friends had 40k armies.

I initially picked up my Spacemarines in December 2018 and decided to paint them up as the unstoppable and renowned Ultramarines - Cue Ultrasmurf, toilet sign, and all the barrage of abuse from my Warhammered Battle Brothers.

Initially from 2019, all I had done was base paint all my marines in Macragge Blue and playing games of 8th edition with my friends and kept saying I'll finally get started and paint them when I can. 

During Covid19 lockdown 2020:

When Covid hit us in March 2020 I suddenly found myself banned to my home and needed things to help me with the lockdown, so not being an accomplished painter I started to finally paint my marines and slowly adding to them - talking to my Warhammer friends more, doing video chats and painting sessions.

  • Assembled all models that needed to be glued and built
  • Base painted all the unpainted models that I could
  • I used paint thinner on a couple of models where I was heavy-handed and rushed the Macragge blue spray paint - some are salvageable some aren't.
  • Bought some Warhammer Conquest Issues, got some easy to build aggressors, and a primaris chaplain
  • Bought Marneus Calgar and the Victrix Honor Guard
  • Bought new paints
  • Started adding the finer details to the models.....slowly but surely
  • Assembled the Repulsor........... Finally! I finally finished my repulsor - I half-finished it to get it on to the tabletop for tabletop games but thought OK I finally have time to do it and did it one evening on my bank holiday time off.
  • 9th Edition Warhammer 40k dropped
  • Indomitus Box dropped and me and my friend went 60/40 and he got the Necrons and I got the new marines (we socially distanced as at the time it was ok to meet friends out in public open spaces).

Pictures of my hobby in 2020:

When I finally built and completed the tank

My Primaris Librarian (Armless) and Primaris Chaplain

The Primaris Librarian with arms attached this time

Unpainted Marneus Calgar

Vitrxi Honor Guard 1

Vitrix Honor Guard 2

During Covid19 lockdown 2021:

Now in 2021 currently we are still in lockdown, the 2nd lockdown so far. So yeah still in a lockdown and working from home, keeping busy with online courses, keeping busy with work, video gaming, movies, cooking, and Warhammer hobby. Christmas we socially distanced from family and had our own Christmas which was very relaxed and cannot wait when we can finally see family again. The current lockdown has been extended up to March in the UK.

My fiancee bought me some new models for my Birthday and Christmas, Roboute Guilliman and the Primaris Chaplain on a bike, and to celebrate a promotion / new job, I bought Centurion Devastators and some mini magnets, to magnetize the weapons so they can be swapped out easily for guns or turned into assault centurions.

Talking to friends, my Warhammer Battle Brothers, the Warhammer hobby is strong and our group is still talking, building, and painting. We all cannot wait to finally get to play Warhammer 40k. The last time we played was February/March 2020 8th edition and now we are on 9th edition in 2021.

I am not an accomplished painter but I think I am slowly getting better, I am a slow painter as well but in the last year I am slowly working my way through my marines and hope to have the majority of them painted up for our next game whenever that will be, possibly the end of March but we don't know if there will be more lockdowns and or rules in place.

Whenever we use to meet up we would take a few hours playing and getting used to the rules - so when we can actually get a game in, I've told my fiancé that when it is safe to it will be a gaming day and could be ALL day as it would be a catch-up and gaming day.

Plans for the Warhammer hobby 2021:

So the beauty of picking space marines can be a curse, being flexible and adaptable they also have new models coming out all the time! This idiot here keeps loving the new models and adding them to his wishlist then finding reasons to get a new model while completing my current models and not finishing them.

  • The plan is to finish my Ultramarines army as quickly as possible, I'm not the best painter, but if I can get them to a good table standard, I'll be very happy. For now, the plan is to focus on the models I have and not buy anymore (famous last words).  
  • With the announcement of Uriel Ventris as a model, I bought him to celebrate my first paycheck and successful 2 weeks in my new job. 
  • My friends want to do a special 40K custom campaign, and with the Ventris model I can run him as a captain of my squad - I’ll be changing the helmet obviously as I believe Marines should wear helmets at all times.
  • Then I'll move onto other projects such as finishing up all my Seraphon finally, I'm improving as a painter so will need to strip a few and repaint. Actually looking forward to this project as I have been painting lots of blue over the last year or so and some bright colorful dinosaurs sound like a nice change. I also managed to pick up the Age Of Sigmar starter magazine back in 2019 for £2.99 which came with a rangefinder (ruler), extra dice, and some Sigmarite warriors (Sigmar's chosen warriors, also known as Sigmarines), and some night haunt models, which I'm looking forward to painting up.
  • I like the look of the Zombicide game, especially the "Night of the living dead" version, being a big zombie fan,  but can't see fiancee playing it with me, so will be a game to play with the guys/friends when we can actually do game nights, with a zombie movie or Night of the living dead running in the background. The models when painted look amazing. It looks like when it is safe to meet again I may pick up the Zombicide starter park and or if covid lockdown continues I’m building a new custom PC and will be playing it on a tabletop simulator.
  • I also like the look of the Star Wars Legion game and the Marvel Crisis protocol / Batman game and that's maybe just to buy and paint up the models as it's completely different games to what my friends have and don't know anyone who plays it. I love the look of some of the models like the Venom and Hulk models look awesome.
  • I know I've mentioned maybe starting a 2nd army in 40K, like Tyranids but I'm going to stick with Ultramarines for the foreseeable, maybe if I win a Start collecting box I'll think about it.

List of models I would love to add to my growing Ultramarines Army:
  • Primaris Tigurius librarian (had no idea he had become Primaris)
  • Maybe some more Primaris Aggressors
  • more Primaris Eradicators
  • Some more Centurion Devastators/ Assault
  • Forgeworld Leviathan Dreadnought
  • Relic Contemptor Dreadnought
  • 1 more Redemptopr Dreadnought
  • Ironclad Dreadnought
  • Invictor Warsuit
  • Repulsor Executioner
  • Impulsor Tank
  • Primaris Captain in Gravis armor with master crafted heavy bolter
  • Heavy intercessors
  • One of the Gladiator variant tanks
  • One of the Storm Speeder variants
  • More intercessors
  • More Interceptors
  • Incursors
  • More hell blasters
  • Primaris Techmarine
  • Primaris Apothecary
  • Drop Pod
  • Some Terrain
  • Build a custom smash captain in 2021 (I might use Primaris Kayvaan Shrike as the base and mod it up with shield, thunder hammer, new helmet, and some Ultramarine icons and parts), maybe magnetize so it can be stored on the special shrike custom base or run on a basic base for transport basis

Warhammer Update February 2021
Centurions are base painted, I am now painting them and then will sort out the magnetizing bits.

I picked up some cheap terrain from Warhammer conquest - this was all base painted over a weekend, metal highlights just need to add some Agrax earth shade

Have been painting and adding to my current models, picked up the electric blue paint from Vallejo, and wow made the power swords, librarians eyes, and plasma guns glow (pictures to follow hobby updates)

Smash Captain Project
So have seen a few options and a few ideas - think one of the best I can do is use the Kayvaan Shrike as a base - seen Tabletop Tactics for their Flesheaters concept army.
  • Magnetize him on the base so he can be put on the custom base or normal base (for transport ease as well)
  • Take all the Raven Guard relics etc off 
  • Grab a cool War Axe / Thunder Hammer
  • Grab a cool War Shield
  • Equip some cool icons, helmet, scrolls, items, etc

Warhammer World Plans late 2021 / 2022:

Warhammer World, basically Disney Land for Warhammer nerds, situated in Nottingham.

 Been hoping to go last few years as I am now a Warhammer hobbyist, even before that I wanted to go when I first got into the hobby when I was younger. 

The plan is if I get to go to Warhammer World in the future with friends, it looks like it could be late 2021 /2022 with the covid pandemic rife at the moment across the UK.

Was in Nottingham for work 2 years ago and couldn't go as I was busy with work, then tried to go with friends later that year but the plan fell apart due to commitments.

However, with me building and painting more, the possibility of a brand new bigger car in the future, and the possibility of the vaccine working and lowering numbers and chances of lowering the chances of dying with the virus, we are hopeful if not 2021 in 2022, I'll be booking a geeky lads weekend to Nottingham.

 When there I obviously want to try the food in Bugman's Bar and Bugman's special Beers and pick up some merchandise, I especially want to pick up:
  • Forgeworld Leviathan Dreadnought with guns
  • Relic Contemptor Dreadnought with guns
  • Dedereo Dreadnought with guns (thanks to my friend pointing out these are awesome)
For these special dreadnoughts, you have to buy the arms separately, which would be magnetized if I wanted to swap them out and buy extra arms.

The plan is to save money for this lads weekend. NEED a few games of 9th edition 40k prior to this.

Warhammer Update March 2021

So been busy throughout March busy catching up on painting and making a start on models
the centurions are painted they need shading and highlighting and for me to use the new pin vice to dig in to put the magnets in then ill be able to swap out the weapon loads - they are more or less painted up as well ready and the same as the bodies, need shading and highlighting

  • Uriel Ventris is more or less done, just needs more highlights and cleaning up, and looks very good and ready to lead the line for the Emperor and for Macragge!
  • Calgar is in a similar situation as well as a few models like my primaris chaplain on bike etc
  • I have shaded a few models and the tank in agrax earthshade - just need tidying up and some highlights
  • slowly working through shading, highlights and the models are starting to get somewhere

Our last Warhammer Game

So I've managed to find images of our very last game at one of our battle brothers' houses - It was myself & Jim, vs Jarv and Nik. 
  • The Grey Knights using strategies drop onto the objective and set up base.
  • Chaos and Necrons start marching across the field.
  • Niks doomsday Arch is sniping enemies, the grey knights and ultramarines lay fire on the approaching Necron and Chaos armies.
  • The game ended up with us winning the game, as Jim had managed to hold the objective till the end unopposed, I had my army ripped apart by chaos and Necron fire, one Ultramarine survived, a few Necron warriors and the Doomsday Arch survived, chaos were vanquished and ran back to the warp and the Grey Knights stood like an iron wall.

  • 2x MVP moments - Niks doomsday arch shoots and blows up my Repulsor in one shot and my Captain knocks out Jarvs Hellbrute.

Captain Vann Stormwind, survives an attack by a hell brute, destroys it with 1 wound left, and continues to the objective. 

The formation of the approaching chaos and Necron team up

Close up of Khorne Berzerkers and Kharn the betrayer chaos champion.

Close up of the Ultramarines setting up for the oncoming storm

Close up of my base painted Redemptor Dreadnought.

The mighty GreyKnights hold up on the objectives amidst the chaos swarm.

The last Ultramarine survives amongst the last few Necron warriors on the field

The approaching Necrons.

Stay Safe and keep living the dream!
